Unleash the Power of Keras: Publish Your Models on Kaggle and Hugging Face

Discover how to easily publish your custom Keras models on Kaggle and Hugging Face, making your creations accessible to the wider developer community.

Publish your Keras models on Kaggle and Hugging Face

Kaggle Models opened up for user contributions, with Keras model uploads. Learn how to publish your fine-tuned Keras models on Kaggle and Hugging Face.

Dive into Aquarium Health Monitoring with AI-Powered Ultrasonic Sensors

Discover how an innovative Arduino-based system leverages AI and ultrasonic sensors to provide a comprehensive assessment of your aquarium's water quality, helping aquarium enthusiasts keep their underwater ecosystems thriving.

Krita Developers Deliver Exciting Updates in Monthly Release

The Krita-promo team has just released the 15th edition of their monthly update, showcasing the latest developments and community highlights for the popular open-source digital painting software.

Rust Joins Open Source Promotion Plan (OSPP) 2024

The Rust programming language team is thrilled to announce their participation in the Open Source Promotion Plan (OSPP) 2024, a program organized by the Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences to engage college students in open-source development.

MBition Becomes a Patron of the KDE Community

KDE's technology and expertise have been crucial for MBition's infotainment system development, leading the software company to become a patron of the open-source community.

Unlock Powerful Semantic Search with Django, PostgreSQL, and pgvector

Discover how to seamlessly integrate advanced semantic search capabilities into your Django-based web projects, leveraging the power of PostgreSQL and the pgvector extension.

A quick start guide to image mode for Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Image mode for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) uses the same tools, skills, and patterns as containerized applications to deliver an operating system that is easier to build, ship and run.

Leveraging Kernel Module Management Operator for hardware accelerator enablement

Being a cluster administrator can come with its own challenges, especially with environments that carry out-of-tree (OOT) cluster modules. Upgrading device plug-ins or different kernel versions can be prone to errors when doing so one-by-one.

Elastic's OpenTelemetry Distribution for Node.js: A Seamless Path to Observability

Elastic introduces its OpenTelemetry Distribution for Node.js, making it easier for developers to get started with observability for their Node.js applications.

Open Communities Bring the Potential of AI to Reality

Red Hat's President and CEO Matt Hicks announced the open sourcing of Granite language and code-assistant LLMs, and InstructLab, which allows anyone to train and tune large language models.

RHEL AI: A New Open Source Way for Enterprise AI

Red Hat has announced a developer preview of Red Hat Enterprise Linux AI, a platform to develop, test and run open source Granite generative AI models for enterprise applications.

Red Hat transforms application connectivity for the hybrid cloud with Red Hat Connectivity Link

We are pleased to introduce the developer preview of Red Hat Connectivity Link, a hybrid multicloud application connectivity solution that provides a cohesive platform for enhanced application performance, global scalability and robust security capabilities through simplified deployment and management processes.

Raspberry Pi Connect: Unlocking the Power of Connectivity

Discover how the Raspberry Pi platform is revolutionizing the way developers connect their projects to the digital world, with a range of innovative networking features and tools.

Optimize Your Eloquent Queries with AI

The Laravel Slower package is designed to help developers enhance the performance of their Laravel applications by identifying slow queries and providing AI-powered optimization suggestions.

Fortran Takes Flight: Cloudflare Workers Now Support Scientific Programming Language

Work on LLVM has enabled Fortran to compile to WebAssembly, allowing developers to run the powerful scientific programming language on Cloudflare's serverless platform.

Quick Guide: Deploying a Single-Page Application in Minutes with Amazon CodeCatalyst

Discover how the AWS CodeCatalyst service empowers software teams to quickly and easily deploy single-page applications (SPAs) on AWS Amplify Hosting in under 10 minutes.

Apache Causeway Empowers Java Developers with Major Releases

The Apache Software Foundation announces the release of Apache Causeway 2.0 and 3.0, enabling rapid development of maintainable domain-driven Java applications.

Qt Creator 13.0.1 Brings Improvements and Bug Fixes

The Qt team has released Qt Creator 13.0.1, focusing on resolving issues and enhancing the development experience for Qt users.

Secure Your Git: Authenticate Your Code with Guix

Discover how to ensure the authenticity of your Git checkouts with the innovative command 'guix git authenticate' - a must-read for any software developer who cares about the security of their codebase.

PHP Community Celebrates Latest PECL Releases

The PHP developer community is buzzing with excitement as the Open Telemetry project announces the release of version 1.0.3 and 1.0.3beta1 of their PECL package.

Exploring cursor_tuple_fraction with the PostgreSQL JDBC Driver

Laurenz Albe, a senior consultant and support engineer at CYBERTEC, shares his experience investigating the PostgreSQL parameter 'cursor_tuple_fraction' and its impact on the JDBC driver.

Arm engineers pack GCC 13 with performance-boosting features

The GCC 13 compiler release is out, and Arm engineers have contributed a host of optimizations and new features to give developers a significant performance boost on Arm architectures.

Simplify CSRF Token Validation with the New #[IsCsrfTokenValid] Attribute in Symfony 7.1

The new #[IsCsrfTokenValid] attribute in Symfony 7.1 makes it easier to validate CSRF tokens in your controllers, reducing boilerplate code.

Rust Project Goals: Shaping the Future of the Language

The Rust programming language community has announced the launch of an experimental roadmapping effort called 'Rust Project Goals' to establish priorities and drive the language's development for the second half of 2024.

Simplify CRISPR Detection with CRISPRCasFinder

Discover how to easily install CRISPRCasFinder, a powerful tool for detecting CRISPR and cas genes in bacterial genomes, with this step-by-step guide.

Reshaping the future of API platforms

Kong, a cloud-native API gateway, shares insights on the evolving API landscape and how developers can stay ahead of the curve.

DIY Smart Glasses: Unlocking the Power of Arduino

Discover how to create your own affordable Arduino-powered smart glasses with a step-by-step tutorial from the Arduino team. Explore the optical engineering behind these innovative wearables.

Elastic and AWS deliver on AI-driven security analytics

Elastic's Attack Discovery and Amazon Bedrock empower security teams to tackle cyber threats faster and more accurately than ever before.

Building a book review site with Block Bindings, part 1: Custom fields and block variations

The author covers how to use the Block Bindings API in combination with Block Variations to build a custom book review site, including registering custom fields and creating block variations to easily insert bound blocks.

Community-driven Discussions: Unlocking Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing on GitHub

GitHub's community-focused Discussions feature empowers teams to engage in productive conversations, gather feedback, and build internal communities of learning at scale.

Unlock the Power of Einstein for Developers at Dreamforce 2024

The Dreamforce 2024 Call for Participation is now open, and Salesforce is looking for expert developers to share their insights on using Einstein AI to build innovative applications on the Salesforce platform.

Unleash Your Coding Creativity: Unusual Ideas with Amazing Results

Discover how CodePen's very own Chris Coyier pushes the boundaries of web development with his unique and innovative coding projects that leave developers in awe.

Automate VS Code installation on a cloud VM and set up remote access

Learn how to automate the installation of VS Code on a VM running on a cloud provider and how to access it from your local laptop.

Unlock Your Potential: Dreamforce 2024 Seeking Developer Presentations

Dreamforce 2024 is calling for developer session proposals! Seize the opportunity to share your expertise, showcase innovative solutions, and connect with the Salesforce technical community.

Mission-Critical Automation Takes Flight at Southwest Airlines

In the modern era, the airline industry makes so much possible - whether it's seeing the people we love across the country or the world, exploring the places we don't know or returning home, travel helps us live our lives through meaningful experiences. For this, Southwest Airlines focuses on making air travel accessible to everyone through friendly, reliable and low-cost services.

Fullstack TypeScript: Reintroducing AWS Amplify

AWS Amplify Gen 2 brings a fullstack TypeScript experience for building cloud-connected apps, allowing you to define everything in TypeScript - from the frontend to the backend.

Rust's New Automatic Cfg Checking

Rust's Cargo and Compiler teams have announced an exciting new feature that automatically checks the validity of all reachable #[cfg] conditions, helping developers catch potential bugs early in the development process.

7 ways to optimize cloud spend with Terraform

Learn about Terraform features that can optimize cloud spending at every stage of growth.

Tokyo to Host openSUSE.Asia Summit 2024

The openSUSE Project is excited to announce that the openSUSE.Asia Summit 2024 will be held in Tokyo, Japan, the capital city known for its blend of tradition and cutting-edge technology.

Unlocking PostgreSQL's Efficiency: Nazir Bilal Yavuz's Insights

Nazir Bilal Yavuz, an open source PostgreSQL developer at Microsoft, shares his passion for the database system and his contributions towards improving its performance and developer experience.

Elastic Security Labs releases guidance to avoid LLM risks and abuses

Elastic Security Labs aims to democratize knowledge and support the fight against threat actors with its newest publication: the LLM Safety Assessment, providing crucial information to protect LLM implementations.

Combating LLM Threat Techniques with Elastic AI Assistant

Elastic Security Labs has released a report on the top LLM security threats and how the Elastic AI Assistant addresses them, ensuring the secure adoption of generative AI.

Elastic's AI-Driven Security Analytics Takes SIEM to the Next Level

Elastic is revolutionizing the SIEM landscape with its new AI-driven security analytics solution, which prioritizes attacks over alerts to help security teams work smarter, not harder.

Unlocking the Power of Elastic AI Assistant: Comprehensive Security Measures

Elastic Security Labs reveals cutting-edge strategies to safeguard generative AI systems, ensuring the secure and responsible adoption of transformative technologies.

Built-in protections for Elastic AI Assistant

Elastic Security Labs has released a new report on the LLM Safety Assessment, highlighting important implementation risks and threats. This article explores how Elastic's AI Assistant addresses these concerns.

Unleashing the Power of Full-Stack Development with AWS Amplify

Discover how the evolution of web development has paved the way for modern, efficient, and scalable full-stack applications powered by AWS Amplify.

Unleash Opta's Potential: New Expansions Boost Industrial Automation

The Arduino team has unveiled a suite of expansion modules for their Opta micro-PLC, empowering engineers to seamlessly scale their industrial automation projects with unparalleled flexibility and simplicity.

QML Efficiency Unleashed: Compilers, Language Server, and Type Annotations

Discover the power of modern QML tooling, from utilizing the QML Language Server to boost your development workflow to leveraging type annotations for more efficient code generation.

Build Your SaaS In Days With SaaSykit

SaaSykit is a feature-rich Laravel SaaS boilerplate that helps you build and launch your SaaS application in days instead of months.

Rust's Trusty Tool: Rustup 1.27.1 Delivers Smooth Sailing

The Rustup team celebrates the release of Rustup 1.27.1, bringing bug fixes and improvements to the trusted Rust installation tool.

Unlocking the Fundamentals of Great UI Design with RAD Studio

Embarcadero's recent webinar revealed the secrets behind creating cross-platform apps with stunning, modern user interfaces using RAD Studio.

The Fundamental Secrets Of Good UI Design - Webinar Replay

Embarcadero's recent UI design webinar revealed the key principles for creating modern, visually appealing and user-friendly applications with RAD Studio.

Dive into Symfony Serializer: Flexibility and Performance

Explore the evolution of Symfony's Serializer component and learn how to unlock its full potential by balancing flexibility and performance.

Lawsuit Aims to Legalize Adversarial Interoperability

A new lawsuit is attempting to make adversarial interoperability legal, a complex issue involving an obscure Section 230 provision and a potential 'Trojan horse' hidden within.

Harness the Power of Postgres' Notifier Pattern for Seamless Application Integrations

Discover how the Notifier Pattern can revolutionize your Postgres-powered applications by optimizing listen/notify usage, reducing connection overhead, and ensuring robust error handling.

Dive into Symfony's New TypeInfo Component

Explore the powerful TypeInfo component that enhances type information extraction in Symfony 7.1.

Cultivating Community: Highlights from the Second Day of LibrePlanet 2024

A technical journalist provides an engaging overview of the key discussions and activities from the second day of the Free Software Foundation's annual LibrePlanet conference, which focused on nurturing the free software community.

Bitemporal Tables in PostgreSQL 17: Significance and Beyond

Explore the significant introduction of bitemporal primary keys and unique constraints in PostgreSQL 17, and dive into the author's insights on the future of temporal tables support.

PostgreSQL Shines at LinuxFest Northwest

Tech journalist gorthx shares the highlights from the PostgreSQL booth at LinuxFest Northwest, a popular open-source conference in Bellingham, Washington.

Free Software Award Winners Honored: Bruno Haible, code.gouv.fr, and Nick Logozzo

The Free Software Foundation (FSF) has announced the recipients of the 2023 Free Software Awards, celebrating individuals and projects that have made significant contributions to the free software movement.

Harness the Power of Arduino for Real-Time Weather Monitoring

Discover how a Hackster.io user leveraged the Arduino MKR WiFi 1010 board and cloud-based platform to create a DIY weather station that provides real-time data insights.

Simplify Amazon EKS Deployments with GitHub Actions and AWS CodeBuild

In this blog post, the authors explore how to simplify Amazon EKS deployments by leveraging GitHub Actions and AWS CodeBuild, showcasing a streamlined CI/CD pipeline for deploying a Python application to Amazon EKS.

Plasma Mobile Navigates a Gesture Overhaul

In this captivating tale, a developer takes on the challenge of revamping the navigation gestures for Plasma Mobile, unveiling a journey filled with technical discoveries and innovative solutions to enhance the user experience.

Berlin Goals Sprint 2024: KDE Contributors Make Progress on Community Goals

A KDE contributor recounts their experiences and achievements during a recent sprint in Berlin, where they focused on advancing the KDE community's goals, including automated GUI testing for Dolphin and improvements to KIO's CI testing.

Junichi Uekawa Shares Insights on Balancing Life and Work

In this article, technical journalist Junichi Uekawa discusses the challenges of maintaining a healthy work-life balance in the software development industry.

Stay Ahead with Symfony: Your Weekly Digest

Dive into the latest Symfony updates, from maintenance releases to the highly anticipated Symfony 7.1 beta. Uncover the key highlights and discover what's new in the Symfony ecosystem.

Carp::Object: An Improved Error Handling Library for Perl Developers

Dami, a Perl blogger, has introduced Carp::Object, a new object-oriented replacement for the popular Carp and Carp::Clan modules in Perl. This article provides an overview of the key features and benefits of this new library.

Building Custom Guitars with GNOME Builder

Discover how a technical journalist who grew up in the guitar-building capital of Washington State is leveraging GNOME Builder to create his own custom guitar projects.

LibrePlanet 2024: Cultivating a Welcoming Free Software Community

The Free Software Foundation's annual LibrePlanet conference kicked off with a focus on building thriving, inclusive free software communities. Discover the key insights from the event's opening day.

Perl Toolchain Summit 2024: Advancing the Perl Ecosystem

Paul Johnson, a technical journalist, provides an engaging overview of the Perl Toolchain Summit 2024, where Perl community members gathered to work on improving the infrastructure and tools that support the Perl programming language.

Powering Mobile Experiences: An Interview with Plasma Mobile's Lead Developer

Dive into the world of Plasma Mobile as the postmarketOS podcast features an in-depth interview with Devin Lin, the lead developer behind this open-source mobile platform.

Revitalizing the VYM Mindmapping Application for Debian

A technical journalist explores how a Debian developer has reworked the VYM mindmapping software to bring it up to date, complete with packaging improvements and upstream contributions.

Akademy is Calling for Talks: Don't Miss Your Chance to Share Your Work

The annual world summit for KDE, Akademy 2024, is happening in Würzburg from September 7th to 12th. Blogger Albert Astals Cid encourages the KDE community to submit their talk proposals before the May 24th deadline.

KDE's Plasma 6.1 Brings Smooth Refinements and Bug Fixes

KDE developer Nate Graham provides an exciting overview of the improvements coming to Plasma 6.1, including UI enhancements, bug fixes, and behind-the-scenes improvements.

KDE's position in the world explored in Tech Over Tea interview

Nate, a technical journalist, recently appeared on Brodie Robertson's Tech Over Tea channel for a second interview. The discussion covered various topics related to KDE, including its position in the world, fundraising and financial stability, and the challenges of packaging software.

Squid Purses: Unique Accessories for the Adventurous

Discover the latest fashion trend in sustainable accessories - squid-shaped purses. This article explores the creative and unexpected design choices made by the artists behind these unique bags.

Markdown Mastery Unveiled: Apostrophe 3.0 Brings Powerful Upgrades

Discover the latest enhancements in the GNOME Markdown editor Apostrophe, including a new toolbar, improved security, and enhanced Hemingway mode. Plus, get updates on other GNOME apps and libraries, from Workbench to Tracker.

Unleash the Power of Elastic AI and Amazon Bedrock for Advanced Observability

Elastic has released version 8.13, integrating the Elastic AI Assistant with Amazon Bedrock to supercharge observability. This article explores the step-by-step setup process and demonstrates how to leverage the combined power of Elasticsearch and LLMs for smarter incident resolution.

Schneier's Top TED Talks Shared in One Place

Renowned security expert and author Bruce Schneier has delivered several thought-provoking TED talks over the years. This article provides a quick overview of his key presentations on security, internet power dynamics, and medical data privacy.

Tumbleweed Evolves: A Tech Journalist's Take on the Latest Updates

Dominique Leuenberger, a technical journalist, provides an engaging overview of the recent changes and updates in the openSUSE Tumbleweed project, covering the past two weeks of software releases and development progress.

Refresh Tokens: Securely Renew Access Tokens in Your iOS Swift App

Learn how to use Refresh Tokens to securely renew Access Tokens without user interaction in your iOS Swift app integrated with Auth0.

Unleash Visual Studio 2022's New Safety Checks

The C++ team at Microsoft has introduced a suite of new checks in Visual Studio 2022 to help developers write safer and more reliable C++ code. Discover the latest advancements in this comprehensive overview.

Exciting New Features in LangSmith and Advancements in LangGraph

The latest updates from the LangChain team include improved regression testing, hotkeys in annotation queues, Mustache support, and new tutorials on building powerful RAG agents with LangGraph.

Unleashing the Power of Rich: A Python Tabular Delight

Discover how a Python developer utilized the Rich library to streamline the presentation of tabular data with hyperlinks, showcasing its versatility and ease of use.

Dive Into Redis' Exciting April Updates: A Comprehensive Recap

Discover the latest features and enhancements from Redis, including brand updates, documentation improvements, and cloud service advancements – all in a quick, engaging read.

Uncovering the Differences: Implicit Conversion in Oracle vs. PostgreSQL Migrations

Explore the challenges of implicit conversion when migrating from Oracle to PostgreSQL, and discover solutions to ensure seamless data handling.

Unraveling the Fluid Framework: How SharedTree Merges Changes

Microsoft's Fluid Framework enables real-time collaboration through its SharedTree data structure. Explore the intricacies of how SharedTree handles concurrent edits and ensures seamless merging.

Monitoring vs. Observability: Unveiling the Key Differences

Monitoring and observability are often used interchangeably, but they are not exactly the same. This article explores the key distinctions between the two, highlighting how observability provides deeper insights and greater flexibility in modern cloud-native environments.

Build Your Python Toolbox: Explore the Latest Visual Studio Code Extensions

Discover the powerful new capabilities unveiled in the May 2024 release of the Python and Jupyter extensions for Visual Studio Code, helping you write better Python code more efficiently.

Leveraging Symfony UX in a Real Application

Discover how to use Symfony UX, the new front-end framework from the Symfony team, in a practical application. Explore the principles, component architecture, and the positive impact it can have on your development team.

Building an AI engineering team: Interview with Catherine Weeks from OpenShift AI

We all want to know that the work we do makes a difference. Right now, the Red Hat OpenShift AI team is making their mark in an industry that is in the middle of a rapid evolution.

Unlock the Power of AI for Secure, Compliant Operations

Discover how Elastic AI Assistant's locally hosted models empower organizations to leverage generative AI while enhancing data privacy and security, reducing threat detection latency, and gaining operational control.

A Roundup of the Latest Web Trends and Innovations

In this week's web review, our tech journalist explores a range of topics that are shaping the future of the digital landscape, from the changing dynamics of the tech industry to the evolution of web technologies and development practices.

Red Hat OpenShift Takes the Stage at Summit Next Week

It's the Friday before Red Hat Summit May 6 through 9 in Denver, Colorado. I'm all packed, rehearsed and ready to go, along with all the Red Hat experts and leaders from the Red Hat OpenShift team. It's game on!

On with the Show! This is It! Red Hat OpenShift Takes the Stage at Summit Next Week.

It's the Friday before Red Hat Summit May 6 through 9 in Denver, Colorado. I'm all packed, rehearsed and ready to go, along with all the Red Hat experts and leaders from the Red Hat OpenShift team. It's game on!

Moonshine: The Open-source Admin Panel for Laravel

Moonshine is an open-source package for Laravel that offers a powerful and customizable admin panel, helping developers create MVPs, back-office applications, and content management systems quickly.

Harnessing Saturation Arithmetic: Introducing the pg-saturated_int Extension

Explore how the pg-saturated_int extension from Adjust can help you manage integer overflow issues in your PostgreSQL database, using saturation arithmetic for seamless data handling.

Bring Skia Shaders and SVG Images to Life with C++ Builder 12

Explore the power of Skia graphics library and learn how to harness its shader capabilities and SVG image support in the latest C++ Builder 12 IDE.

Galco Goes Platinum! Arduino's Newest System Integrator Partner

Galco, a leading e-commerce distributor of industrial and commercial electrical products, has joined the Arduino Pro System Integrators Partnership Program at the Platinum level, offering clients access to a wider range of innovative automation and control solutions.

Cracking the Enigma: Rare Insights from Marian Rejewski

Rarely seen interviews with Marian Rejewski, the pioneering cryptanalyst who first cracked the Nazi Enigma code, offer a fascinating glimpse into the history of cryptography.

Uncover the Latest Java and Kotlin Innovations - Java Annotated Monthly May 2024

Discover the hottest updates, insights, and discussions from the tech scene, as Java Annotated Monthly returns with a special guest - Java Champion Holly Cummins!

3D-Printed Stormtrooper Helmet Brings Star Wars to Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi enthusiasts have discovered a new way to celebrate May the Fourth - by creating a 3D-printed Stormtrooper helmet powered by the beloved Raspberry Pi microcomputer.

The Reverse Mullett Model of Software Engineering

Eira May, a staff writer at Stack Overflow, explores a new model for software engineering that challenges the traditional approach of frontloading the design process.

Red Hat Simplifies Standard Operating Environments Across the Hybrid Cloud with Latest Version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.4 adds proactive guidance for building software images and extends system management and automation across distributed environments.

Celebrating a Year of the MDN Blog: Highlights, Insights, and the Road Ahead

Dive into the captivating world of the MDN Blog as we reflect on a year of engaging content, popular topics, and exciting updates from the MDN team.

Perl Benchmark Suite Gains Custom Benchmark Support

Dimitrios Kechagias, a computer scientist and Perl enthusiast, has announced that his Benchmark::DKbench Perl benchmark suite now allows developers to incorporate their own custom benchmarks.

Rookie DPL Shares Insights: A Sneak Peek into Debian's Leadership

In this fresh take, a technical journalist provides a captivating overview of the new Debian Project Leader's (DPL) experience during their first ten days in office, highlighting key activities and priorities.

Upgrade to Elastic Stack 7.17.21 for the Latest Fixes

Elastic, the company behind Elasticsearch, has released version 7.17.21 of the Elastic Stack. This latest update includes bug fixes and improvements across the stack, and the author recommends that developers upgrade to take advantage of the enhancements.

Embracing the Family of Free and Friendly Open Source Software

Exploring the harmonious and collaborative spirit within the diverse world of FOSS, where passionate developers work together to create remarkable software.

Arduino-Powered Beach Bot Sweeps Shoreline Clean

The Seaside Sweeper, created by a team of students from the University of Colorado Boulder, is an Arduino-based robot that cleans up beaches autonomously or through remote control - a cost-effective solution for maintaining pristine sandy havens.

Empowering Bitbucket with Tailored Pipeline Management

META-INF, an Atlassian partner, shares how they developed Pipeline Forms, a Bitbucket Forge app that enhances pipeline management with customizable forms and advanced scheduling capabilities.

Uncovering Vector Space Redundancy: pgvector v0.7.0 Innovations

Postgres engineer Pavel Borisov introduces the latest enhancements to the pgvector extension, including float16 vectors, sparse vectors, and bit vectors, which enable significant performance and storage optimizations for vector-based applications.

Dependabot on GitHub Actions and self-hosted runners is now generally available

A quick guide on the advantages of Dependabot as a GitHub Actions workflow and the benefits this unlocks, including self-hosted runner support.

Elastic Stack 8.13.3: The Latest Patch Release Unveiled

Elastic, the company behind Elasticsearch, has just announced the release of version 8.13.3 of the Elastic Stack. This patch release focuses on addressing key issues and ensuring the stability and performance of the platform.

Celebrating Customer Success with Red Hat OpenShift Virtualization

Hear directly from customers about their experiences with Red Hat OpenShift Virtualization at the Red Hat Summit this year.

Bringing IvorySQL to Neon Autoscaling Platform

HighGo Software Inc., a leading provider of PostgreSQL databases, has integrated IvorySQL, an open-source database built on PostgreSQL, with the Neon Vertical Autoscaling Platform. This guide walks developers through the process of setting up IvorySQL on the Neon platform and showcases its Oracle-compatible features.

Scaling PayPal's AI Capabilities with PayPal Cosmos.AI Platform

PayPal has been investing in AI/ML for over a decade to drive innovation and deliver incredible value to customers. The blog details how the PayPal Cosmos.AI Platform is helping accelerate AI/ML adoption across the enterprise.

Simplify Your Code: Perl Weekly Challenge on Line Counting

Discover an efficient solution to the Perl Weekly Challenge 267's Line Count task, as a technical journalist explores the code authored by laurent_r.

Secure your software supply chain with GitHub's new Artifact Attestations

GitHub is introducing Artifact Attestations, a new feature that allows developers to create tamper-proof links between software artifacts and their build process. This will help improve supply chain security across the open-source ecosystem.

Harnessing the Power of AI: Weaviate and Red Hat OpenShift Enable Retrieval-Augmented Generation

Discover how Weaviate and Red Hat OpenShift empower organizations to unlock the full potential of AI-driven applications through the power of retrieval-augmented generation.

Recap of Perl Toolchain Summit 2024 in Lisbon

Chad 'Exodist' Granum, a technical journalist and Perl developer, shares his experience and key takeaways from the Perl Toolchain Summit 2024 held in Lisbon, Portugal.

Power Up Your Mobile Apps with NFCService: Unlock the Potential of Contactless Interactions

Discover how the new NFCService mobile capability from Salesforce can revolutionize your app development, enabling seamless contactless experiences for your users.

Secure Randomness in Go 1.22

Russ Cox and Filippo Valsorda introduce the new ChaCha8Rand generator in Go 1.22, which brings better randomness and less damage when developers accidentally use math/rand instead of crypto/rand.

Perl 5.40 Release Blockers Discussed in Latest Perl Steering Council Meeting

The Perl Steering Council recently met to discuss the final release blockers for the highly anticipated Perl 5.40 update, offering developers a sneak peek into the language's future.

Celebrating 1 year of A11y Design Bootcamp: Takeaways and tips

Alexis Lucio, an accessibility design expert at GitHub, reflects on the success of the company's A11y Design Bootcamp and shares key lessons for creating an effective accessibility training program.

Navigating the EU App Market: Key Updates for Developers

Apple has announced important changes to app distribution in the European Union, including a new Core Technology Fee and updates to iPadOS requirements. Discover how these updates impact your app business.

Automatically Improving Language Model Performance with Continual In-Context Learning

Dosu, an engineering assistant, uses a unique continual in-context learning approach to automatically improve its performance without relying on prompt engineering or complex fine-tuning. This simple yet effective technique can benefit any organization using language models.

Beyond the Insights: Unlocking FedRAMP for US Government Workloads

Here at Red Hat, we've spent over a decade building up the power of Red Hat Insights, making it one of the most valuable pieces of technology included in your Red Hat subscription. Now it's available in a FedRAMP-approved environment.

Unlock the Power of Gally: Enhancing Your Customers' Search Experience

Discover how bitExpert AG's Stephan Hochdörfer will showcase Gally, an advanced searchandising engine built on Symfony, API Platform, and Elasticsearch, at SymfonyLive Berlin 2024.

The Outreachy May 2024 Round: A Letter to Fedora Applicants

In this article, Justin, a Fedora Outreachy mentor, shares a heartfelt letter with the applicants of the Outreachy May 2024 round, reflecting on the record-breaking participation and the tough decisions ahead.

Node.js v22.1.0 Release Highlights

Explore the key features and improvements introduced in the latest Node.js release, including automatic on-disk code caching, DNS enhancements, and more.

Node.js v22.1.0 Brings Automatic On-Disk Code Caching and Other Improvements

Node.js v22.1.0 introduces a new feature to automatically cache compiled code on disk, improving startup times for subsequent runs. The release also includes other notable changes like IPv6 support in DNS lookups and a safer URL parsing method.

How to Operationalize Generative AI Consistently and at Scale

If you're like me, heck even my kids, you've been hearing all the AI hype lately. And I'm sure you're trying to figure out how it can benefit you. The possibilities seem endless.

Supercharge Your Coding with IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate 2024.1

Discover the latest enhancements to IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate, including full line code completion, AI Assistant updates, and a wealth of improvements across Spring, dev containers, Terraform, databases, and more.

Symfony 7.1: What's New?

Symfony 7.1.0-BETA1 has just been released, bringing a host of new features and improvements to the popular PHP framework.

Breathe Easier: How Arduino Helps Improve Indoor Air Quality

Dive into the innovative ways Arduino-based projects are enhancing home air quality and safety, from detecting HVAC failures to engaging students in air quality monitoring.

Rust 1.78.0 Brings Powerful Diagnostic Tools and Alignment Improvements

The Rust Release Team has announced the availability of Rust 1.78.0, introducing new diagnostic attributes, safer pointer handling, and more stable APIs for Rust developers.

GNOME Welcomes 8 New GSoC Contributors for 2024

The GNOME project is excited to announce that they will be mentoring 8 new contributors through the Google Summer of Code (GSoC) program in 2024. These talented individuals will be working on a variety of projects, from improving the developer experience with Tracker SPARQL to porting libipuz to Rust.

Kotlin Ecosystem Evolves: K2 Compiler Enhancements, Ktor News, and Data Analysis Highlights

Stay up-to-date with the latest Kotlin ecosystem developments, including K2 compiler improvements, Ktor updates, and the growing use of Kotlin for data analysis.

Securing IoT Devices: UK Bans Default Passwords

The UK becomes the first country to ban default passwords on IoT devices, a move that will improve security for consumers worldwide.

Unlocking Open-Source Potential: KDE's Google Summer of Code 2024 Interns

KDE, the renowned open-source software community, has announced its participation in Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2024, mentoring ten promising projects that aim to enhance the user experience across various KDE applications.

Debian Developer Shares FLOSS Contributions

In this article, we explore the diverse open-source activities of a Debian developer, showcasing their contributions to various projects and the Debian community.

Promote Akademy 2024 with Stunning E-Banners

The KDE community has released a set of eye-catching e-banners to help software developers spread the word about the upcoming Akademy 2024 conference.

Raspberry Pi Brings Poetry to Life with Cutting-Edge Camera

Discover how a team of innovative developers harnessed the power of Raspberry Pi to create a cutting-edge camera that can generate poetry in response to the world around it.

Secure Google Cloud Access with HCP Terraform's Workload Identity

Leverage workload identity federation to authenticate with Google Cloud without storing long-lived service account keys, making your HCP Terraform runs more secure.

AMD's AI Ecosystem Unlocks Optimized Performance for Generative AI Models

AMD and its partner, HEYINTELLIGENCE, collaborate to deliver accurate and efficient optimizations for fast generative AI on AMD GPUs, empowering developers to build high-performance, large-model applications.

Upgrade to RcppInt64 0.0.5 Brings Minor Maintenance

Dirk Eddelbuettel, a renowned software developer, has released version 0.0.5 of his RcppInt64 package, which provides an interface for working with 64-bit integers in R and C++.

Automate Terraform Deployments with Amazon CodeCatalyst and Terraform Community action

In this article, the author explains how to use the Terraform Community Edition action in Amazon CodeCatalyst to streamline the process of planning and applying Terraform configurations, and how to create a workflow that can leverage this action.

Infomaniak Becomes Platinum Sponsor of DebConf24

Infomaniak, an independent cloud service provider, has committed to sponsor DebConf24 as a Platinum Sponsor, contributing to the Debian annual Developers' conference and supporting the progress of Debian and Free Software.

Call for Perl and Raku Speakers at London Perl Workshop 2024

The London Perl & Raku Workshop (LPW) is seeking talk proposals for its 2024 conference, offering opportunities for both experienced and first-time speakers to showcase their expertise in Perl, Raku, and related technologies.

Hacking on PostgreSQL is No Easy Task

Robert Haas, a long-time PostgreSQL developer, dives into the technical challenges of contributing to the popular open-source database system and the impact it has on the community.

Rust Project Announces Exciting GSoC 2024 Initiatives

The Rust Project is participating in Google Summer of Code 2024, and has selected 9 innovative projects that will be worked on by talented developers over the coming months.

Postman v11: Unlocking the power of AI and APIs

Postman's latest release, v11, aims to supercharge development by enhancing collaboration, security, and AI capabilities for a new era of API-driven software.

From Gitolite to GitLab: Tor's Migration Journey

Tor, a leading privacy-focused organization, recently completed a major migration from its legacy Gitolite and GitWeb infrastructure to a self-hosted GitLab server. Learn about the challenges they faced and the automation they developed to streamline the process.

ERGs Encourage You to Come As You Are: Meet ElastAsians

Elastic's Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) are creating a diverse and inclusive workplace culture by bringing different backgrounds and perspectives together. The ElastAsians ERG is fostering community and belonging for Asian employees and their allies.

Empowering accessibility: GitHub's journey building an in-house Champions program

GitHub has been on a journey to empower developers, including those with disabilities, to participate fully on its platform. As part of this effort, the company launched an Accessibility Champions program to decentralize ownership of accessibility across the organization.

Postman v11 plans: Packaging updates and more to come in 2024

Postman is releasing major updates to its plans and packaging in v11, including a streamlined Enterprise offering, new add-ons, and changes to the Professional and Basic plans.

Unlock the Power of Google I/O: Exploring the Latest Developer Innovations

Dive into the exciting lineup for Google I/O 2024, where developers will discover the latest advancements in AI, Android, the web, and ChromeOS, all designed to empower the next generation of digital experiences.

Boundary 0.16 adds aliases, MinIO storage, and improved search

Boundary 0.16 improves user experience and governance by enabling simplified target connection with custom resource aliases, flexible storage options for session recordings with MinIO, and improved search and filtering.

Revolutionizing Regression Testing for AI Engineers

Discover how LangChain's improved regression testing experience empowers AI engineers to iterate with confidence and streamline their development process.

Upgrade your developer skills: 5 tips for 2024

From mastering prompt engineering to leveraging AI for code security, here's how you can excel in today's competitive job market.

Evolving the Go Standard Library with math/rand/v2

This article discusses the rationale behind the new math/rand/v2 package in Go 1.22, which brings important improvements to the existing math/rand API while setting an example for how the Go team plans to revise other standard library packages in the future.

Revive Your Google Calendar Syncing with KOrganizer

Unlock the full potential of your Google Calendar by seamlessly integrating it with KOrganizer. Discover the easy fix to get your calendar synchronization back on track.

Solving the Perl Weekly Challenge 267: Product Sign

A technical journalist explores the solutions to the Perl Weekly Challenge 267 task on finding the sign of the product of an array of integers, as presented by Perl and Raku programmer laurent_r.

Automating and Optimizing the KDE Ecosystem at the Goals Sprint 2024

KDE Software Platform Engineer Nicolas Fella reports on his contributions to the Sustainability, Accessibility, and Automatability goals at the recent KDE Goals Sprint in Berlin.

Relive History with AMD Ryzen™ AI

AMD celebrates its 55th Anniversary by using AI to restore and colorize historic photos and videos from the company's past.

Thwarting Cloud-Native Exploits: How the CrowdStrike Falcon Operator Secures Red Hat OpenShift

As Kubernetes becomes increasingly integral to production environments, cyber adversaries are likewise becoming more skilled in cloud-native exploitation. The CrowdStrike Falcon platform and its Kubernetes operator offer comprehensive protection.

Empowering Your Workforce with AI: How Moody's Copilot Ignited Innovation

Moody's, a leading risk assessment firm, developed and quickly launched a custom enterprise copilot to boost productivity and innovation across the company. This article explores their strategic approach to AI transformation.

A Roundup of Phosh and Related Free Software Updates

agx@sigxcpu.org, a prolific contributor to the Phosh project and other free software, shares a detailed monthly status update on the latest developments in the world of Phosh and beyond.

Upcoming Research at Stack Overflow

Stack Overflow's User Experience team is excited to share details on their upcoming research initiatives, which include discovering solutions for users' unique contexts, scaling the Staging Ground feature, and improving the answering experience. The team is looking for community members to participate in their research studies.

Unleash the Power of SORA: OpenAI's Revolutionary Text-to-Video AI Model

OpenAI's latest masterpiece, SORA, is poised to redefine the video generation landscape. This cutting-edge AI model can transform text prompts into high-quality, photorealistic video sequences, ushering in a new era of creativity and efficiency.

Unleash the Power of Replicate: Discover the Laravel PHP Client

Explore the Replicate Laravel package, a powerful PHP client for the Replicate API that lets you harness the power of open-source AI models in your applications.

Introducing SharePoint Framework 1.19: Enhancing Enterprise Extensibility Within Microsoft 365

Vesa Juvonen, Principal Program Manager at Microsoft, announces the general availability of SharePoint Framework (SPFx) 1.19, which introduces new capabilities for building enterprise solutions within the Microsoft 365 ecosystem.

Removing speed bumps from your projects

No one wants their app to be slow! Yet, we may all end up with less-than-optimal solutions that slow down API Platform-based applications' responses. Discover typical pitfalls and how to address them.

Know Before You Go: Red Hat Summit and AnsibleFest 2024

Red Hat Summit and AnsibleFest 2024 is just a few days away (May 6-9, 2024 in Denver, CO) and we know you won't want to miss out on any of the activities, sessions or events we have planned.

Simplify hybrid cloud operations with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.4

Architecting, deploying, and managing hybrid cloud environments can be a challenging and time-consuming process. With new features in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.4, you can speed-up and simplify many infrastructure life cycle operations across your entire hybrid cloud environment.

Don't Miss These 5 OpenShift AI Sessions at Summit

No doubt, over the past several months, your brain has been inundated with two letters: A + I. And it's for good reason. And while I won't restate the cliches or common wisdom, I will recommend 5 sessions at Red Hat Summit that will help you make sense of open source AI, learn more, and even play a game!

Announcing additional Extended Update Support for OpenShift 4.14 and beyond!

Red Hat is announcing an optional additional 12-month EUS term for OpenShift 4.14 and subsequent even-numbered Red Hat OpenShift releases in the 4.x series. This takes the full lifecycle available for these EUS releases of OpenShift to three (3) years.

Debian Developer Contributions: Fixing Bugs, Updating Packages, and Contributing to Python

In this article, we dive into the monthly contributions of Debian developer Colin Watson, who has been actively involved in various projects within the Debian ecosystem.

From AI Voice to Fraud: Exposing the Dark Side of Voice Manipulation

Scammers have found a new tactic to dupe companies - faking the voice of well-known figures. This technical journalist explores the alarming rise of AI-powered voice scams and their impact on the software development community.

Workbench 46.1: Enhancing Developer Productivity with Powerful Features

Sonny, the developer behind the Workbench application, has released version 46.1 with a host of new features aimed at improving the productivity of software developers.

Seeing the Future: Sign Language Translation Glasses Unveiled

Raspberry Pi Foundation takes assistive technology to new heights with their groundbreaking sign language translation glasses, a game-changer for the deaf and hard-of-hearing community.

Unleash the Power of Perl and Rust: Embedding Perl in Rust

Discover the captivating journey of a developer who combines the best of Perl and Rust, creating a Perl interpreter embedded within a Rust application.

The Beginner's Guide to Rust for Mediocre Programmers

Discover how a self-proclaimed mediocre programmer embraced Rust by adopting simple principles to navigate its complexities, from avoiding the borrow checker to leveraging derive macros.

Embark on a Galactic Adventure with 'To Each This World'

Julie E. Czerneda's standalone science fiction novel 'To Each This World' takes readers on a captivating journey through the last remnants of humanity in a carefully managed world, where the arrival of a long-lost probe sets off a dramatic chain of events.

Scaling Vault with HashiCorp Nomad: Part 1

Learn how to deploy the underlying HashiCorp Nomad infrastructure and configuration to run HashiCorp Vault as a Nomad job.

Satellite 6.14.4 Release Announced

Red Hat announces the release of Red Hat Satellite 6.14.4, an infrastructure management solution for Red Hat Enterprise Linux environments.

GNOME Asia 2024: Calling for Location Proposals

The GNOME Foundation is inviting bids to host GNOME Asia 2024, providing an exciting opportunity for cities to bring this prestigious open-source event to their local communities.

PyCharm 2024.1.1 Brings AI Assistant, Improved Endpoints Tool, and Cross-Notebook Navigation

Discover the latest updates in PyCharm 2024.1.1, including the introduction of JetBrains AI Assistant in the Community Edition, enhanced Endpoints tool window, and seamless navigation and refactoring across notebooks and scripts.

The 150x pgvector speedup: a year-in-review

In this exciting technical article, software journalist Jonathan Katz provides a comprehensive year-in-review of the impressive performance improvements made to the popular pgvector PostgreSQL extension. Covering key metrics like recall, storage size, index build time, and query throughput, Katz showcases a remarkable 150x speedup in index build time - a true testament to the ongoing development and optimization of this powerful vector search tool.

Secure your container build and publish with .NET 8

Richard Lander, a Product Manager on the .NET team, explains how .NET 8 raises the bar for container security and makes it easy to produce non-root container images that align with industry best practices and standards.

GNU Roundup: Eleven New Releases Unveiled

The Free Software Foundation's Amin Bandali has announced eleven new GNU software releases, showcasing the prolific development happening across the GNU ecosystem.

Uncover the Future of Red Hat OpenShift at Red Hat Summit 2024

Red Hat Summit 2024 in Denver, Colorado is just around the corner. Find out what's next for Red Hat OpenShift and how you can connect with the product experts.

Uncovering the Origins of Your Software: A Supply Chain Security Odyssey

GitHub is working with the open-source community to bring new supply chain security capabilities to the platform, ensuring developers can trust the software they use.

Jordyn Short's Return to Elastic: Finding Stability in a Dynamic Environment

Six months after leaving Elastic to work at a startup, Jordyn Short made the decision to return to the company, citing the need for more structure and stability in her work environment.

Discover what's next for Red Hat OpenShift at Red Hat Summit 2024

Exciting updates on the future of Red Hat OpenShift, including roadmap sessions and customer cases at the upcoming Red Hat Summit in Denver, Colorado.

Unlock Mobile Security with BiometricsService

Salesforce's new BiometricsService capability allows developers to add biometric authentication to their mobile apps, helping keep sensitive data secure.

Mastering LDAP Authentication in PgBouncer with PAM

Explore how to leverage LDAP authentication in PgBouncer through PAM, enabling secure and seamless database access for your enterprise.

Discover C++ Innovations at Pure Virtual C++ 2024

Microsoft's free one-day virtual conference for the C++ community is now live, featuring sessions on shader testing, message handling, embedding a programming language, and more.

Understanding Red Hat's response to the XZ security incident

March 29, 2024 is a day that will hardly be forgotten by the open source community: Andres Freund disclosed his findings about the compromise in the xz compression library, which would enable an attacker to silently gain access to a targeted affected system.

Boost your cluster operations with Deployment Validation and Insights Advisor for Workloads

Hey admins, are app developers crashing your clusters? Do they cost you additional operations toil while fixing performance and scalability issues? There's a new and exciting way that Red Hat Insights for Red Hat OpenShift can help you address these issues.

openSUSE Tumbleweed Update Keeps Rolling with New Features and Fixes

The openSUSE Tumbleweed rolling release saw a flurry of updates in April, bringing new features, enhancements, and crucial security fixes across a range of critical components.

Insightful Links Highlight Tech Trends and Political Controversies

Software developer and blogger Russell Coker shares a diverse array of thought-provoking articles on topics ranging from AI ethics to political debates, providing developers with a valuable overview of current industry and societal discussions.

Postgres Extension Ecosystem Mini-Summit

The Postgres Extension Ecosystem Mini-Summit is a virtual gathering to explore the current state and future of Postgres extension registration, packaging, and distribution.

Collaborating smarter, not harder

Carrie Koos, a staff member at Stack Overflow, and Natalie Rotnov, a product marketing manager, have collaborated to introduce exciting new features and capabilities to Stack Overflow for Teams. Their focus is on making collaboration more intuitive, meaningful, and outcome-driven for software developers.

3D-Printing a Raspberry Pi 5 is Now Possible

Raspberry Pi enthusiasts can now create their own custom Raspberry Pi 5 devices using 3D printing technology. This innovative approach offers new possibilities for hardware modifications and personalization.

The Apache Hive 4.0 Release Unlocks Unprecedented Data Management Capabilities

The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) has announced the release of Apache Hive 4.0, a major update that empowers data engineers, analysts, and architects with enhanced data management and analytics capabilities at an unprecedented scale.

Unlock the Power of Larger Screens: Arduino IoT Remote App Now Natively Supports Tablets

The Arduino team has unveiled the latest version of their IoT Remote app, featuring a tablet-optimized interface that unleashes the full potential of larger screens for home automation, industrial control, and in-vehicle applications.

Strict PHP: Keeping Your Symfony Applications under Control

Alexander M. Turek, a freelance software developer, will share his insights on how a stricter approach to programming PHP can help maintain control and ease of changes in Symfony applications.

Unlocking PostgreSQL's Logging Potential: A Developer's Guide

Discover the key to mastering PostgreSQL logs and unleash the power of your database with this comprehensive guide for software developers.

Unleash the Power of BlueStacks: Run Android Apps on Your PC with Delphi 12.1

Discover how to leverage the BlueStacks Android Simulator with Delphi 12.1 to develop and test your Android applications on your PC, taking advantage of the latest features and capabilities.

AI-Powered Boost for IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition

The latest update to IntelliJ IDEA brings exciting new capabilities to the Community Edition, including the integration of AI Assistant to enhance the coding experience for developers.

India Threatens to Ban WhatsApp Over Encryption

Meta has threatened to pull WhatsApp out of India if the courts try to force it to break its end-to-end encryption, highlighting the ongoing tension between privacy and security.

Descent 3: Freed to Open Source

After 25 years, the popular 1999 game Descent 3 has been released to open source, allowing the community to revive and modernize this classic shooter.

Dive into the Latest PECL Releases: A Developer's Guide

Discover the latest updates and enhancements to popular PECL extensions, including gRPC, Couchbase, and HDR Histogram, from our technical journalist's perspective.

Net neutrality is in, TikTok and noncompetes are out

In this technical news roundup, learn about the FTC's ban on noncompete agreements, the impact of a 2017 tax law on startups, a major therapy data breach, the TikTok ban, and the return of net neutrality.

Perl Toolchain Summit 2024: A Smoother Path Forward

The author, Leo Lapworth, details the MetaCPAN team's journey at the Perl Toolchain Summit 2024, where they overcame Kubernetes challenges and embraced a managed Kubernetes service, setting them up for success.

Navigating Kubernetes Clusters: Lessons from PTS 2024

In this technical article, software developer Leo Lapworth shares his experiences and challenges faced during the deployment of a Kubernetes cluster for the Perl Toolchain Summit 2024 (PTS 2024) event.

From Shop Vac to Super-Roomba: An Arduino-Powered Cleaning Marvel

Discover how an Arduino enthusiast transformed a humble shop vac into a powerful, autonomous cleaning robot – a Roomba on steroids that can tackle even the toughest garage floors.

Unraveling the seL4 Microkit: A Captivating Wordle Journey

Dive into the seL4 Microkit tutorial, a framework for creating secure embedded systems on the fast and highly assured seL4 microkernel. Explore the Wordle game example as a gateway to understanding the core concepts of this innovative project.

Unlock the Power of AI: New Tools to Enhance Your Developers Experience

Google for Developers unveils cutting-edge AI-powered tools to streamline your coding journey and unlock new possibilities. Discover the future of developer productivity.

Unleashing Automation: Bugzilla Bot's Transformation

A technical journalist's look at the recent Automation & Systematization Sprint, where a KDE contributor enhanced the Bugzilla Bot to streamline bug management and free up developers for more valuable work.

Learn about virtualization at Red Hat Summit 2024

Virtualization is a hot topic in 2024, and for good reason. You want to know what options you have moving forward. This year's Red Hat Summit in Denver, CO (May 7-9) is a great place to ask questions and see how Red Hat can make your life easier.

Terraform improves permissions management for teams

HCP Terraform and Terraform Enterprise enhance permissions management capabilities to eliminate the bottleneck of relying solely on the owner for managing teams.

Mastering Keyboard Accessibility: Elevate Your .NET MAUI Apps

Discover how .NET MAUI enables developers to easily create keyboard-accessible app experiences that are inclusive and welcoming to all users.

Defending User Freedom: FSF Takes on Vizio in GPL Enforcement Battle

The Free Software Foundation (FSF) has been subpoenaed to testify in a case against Vizio, a leading TV manufacturer, over the enforcement of the GNU General Public License (GPL). This article explores the FSF's role in upholding user freedoms through GPL enforcement.

Forge Unlocks New Possibilities for Developers with Latest Releases

Atlassian's Forge platform is empowering developers to build better apps with three major new features: a native JavaScript runtime, Forge remote, and an improved UI kit. These updates unlock new possibilities for developer productivity and customer experiences.

Highlights from Git 2.45

Git 2.45 is here with experimental support for reftables, and SHA-256 interoperability. Get our take on the latest here.

Secure Your SPA with the Backend for Frontend (BFF) Pattern

Learn how the Backend for Frontend (BFF) pattern can help secure your Single-Page Application (SPA) by managing tokens and API requests on the server-side.

Unlock Your Coding Superpowers: GitHub Copilot Workspace Redefines the Developer Experience

GitHub introduces GitHub Copilot Workspace, a revolutionary AI-powered developer environment that seamlessly guides you from idea to code. Unleash your creativity and boost productivity like never before.

Unlock the Power of Cockpit in openSUSE Leap's Release Candidate

The openSUSE Leap 15.6 Release Candidate is here, and it brings the highly anticipated Cockpit web-based admin interface to both Leap and SUSE Package Hub users. Discover how this exciting development can streamline your system management.

Cutting-edge AI: Red Hat OpenShift AI shines with industry award wins

Red Hat OpenShift AI has had an incredible start to 2024, bringing in several industry award wins that recognize its innovation and impact.

Hear from your peers while at Red Hat Summit

The best parts about tech are the people, the camaraderie, and the collaboration. And one of the most valuable parts of Red Hat Summit is learning from your peers.

PHP Annotated - April 2024: The Latest Developments in the PHP Community

Get a quick overview of the most interesting PHP news, articles, tools, and videos from the past couple of months in this edition of PHP Annotated.

Designing Your Dream Development Job

In this insightful article, Chris shares his expertise on how software developers can design their ideal career path and land their dream job in the tech industry.

Homegate's Fast and Modern Search Experience Helps Users Find Their Dream Home

Homegate, a leading Swiss real estate marketplace, has modernized its tech stack and leveraged Elasticsearch to power a fast and personalized search experience, helping users find their dream homes.

Pure Virtual C++ 2024 is Tomorrow

Microsoft is hosting its free one-day virtual conference for the C++ community, featuring sessions on testing shader code, message handling, embedded programming languages, and more.

Captcha Cracked: Unraveling Dreamwidth's Security Measures

Discover the security challenges faced by Dreamwidth Studios as they implement CAPTCHA checks to validate user requests. This article provides a behind-the-scenes look at the company's efforts to maintain the integrity of their platform.

Symfony 7.0.7 released

The Symfony team has just announced the release of Symfony 7.0.7, which includes a number of bug fixes and improvements across various components.

KDE Neon Bounces Back After Plasma 6 Upgrade Issues

The KDE Neon team faced challenges with the Plasma 6 and KDE Frameworks 6 upgrades, leading to a rough transition for some users. But they've learned from the experience and are committed to improving their rolling release model.

Bulletproof deployments: Leveraging AWS CodePipeline's rollback feature

Discover how AWS CodePipeline's rollback feature can help you de-risk software releases and maintain system reliability, even in the face of unexpected issues.

Dive Into the Laravel Ecosystem: New Video Series Unveiled

Christoph Rumpel, a renowned Laravel expert, has launched an exciting new video series that explores the robust ecosystem of Laravel's first-party tools. Discover the ins and outs of the commercial offerings and free packages that make Laravel development a breeze.

Celebrating innovation: Red Hat Innovation Award winners announced

Red Hat recognizes the achievements of customers who are making a positive impact with open source technology.

Symfony 5.4.39: Bug Fixes Galore

The Symfony team has just released version 5.4.39, packed with a slew of bug fixes that improve the framework's stability and reliability.

Symfony 6.4.7 released: A quick look at the updates

Symfony, the popular PHP framework, has just released version 6.4.7. Here's a technical journalist's overview of the key changes in this update.

Puppet's Magical Journey with Raspberry Pi

Discover how the latest version of Puppet, Bechele 3.0, is seamlessly integrating with the Raspberry Pi platform, opening up new possibilities for developers.

Automate Chicago: Arduino's Cutting-Edge Solutions for Industrial Automation

Discover how Arduino is revolutionizing industrial automation with its open-source hardware and software solutions, including the Arduino Opta micro PLC, at the Automate Show 2024 in Chicago.

Designing Security-First Symfony Apps: Unleashing the Power of Symfony for Secure Development

Explore secure software development with Stiven Llupa and learn how to integrate security into your Symfony projects. Discover practical insights from real-world projects and enhance your apps without compromising on security.

Whalesong Cryptography: The Navy's Cold War Experiment

During the Cold War, the US Navy attempted to develop a secret code using recordings of whale and marine animal vocalizations, but the effort ultimately failed due to technological limitations.

Qt Visual Studio Tools 3.2.0 Unleashed: Streamlining Cross-Platform Development

The Qt Visual Studio Tools team has released version 3.2.0, bringing experimental QML LSP server support and full ARM64 compatibility for Visual Studio 2022. Discover the enhancements that empower your Qt development workflow.

Mastering CodeQL: Security Research Unlocked

Discover how to use CodeQL for advanced security research, from variant analysis to leveraging GitHub's powerful tools for bug hunting at scale.

Boost your app's APIs with Azure API Center integration in Dev Proxy v0.17

The latest version of Microsoft's Dev Proxy tool now integrates with Azure API Center, helping developers ensure their apps use the right APIs and stay compliant.

Exploring PostgreSQL's Evolving Platform Support

A technical journalist takes an in-depth look at the history of the PostgreSQL project's platform support, revealing an ever-changing landscape of operating systems and architectures.

Celebrating the Success of PG Day Chicago 2024

The author, a technical journalist, provides an exciting and engaging summary of the recent PG Day Chicago 2024 conference, highlighting the event's success and the positive impact it had on the Postgres community.

Reduce Your Power Clutter with the Latest USB Power Solutions

Discover how a new USB power supply packed with GaN technology and the latest USB PPS standard can simplify your device charging setup and keep your devices cooler while charging.

Unlock the Power of Skia in C++ Builder 12: A Guide to Stunning Graphics and Image Support

Discover how the latest RAD Studio C++ Builder 12 Update 1 brings the open-source Skia graphics library to C++, enabling smooth 2D graphics and support for a variety of image formats.

Boost Your Ansible Molecule Tests with Parallel Execution

Discover how a technical journalist optimized Ansible Molecule tests by running them in parallel, cutting execution time by over 50%.

This Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect-Powered Flute Blows Your PC's Mouse Away

Musician and software engineer Joren Six has developed a novel reinvention of the computer mouse that uses sound instead of physical movement, powered by an Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect.

Droidian Breathes New Life into the Galaxy Note 9

Russell Coker, a technical journalist, explores the potential of running Droidian, a Debian-based Linux distribution, on the Samsung Galaxy Note 9. He shares his experiences, insights, and challenges faced during the installation and testing process.

Symfony Developers, Dive Into the Latest Updates!

Symfony continues to evolve, with the team polishing new features for the upcoming 7.1 version. Discover the latest Symfony UX updates, conference details, and more in this weekly roundup.

Kitty and Mpv: Overlaying Video on the Terminal

Russell Coker, the author of the etbe blog, shares his experience with using the Kitty terminal emulator and Mpv video player together to watch videos while working in multiple terminals.

Boost Database Security: Restrict Users to Read Replicas

When you're working with large databases in production, it is incredibly common to use read-replicas to improve performance. This guide shows how to configure a database user to only login successfully on a read-replica.

Elevating Calendar Updates: qlcal 0.0.11 Arrives on CRAN

Dirk Eddelbuettel, a seasoned R developer, has just released version 0.0.11 of the qlcal package, which brings the calendaring parts of the QuantLib library to the R ecosystem.

Celebrating a Decade of FOSS North: Transitioning Leadership

The author, Johan, shares his reflections on the 10th edition of FOSS North, the open-source conference he has been organizing since 2016. He discusses the journey, the people involved, and his decision to step back as the lead organizer, passing the torch to Tobias.

KDE's Goal Sprint Tackles Accessibility, Sustainability, and Automation

In this article, the author provides a detailed overview of the key outcomes and discussions from the recent KDE joint sprint, which focused on accessibility, sustainability, and automation.

Megabytes and Gigabytes for All: Empowering KDE Users with Customizable Storage Sizes

Discover how KDE is making it easier for users to manage their storage units with the new option to display disk sizes in the familiar MB and GB formats. Plus, learn about other exciting UI improvements and bug fixes across the KDE ecosystem.

Simplifying C++ Senders and Receivers: Ville Wins the Sankel Award

Technical journalist David Sankel recaps the key takeaways from the recent ISO C++ Standards Meeting in Tokyo, including the simplification of the Sender/Receiver framework and other notable developments.

Unlock Powerful C++ Logging with RcppSpdlog 0.0.17

Dirk Eddelbuettel, a renowned software developer, has released version 0.0.17 of RcppSpdlog, a package that brings the powerful spdlog C++ logging library to the R programming language.

Cruise Ship Embarks on Quest to Spot Elusive Colossal Squid

A cruise ship is on a mission to catch a glimpse of the mysterious and massive colossal squid, a species that has long captivated the imagination of marine enthusiasts and scientists alike.

Upgrading GNOME with Quality Improvements

This week's GNOME update focuses on quality-of-life enhancements to core apps and libraries, including improvements to GTK and the Graphs data visualization tool.

Navigating the Experimental Waters of bcachefs: A Developer's Diary

Steinar H. Gunderson, a technical journalist, shares his ongoing experiences with the experimental filesystem bcachefs, offering a candid look at its strengths, challenges, and the importance of maintaining robust backups.

Ski Lift Spacer 2000: The Arduino-Powered Solution for Effortless Chairlift Setup

Discover how Marc Antaya, a ski lift operator, used an Arduino Nano Every board to create the Ski Lift Spacer 2000 - a device that helps ski lift operators attach chairs to the cable with precision and ease.

Accelerating the Adoption of Generative AI on Red Hat OpenShift

Red Hat's Performance and Scale Engineering team shares insights on optimizing Large Language Model inference performance on OpenShift AI.

Privacy Requirements for App Submissions Start May 1

Apple is reminding developers about new privacy requirements for app submissions starting May 1, 2024, including the need to provide privacy manifests and valid signatures for third-party SDKs.

Developers Rejoice: Linode's April 2024 Updates Unveiled

Linode, the leading cloud platform, has just released its latest updates for developers, packed with exciting new features and improvements to streamline their workflows.

Redefining development: The retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) revolution in software engineering

One of the latest advancements in natural language processing (NLP) is retrieval-augmented generation (RAG), a technique that combines the strengths of information retrieval and natural language generation (NLG). RAG can reshape how software is conceptualized, designed and implemented, ushering in a new era of efficiency and creativity powered by generative models.

Elastic Security evolves into the first and only AI-driven security analytics solution

Elastic Security is leading the charge in the SIEM 3.0 revolution by delivering the first and only security analytics solution with generative AI accelerating every core analyst workflow — optimizing your existing team and empowering newer members to get up and running faster and with more accuracy and efficacy.

Papa's Got a Brand New RAG

In this article, the author discusses how Postgres extensions can act as middleware, allowing databases to handle tasks like retrieving relevant information from a text corpus and feeding it into a large language model.

Airbnb Brandometer: Powering Brand Perception Measurement on Social Media Data with AI

At Airbnb, we have developed Brandometer, a state-of-the-art natural language understanding (NLU) technique for understanding brand perception based on social media data.

Automate Your Auth0 Infrastructure with CLI and Ansible

Streamline your Auth0 management with the power of CLI and Ansible. Learn how to automate user onboarding, role assignments, and more.

Arm64 and the Future of Automotive Software Development

Learn how GitHub's Enterprise Cloud, GitHub Actions, and Arm's latest Automotive Enhanced processors work together to usher in a new era of efficient, scalable, and flexible automotive software creation.

Streamlining Visual Studio's Connection Manager: A Seamless Debugging Experience

Microsoft has introduced usability improvements to the Visual Studio Connection Manager, providing developers with a more intuitive way to manage remote connections and troubleshoot failed connections.

Presence and Online Meeting Notifications Getting a Makeover

Microsoft Graph is making changes to its presence and online meeting basic change notifications, removing the detailed resource data to align with standard notification patterns.

Darryl Peek on Working for the Public Sector at Elastic

Darryl Peek, the Senior Director of Public Sector Channels and Alliances at Elastic, shares his journey of serving the public sector and supporting the government's mission through Elastic's technology.

Navigating the streaming data landscape with Apache Kafka and Red Hat

In application development, you need efficient and reliable data streaming tools. Developers want seamless data flow, real-time processing, and scalability in their applications.

DirectoryTree Authorization: A Native Role and Permission Management Package for Laravel Developers

The DirectoryTree Authorization package by Steve Bauman offers an easy, native role and permission management system for Laravel developers, with a lightweight API to manage permissions and roles.

Dive Into the Future of Symfony: LiveComponent Unveiled

Explore the revolutionary new LiveComponent feature in Symfony, which promises to enhance your web development experience. Join us as we uncover its vibrant capabilities, seamless integration, and versatile applications.

Build APIs with OpenAPI, the AWS CDK, and AWS Solutions Constructs

Learn how to quickly build robust, functional REST APIs using OpenAPI, the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK), and AWS Solutions Constructs.

Mastering Postgres: Reduce Bloat with Effective Vacuum Techniques

Postgres Engineer Pavel Borisov shares insider tips on optimizing your Postgres database through strategic vacuum management, helping you minimize bloat and keep your data organized.

Interactive Engineering Corp. Joins Arduino's Gold-Level Partnership Program

Arduino announces the addition of Interactive Engineering Corp. (IEC), an Ohio-based electronics manufacturer, to its prestigious System Integrators Partnership Program at the coveted Gold level.

Diving into the Web: A Technical Journalist's Review of the Latest Trends and Insights

Dive into the latest web development insights with this comprehensive review, covering topics from AI and JSON to terminal commands and code reviews. Discover thought-provoking perspectives that will help you stay ahead of the curve.

WebStorm 2024.1.2 Brings Exciting Angular and ESLint Improvements

The latest update to WebStorm, the popular JavaScript and TypeScript IDE, introduces new support for Angular 17.2 syntax and adds compatibility with ESLint 9.

GM's Secret Surveillance of Drivers

A journalist investigates how GM tricked drivers into allowing the company to spy on them and sell their data to insurance firms, raising privacy concerns.

Streamlining KDE Development: Highlights from the 2024 Goals Sprint

David Redondo, a technical journalist for software developers, provides a concise overview of the 2024 KDE Goals sprint, highlighting key discussions and advancements in accessibility, automation, and sustainable software development.

Gnulib Undergoes Major Speed Boost: Developers Rejoice

The GNU gnulib, a critical portability library, has received a major speed upgrade as the gnulib-tool has been rewritten in Python, leading to significantly faster performance for developers.

GNOME Foundation Navigates Financial Challenges, Seeks Diverse Board Members

The GNOME Foundation has been operating at a deficit for over three years, leading to the hiring of a new Executive Director to stabilize finances and develop a strategic plan. The Foundation is now seeking to expand its board and increase community representation.

Hotspot v1.5.0 released: The Linux perf GUI for Performance Analysis

Hotspot, a standalone GUI designed to provide a user-friendly interface for analyzing performance data, has released version 1.5.0 with improvements to the disassembly view, authentication, and support for Qt6 and KF6.

Gemma Family Expands with Models Tailored for Developers and Researchers

Google expands its Gemma family of open models with new variants tailored for code-specific tasks and research experimentation.

Gemini 1.5 Pro Expands to 180+ Countries with Native Audio, System Instructions, and More

Google's latest Gemini 1.5 Pro model is now available in over 180 countries, with new features like native audio understanding, system instructions, and JSON mode to give developers more control.

Google Pay Expands Liability Shift for Visa Device Transactions Globally

Google Pay is now enabling liability shift for eligible Visa device token transactions globally, providing merchants and payment service providers (PSPs) with additional protection against fraudulent transactions.

Streamlining Sign-In with FedCM: Google Identity Services Migration

Chrome is phasing out third-party cookies, and Google is migrating its Identity Services to the new Federated Credential Management (FedCM) API to provide a secure, privacy-preserving sign-in experience for developers.

Get AI-Powered Productivity Boosts with Gemini Models in Project IDX

Google's new AI updates to Project IDX help streamline your development workflow with inline assistance, automatic code refactoring, and a Gemini API template for building AI-enhanced applications.

Two Sea Turtle Enthusiasts Revolutionize Marine Conservation

Caitlin and Nicolas, inspired by their experiences monitoring sea turtles, have created an app called 'We Spot Turtles!' to help track and conserve these endangered species using AI-powered identification.

Calling all students: Lead a Google Developer Student Club

Google Developer Student Clubs (GDSC) are community groups for university students interested in learning and building with Google technologies. Apply to lead a GDSC and learn new skills, dive into Google tech, and create local impact.

Gemini 1.5: Our next-generation model, now available for Private Preview in Google AI Studio

Google Labs' Jaclyn Konzelmann and Wiktor Gworek introduce Gemini 1.5 Pro, a new multimodal model that boasts a record-breaking 1 million token context window and is available for private preview in Google AI Studio.

Exploring the Pros and Cons of the Futuristic Humane AI Pin

Russell Coker, a seasoned technical writer, takes a deep dive into the Humane AI Pin, a cutting-edge device that aims to revolutionize personal computing. With keen insight and a critical eye, he examines the device's features, potential benefits, and underlying challenges.

Explore the Google Cloud Next '24 session library: Dive into AI, Security, and Inclusion

Google Cloud Next '24 is coming soon, and the session library is now live! Discover the wealth of sessions on AI, security, diversity, and more - something for every developer.

Elevate Your Games: Google for Games Heads to GDC 2024

Explore the latest game development tools and insights from Google at the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco. From scaling your game with Firebase and Android to leveraging AI for engaging experiences, discover how Google can help you build, grow, and reach players across platforms.

Gemma models in Keras: Unlocking AI's Potential for Developers

The Keras team is excited to unveil Gemma, a family of powerful open-source language models, now available in the KerasNLP collection. This release brings new features tailored for large language models, including a LoRA API and large-scale model-parallel training.

Bring Large Language Models On-Device with MediaPipe and TensorFlow Lite

Google has announced the release of the experimental MediaPipe LLM Inference API, which enables running Large Language Models (LLMs) fully on-device across platforms like Web, Android, and iOS.

#WeArePlay | Meet the founders changing women's lives: Women's History Month Stories

In celebration of Women's History month, we're celebrating the founders behind groundbreaking apps and games from around the world - made by women or for women.

Unlock the Power of Gemini: Build Practical AI Apps

Discover the latest in Google's AI technology with the Build with Google AI video series. Explore how to leverage Gemini's advanced capabilities to create practical AI applications that enhance your workflow and solve real-world problems.

Gema, the AI/ML Trailblazer Helping NASA Detect Asteroids

Meet Gema Parreño Piqueras, an AI/ML Google Developer Expert using her expertise to push the boundaries of technology. From architecture to data science, her journey is inspiring women in tech.

ML Olympiad 2024: Globally Distributed ML Competitions by Google ML Community

The ML Olympiad consists of Kaggle Community Competitions organized by ML GDE, TFUG, and other ML communities, aiming to provide developers with opportunities to learn and practice machine learning.

Get Ready for the Big Developer Event of the Year: Google I/O 2024

Join the excitement as Google I/O 2024 arrives on May 14th! Discover the latest advancements in mobile, web, and cloud development, and learn how to create innovative AI-powered applications.

Tune Gemini Pro with Google AI Studio or the Gemini API

Easily customize the Gemini 1.0 Pro model for your specific needs using Parameter Efficient Tuning in Google AI Studio or the Gemini API.

Pioneering AI: Meet the Inaugural Cohort of Google for Startups Accelerator

Google has selected 15 innovative AI startups for its inaugural Google for Startups Accelerator: AI First North America program, aiming to help these tech pioneers scale their solutions and drive breakthroughs across industries.

Building Trust Through Automation: Mastering Privacy Compliance Using Your CI/CD

Explore how Checks, a privacy compliance CI/CD tooling, can help software teams automate compliance and privacy standards as part of their release cycle, ensuring secure and compliant app launches.

Open-Source Braille Embosser Delivers Accessible Printing for All

Explore the latest innovation in accessible technology - an open-source braille embosser that empowers visually impaired users to print their own documents. This cost-effective solution is a game-changer for inclusive computing.

Transferring Work Between Devices with Ease

Russell Coker explores the challenges of seamlessly moving work between devices and the need for better solutions to improve productivity and flexibility for modern computing users.

Supporting the world's most used database engine through 2050

SQLite is the most used database engine in the world, and developers have pledged to support it through the year 2050. This article explores the story behind this remarkable open-source project.

Unleashing the Power of Arduino and Synthetic Data to Detect Rooftop Ice Buildup

The Arduino team has developed a cutting-edge computer vision system using the Portenta H7 board, Portenta Vision Shield, and AI tools to tackle the dangerous problem of icicle and ice dam formation on rooftops.

Perl Toolchain Summit 2024: Modernizing MetaCPAN

A technical journalist reports on the first day of the Perl Toolchain Summit 2024, where Ranguard, a London-based Perl developer, is focused on improving the infrastructure and reliability of the MetaCPAN project.

Friday Five — April 26, 2024

Red Hat Summit and AnsibleFest 2024 registration is still open! Red Hat Summit is taking place in Denver, CO at the Colorado Convention Center, May 6-9, 2024. Register now!

Kubuntu 24.04 LTS: A Friendly, Feature-Rich Linux Distribution

The Kubuntu team is excited to announce the release of Kubuntu 24.04 LTS, codenamed 'Noble Numbat', featuring the latest open-source technologies and a beautiful KDE Plasma desktop experience.

Empowering Developers with Trusted Language Extensions for PostgreSQL

Jonathan Katz, a software engineer at AWS, presents on Trusted Language Extensions (TLEs) for PostgreSQL, a feature that allows developers to write database extensions in safe, high-performance languages like Rust and JavaScript.

Unveiling TypeScript 5.5 Beta: A Trove of Enhancements for Developers

Discover the latest innovations in TypeScript 5.5 Beta, as senior program manager Daniel Rosenwasser takes us on a journey through a host of exciting new features, optimizations, and developer-friendly improvements.

The magic of OpenShift Commons: Community Heroes honored in Paris

OpenShift Commons is an open community that celebrates the contributions of users, operators, enterprises, and partners to the Red Hat OpenShift ecosystem.

Maintenance Release of RQuantLib Brings Updates

Dirk Eddelbuettel, the maintainer of the RQuantLib package, has released a new version that updates the package to the latest QuantLib library and includes several minor improvements.

Debian Packages Get a Makeover: Orphans Find New Homes on Salsa

Petter Reinholdtsen, a dedicated Debian contributor, has been on a mission to migrate orphaned Debian packages to Git repositories on the Salsa platform. In just 9 days, he has managed to move 10% of the 438 packages lacking version control, with more work to be done.

Extending Critical Support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7

Red Hat is providing 4 additional years of Extended Life Cycle Support (ELS) for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 to help organizations manage their migration plans to newer versions of RHEL.

Optimizing C++ Headers and Modules with Visual Studio

Discover the powerful tools Visual Studio provides for managing C++ header files and modules, from #include cleanup to header diagnostics and the advantages of C++20 modules.

Meet the 2024 GitLab Partner of the Year award winners

Find out who was recognized across GitLab's channel, technology, and cloud partners for their collaboration and contributions.

The Best Language for Beginning Programmers: Python or C/C++?

A discussion on Stack Overflow explores the pros and cons of Python and C/C++ as starting programming languages for beginners.

Improved C++ Development in CLion 2024.1.1

The latest bug-fix update for CLion 2024.1 is now available, bringing important fixes and improvements to the C++ development experience.

ServiceNow Catalog for Terraform Simplifies Infrastructure Provisioning

HashiCorp has released version 2.5 of the ServiceNow Service Catalog for Terraform, introducing no-code module support and streamlined MID server configuration to empower ServiceNow users to provision infrastructure more efficiently and securely.

Unlocking Innovation: Custom Apps Empower Atlassian Cloud Customers

Atlassian's developer platform enables enterprises to build powerful custom apps that seamlessly integrate with Jira and Confluence, unleashing new business capabilities in the cloud.

Ubuntu 24.04 brings .NET from day one

Microsoft and Canonical have strengthened their partnership, making .NET 8 available in the official Ubuntu 24.04 feeds from day one. Explore the new packages, container images, and security updates.

Backup Internet Failover: A Resilient Networking Solution

Discover how a software developer implemented a robust backup internet failover system to ensure uninterrupted connectivity for their remote work setup, leveraging local link failure detection and policy-based routing.

Unleash the Power of Ryzen AI: Build a Chatbot on Your Local Laptop

AMD Ryzen AI processors and software unlock the power of AI on personal computers, enabling developers to build efficient chatbots that run entirely on the local machine without relying on the cloud.

Unlock Flexible Authorization with Okta FGA in Next.js

Discover how to add fine-grained authorization (FGA) to your Next.js application using Okta FGA, a managed solution for relationship-based access control (ReBAC) decisions.

Kotlin's K2 Compiler: Benchmarks Show Big Performance Gains

Discover the impressive performance improvements of the new K2 compiler in Kotlin 2.0.0, with up to 94% faster compilation times and significant optimizations in key phases like analysis.

Optimizing Vector Retrieval with Advanced Graph-Based Metadata Techniques Using LangChain and Neo4j

The author introduces techniques for optimizing vector search by leveraging graph-based metadata filtering using LangChain and Neo4j, allowing developers to precisely refine their document selection using structured criteria.

Biosphere's Atmospheric Tunes Captivate Software Developers

Dive into the world of Biosphere, the ambient music project that has been captivating software developers with its atmospheric soundscapes for decades.

A Beginner's Guide to Salesforce Development

Figuring out where to start can be difficult for a new developer, but this guide provides a roadmap for getting started with Salesforce development.

Latest Perl Steering Council Updates: Preparing for v5.40 Release

The Perl Steering Council (PSC) held their weekly meeting at the Perl Toolchain Summit 2024, discussing the plan for the upcoming Perl 5.40 release and improving communication with the Perl community.

Turning Raspberry Pis into AI Powerhouses: Llamafile Unlocks Open Source AI for All

The Llamafile project from Mozilla's Innovation group has made major strides in the past four months, including GPU support for NVIDIA and AMD, astounding CPU performance gains, and bringing cutting-edge open AI models to low-cost devices like the Raspberry Pi.

Easily Solving Incorrect Code with bcc64x

Learn how to quickly identify and fix uninitialized variables in your C++ code when upgrading to the new Win64 Modern C++ toolchain.

Unlock your cloud and OpenShift costs with Red Hat Insights

Red Hat Insights adds cost management capabilities for ARM, IBM Z and POWER, helping customers gain visibility and control over their cloud and OpenShift spending.

Amplify Launch Week: A Spotlight on AWS's Frontend Web and Mobile Platform

AWS is hosting a week-long celebration of its Amplify platform, showcasing the latest features and capabilities for building full-stack web and mobile apps on AWS. Join the daily events to learn, code, and provide feedback.

Unleash the Power of Drag-and-Drop Sorting with Alpine.js

Discover the new Alpine.js Sort plugin that allows you to easily re-order elements with a smooth drag-and-drop experience. Learn how to implement it and dive into the comprehensive Livewire screencast series that takes you through the entire process.

Upgrade to Symfony 7 and PHP 8.3: The Big Leap Forward

Symfony's CTO Carlos Granados shares his team's journey from a legacy Symfony 3.4 and PHP 7.2 application to the cutting-edge Symfony 7 and PHP 8.3 stack, revealing the tools, challenges, and benefits of this major upgrade.

Transforming Industrial Machinery with Arduino's Connected Solutions

The Arduino team demonstrates how retrofitting, remote control/monitoring, and power metering can upgrade existing industrial equipment, enhancing efficiency and reducing downtime.

The Rise of Large-Language-Model Optimization

Schneier explores how the rise of large language models (LLMs) threatens the open ecosystem of the web, and calls for new solutions to protect human creativity and knowledge production.

Debian Installer Gets Netplan Integration

The Debian Installer team has been working to integrate Netplan, the declarative network configuration tool, into the standard Debian installation process. This allows for a smooth transition to a Netplan-configured system right from the installation.

Unleash the Power of WordPress Playground for Interactive Demos

In this article, the technical journalist explores how WordPress Playground's JavaScript API empowers developers to create engaging interactive demos that showcase their themes and plugins in action.

Navigating PCI DSS Compliance in PostgreSQL: A Technical Guide

Discover the key considerations for ensuring your PostgreSQL database meets Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) requirements, from encryption and access controls to audit trails and data retention.

Revive the Retro Sound of the Atari ST with MT32-Pi

Raspberry Pi enthusiasts can now breathe new life into their vintage Atari ST systems with the MT32-Pi, a compact and powerful MIDI sound module that faithfully recreates the iconic Roland MT-32 synth.

Mixing C++ and Rust for Fun and Profit: Part 3

In this article, the author discusses various tools and frameworks that can be used to integrate C++ and Rust, including bindgen, CXX, autocxx, and CXX-Qt. The article provides an overview of the capabilities and limitations of these tools, and highlights the benefits of using them to promote memory safety in critical areas of your application.

Survival and Rebuilding: Terry Pratchett's Gripping Tale of 'Nation'

Terry Pratchett's standalone young adult fantasy novel 'Nation' takes readers on a poignant journey of loss, resilience, and the clash of cultures as a young man named Mau and a stranded British girl named Daphne navigate the aftermath of a devastating tsunami.

Reliable data management for virtual machines running on OpenShift with Portworx

Portworx delivers enterprise-grade storage and data management features for virtual machines running on Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA).

KDE Mega Sprint Recap: Improving Automation, Eco, and Accessibility

In this article, technical journalist Nate shares an overview of the productive week he spent in Berlin attending the KDE Board of Directors sprint and the KDE Goals mega-sprint, where contributors worked on improving KDE's automation, eco-friendliness, and accessibility.

Dive into GNOME Builder: An Engineer's Journal Unveiled

GNOME's lead developer, Christian Hergert, shares an insider's look into the making of the Builder IDE, offering developers a chance to explore the project's inner workings and contribute to its evolution.

Harness the Power of the Sun: Arduino's Eco-Friendly Weather Station

The Arduino team unveils a solar-powered, E Ink-based weather station that showcases how energy-efficient devices can help combat climate change without sacrificing convenience.

Node.js 22 Brings New Features and Ongoing Improvements from Red Hat

Red Hat's Node.js team shares the latest updates and enhancements in Node.js 22, including performance improvements, better IPv6 handling, web compatibility progress, and more.

IBM expands cloud automation offerings with HashiCorp acquisition

HashiCorp, the multi-cloud automation pioneer, has joined forces with tech giant IBM to accelerate the adoption of cloud infrastructure and security solutions for a broader audience.

Node.js v22.0.0 Released: Synchronous ESM Graphs, WebSocket Client, and More

Node.js 22.0.0 introduces several exciting new features, including the ability to require() synchronous ESM graphs, a new WebSocket client, and updates to the V8 JavaScript engine.

Explore the exciting new features in Node.js 22

The Node.js Project has announced the release of Node.js 22, featuring a V8 update, Maglev compiler, support for requiring synchronous ESM graphs, and more!

Automating pgrx Extension Testing and Release with Docker

The author has released a new version of the pgxn/pgxn-tools Docker image, which includes a command to simplify testing and releasing pgrx extensions on the PostgreSQL Extension Network (PGXN).

Solving the X Matrix Challenge in Perl and Raku

A technical journalist explores solutions to the Perl Weekly Challenge 266: X Matrix, providing engaging insights into the Perl and Raku programming languages.

Take the unknowns out of your next RHEL upgrade with Leapp

Seamlessly upgrading an operating system in-place can be one of the biggest challenges due to potential package incompatibility, kernel customizations, or outdated and unsupported modules. This is where a structured tool can make all the difference.

Cultivating Community in Free Software: An Interview with David Wilson

In this exciting interview, technical journalist Miriam Bastian speaks with David Wilson, creator of the System Crafters channel and community, about the importance of community in free software and his upcoming keynote at LibrePlanet 2024.

Dive into .NET MAUI Community Toolkit v8: Unleash the Power of TouchBehavior

Discover the latest features in .NET MAUI Community Toolkit, including the highly anticipated TouchBehavior, improved Snackbar on Windows, and the ability to customize the Android navigation bar.

Unleashing Telecom Success: Reducing Complexity with Red Hat's Open Ecosystem

Red Hat's commitment to open source and expertise in 5G automation, hybrid cloud, AI, and edge computing make it the ideal platform partner for telcos looking to stay ahead in an ever-changing industry.

Exploring Data with Kotlin DataFrame and Kandy

Learn how to easily manipulate and visualize data using the Kotlin DataFrame and Kandy libraries, even without prior experience in data analysis.

Revolutionizing Java Testing for GenAI Apps: A Novel Approach

Discover a groundbreaking methodology to effectively test generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) applications in Java, leveraging the power of large language models as validator agents.

Unlocking the Power of Generative AI: LangSmith Now Available on the Azure Marketplace

LangChain announces the availability of LangSmith, their unified DevOps platform for developing, collaborating, testing, and monitoring LLM applications, as a transactable offering in the Azure Marketplace.

Implement the PNA permission prompt to relax mixed content

Chrome 124 includes the Private Network Access permission prompt to relax mixed content. This article explains the change, the design of the feature, and how to migrate your current websites.

Securing millions of developers through 2FA

GitHub has dramatically increased 2FA adoption as part of their responsibility to make the software ecosystem more secure. Read on to learn how they secured millions of developers and why they're urging more organizations to join them in these efforts.

Red Hat Satellite 6.15 Now Available

Red Hat Satellite 6.15 is now available, featuring new and updated features like improved user interface, webhooks improvements, and enhanced scalability and performance.

Discover the Power of Mobile Driver's Licenses: A Quick Overview

Explore the exciting world of Mobile Driver's Licenses (mDLs) and learn how these digital credentials are revolutionizing identity verification in our increasingly digital landscape.

Forge Fields Unlock New Possibilities for Elements Connect

Atlassian Gold Marketplace Partner Elements navigates the technical complexities of transitioning its flagship product, Elements Connect, to the cloud. The team uncovered Forge custom fields as the missing piece, enabling seamless integration and enhanced functionality.

The Best of Third-Party Components and Libraries

One of the great strengths of RAD Studio is how little you need to do to create incredible apps which can run on Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, and Linux. The secret sauce is the component-based way of programming using ready-made components from third-party vendors.

Red Hat OpenShift AI Achieves Impressive MLPerf Inference Results

Red Hat's collaboration with Supermicro on OpenShift AI and vLLM runtime delivers high-performance and cost-effective LLM inference in an enterprise setting.

Navigating the web of Scattered Spider: Defending financial institutions from cybercriminal networks

Elastic Security helps financial institutions battle the sophisticated tactics employed by the Scattered Spider cybercriminal group, providing advanced SIEM and user behavior analytics to detect and respond to modern threats.

Anonymous Event Broadcasting Takes Laravel 11.5 to New Heights

Laravel 11.5 brings exciting new features like anonymous event broadcasting, Blade performance improvements, and the ability to generate URLs with query parameters. Dive into the details with our technical journalist's overview.

Unlocking the Potential of Open Source LLMs: A Guide to the Top Models of 2024

Discover the cutting-edge open source large language models (LLMs) that are transforming the AI landscape in 2024, and learn how they can benefit your projects and research.

Navigating the Complexities of syslog-ng Across Multiple Platforms

Discover how to use syslog-ng consistently across various Linux distributions and FreeBSD, ensuring smooth logging operations in diverse environments.

Elevate Your Raspberry Pi Data: Unlock the Power of Arduino Cloud Visualization

Discover how to seamlessly connect your Raspberry Pi projects to the Arduino Cloud and create stunning data dashboards with just a few clicks. Explore the key benefits and easy steps to get started.

Effortless Deployments with Elastic Beanstalk

Discover how AWS Elastic Beanstalk simplifies production deployments with a range of strategies to minimize downtime, manage risk, and ensure a seamless update process.

Rethinking Privacy Consent: Embracing the Fiction

Law professor Dan Solove argues that privacy consent is largely a fiction, and proposes a new approach called 'murky consent' to ensure the story ends well.

Emoji-Filled C Code: A Surprisingly Functional Approach

Veteran Linux journalist Russell Coker shares his foray into using emojis in source code, inspired by the XKCD comic 'Code Quality.' Discover how this unique coding style can capture the reader's attention and potentially enhance error messaging.

Navigating Ubuntu 24.04's Bubblewrap Restrictions

Russell Coker, the author behind the etbe blog, provides a solution for developers facing issues with Bubblewrap in Ubuntu 24.04 due to the operating system's use of AppArmor to restrict user namespaces.

Raspberry Pi Compute Module Expands Versatility with New Memory Options

The Raspberry Pi Foundation has announced the introduction of new memory variants for the Raspberry Pi Compute Module family, offering developers more flexibility and performance options.

Porting a cross-platform GUI application to Rust

Mozilla's Alex Franchuk details the rewrite of the Firefox crash reporter in Rust, discussing the challenges and solutions of creating a reliable and cross-platform GUI application.

From Wallpapers to Performance: Latest Changes in Firefox Nightly

A technical journalist explores the recent updates in the Firefox Nightly build, including wallpaper support, performance optimizations, and more.

Refactor your C# code with primary constructors

Explore how C# 12 introduced primary constructors and learn how to refactor your code to take advantage of this new feature, reducing boilerplate and improving readability.

Boosting App Visibility: A Q&A on Apple Search Ads

Apple's Search Ads service helps developers drive discovery and downloads for their apps. Read on for insights from the Apple Search Ads team on how to effectively promote your app or game on the App Store.

Govern Your API Content and Users with Postman Best Practices

Postman's technical journalist provides a quick overview of how enterprises can successfully manage API content and user access using Postman's governance features.

Packer Metadata Visibility Boost Enhances Artifact Governance

HashiCorp Cloud Platform (HCP) Packer now provides users with visibility into the Packer Community Edition version and plugin versions used to create each artifact, improving build provenance.

No-code Terraform upgrades empower developers

HashiCorp's latest update to HCP Terraform brings no-code module version upgrades, helping bridge the cloud skills gap and reduce cloud spending.

Supercharge Your Microsoft Teams Development with the Latest Teams Toolkit Update

Discover the exciting new features and improvements in the April 2024 update of the Teams Toolkit for Visual Studio Code, empowering developers to build even more powerful Microsoft Teams apps.

Uncover Uncommon Words: A Perl Weekly Challenge Recap

Discover the unique words hidden in two sentences with this exciting Perl Weekly Challenge solution from technical journalist laurent_r.

Notifications 46 and Beyond

The GNOME team is tackling the challenge of improving the notification system in GNOME Shell, with plans to introduce features like app-specific notifications, grouping by message thread, and expanded media support.

Unlock Engagement Insights with Salesforce Data Cloud's Web SDK

Learn how to set up the Salesforce Data Cloud Web SDK to capture user engagement on your website and unlock valuable insights.

Is GenAI the next dot-com bubble?

Amidst the rapid rise of generative AI models like Llama 3 and ChatGPT, experts are questioning whether the AI industry is heading towards a dot-com-style bubble. This article explores the parallels and lessons from the past to understand the future of AI.

PKCE in Web Applications with Spring Security

Learn how to enable the Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) extension in a Spring Boot confidential client, adhering to the OAuth 2.0 Security Best Current Practice.

Elastic Universal Profiling Delivers Performance Improvements and Cost Savings

Elastic's engineers used the company's own Universal Profiling tool to uncover a performance bottleneck in the Logstash component, leading to significant cost savings in their QA environment.

Easily Integrate Microsoft Clarity into Your Laravel App

The clarity-laravel package makes it simple to add Microsoft Clarity's powerful user analytics tools to your Laravel application. Capture heatmaps, session recordings, and more with just a few lines of code.

Apple Unveils New Surprises at Upcoming Developer Event

Apple's highly anticipated developer event is just around the corner, and the tech giant has some exciting announcements in store for the software development community.

Is a slow but low-consumption system more energy efficient? Let's measure, with RHEL!

Red Hat TAM Christian Horn investigates whether slower systems can be more energy efficient than fast systems, using the Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) suite in Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) to measure power consumption.

Fedora Linux 40: A Leap Forward for Open Source

Red Hat, the leading provider of open-source solutions, has announced the release of Fedora Linux 40, a significant update to their community-driven Linux distribution. This article highlights the key features and enhancements that make Fedora Linux 40 an exciting development for software developers.

Installing pg_tle on Ubuntu: A Quick Guide

PostgreSQL is a powerful database, but sometimes you want to extend its functionality with custom features, and that's where extensions like pg_tle come into play.

Celeborn Elevated to Top-Level Apache Project

The Apache Software Foundation has announced that Apache Celeborn, an intermediate data service for big data computing engines, has graduated from incubation and is now a Top-Level Project.

Ruby Patches Critical Memory Vulnerability in Regex Search

Ruby has released critical security updates to address a vulnerability that allowed attackers to read arbitrary memory addresses through malicious regex inputs.

Microsoft's Security Incentives: A Cybersecurity Wake-Up Call

Former White House cyber policy director A. J. Grotto sheds light on the economic incentives for tech giants like Microsoft to improve their security practices, highlighting the need for increased government scrutiny and customer pressure.

Unleash AI Power: Build a Chatbot with Ryzen™ AI Processors

Discover how AMD Ryzen™ AI processors and software enable developers to create powerful AI chatbots that run locally on PCs, unlocking new levels of efficiency and performance.

Ruby 3.0.7: End of the Line for Ruby 3.0

The Ruby programming language community has released version 3.0.7, which includes important security fixes. This release marks the end of the Ruby 3.0 series, and developers are advised to migrate to newer versions.

Ruby 3.1.5 - Security Fixes Abound!

The Ruby team has released version 3.1.5, focusing on addressing several security vulnerabilities. Let's dive into the key updates that every Ruby developer should know about.

Ruby 3.2.4 Brings Security Fixes

Ruby 3.2.4, the latest version of the popular programming language, has been released by the Ruby team, addressing several security vulnerabilities.

Secure Ruby 3.3.1 Release Brings Critical Fixes

The Ruby programming language team has just released version 3.3.1, addressing several security vulnerabilities that could impact Ruby developers. This update is a must-have for anyone using Ruby.

Unlock PostgreSQL's Secrets: Free Online Event Recordings Now Available

Discover the latest PostgreSQL techniques and tools from the experts at PgTraining's recent webinar. Dive into PL/Java, PgVector, and hot upgrades without missing a beat.

Unlock Java's Potential with Visual Studio Code's Latest Update

Get ready to supercharge your Java development experience with the latest April 2024 update for Visual Studio Code. Discover the exciting roadmap and product updates that will transform your productivity.

Exciting PECL Updates: Protobuf and Datadog Trace Shine in Latest Releases

Dive into the latest PECL releases, featuring the highly anticipated Protobuf 4.27.0RC1 and the Datadog Trace 1.0.0beta1, packed with new features and improvements for PHP developers.

Birding with Raspberry Pi: Revolutionizing Species Identification

Discover how a bird enthusiast used a Raspberry Pi to create a novel system that can distinguish different bird species singing simultaneously, a groundbreaking achievement in the world of ornithology.

Mastering PL/pgSQL: Navigating Functions with Out Parameters and Return Types

Explore the intricacies of migrating Oracle functions with out parameters and return types to PostgreSQL using PL/pgSQL, uncovering key considerations for seamless code conversion.

Unleash Your Pull Requests with Bitbucket's Custom Merge Checks

Bitbucket Cloud has just announced the general availability of its powerful custom merge checks feature, empowering developers to streamline their code review process like never before.

Embrace the Future of CI/CD with Bitbucket's Dynamic Pipelines

Bitbucket Cloud unveils Dynamic Pipelines, a groundbreaking innovation that revolutionizes CI/CD workflows. Discover how this flexible solution empowers both individual teams and entire organizations to streamline their software development processes.

Mastering Service Workers: Powering Offline Experiences with Vultr

Discover how service workers can revolutionize your web applications, providing seamless offline functionality and enhanced user experiences. This guide, brought to you by Vultr, walks you through setting up service workers on your Vultr-hosted web app.

Unleash Your Inner Gamer: Build an Adorable Arduino-Powered Arcade Cabinet

Discover how the Arduino team has revived the classic arcade experience with a customizable, space-saving cabinet that combines nostalgic charm with modern controls.

GNU Parallel - The Parallel Swiss Army Knife

Discover how GNU Parallel, the powerful tool for running tasks in parallel, is revolutionizing the way developers work by enabling faster processing and streamlined workflows.

Debian Elects New Project Leader: Andreas Tille Takes the Helm

The Debian Project has announced the results of its 2024 Project Leader election, with Andreas Tille emerging as the new leader. Read on for a quick overview of this important event in the Debian community.

Mastering Event Dispatch in Angular: Enhancing User Experience with Seamless Interactivity

Discover how Angular's new event delegation system, inspired by the convergence with Wiz, improves server-side rendering and user experience by ensuring smooth interactivity even before full hydration.

C++ Community Gathers for Pure Virtual: Free Virtual Conference with Linux, Modules, and Containers on Tap

Microsoft's C++ Developer Advocate Sy Brand shares a preview of the pre-conference videos for the upcoming Pure Virtual C++ virtual conference, covering a range of topics from Linux development to containers.

Insights into Talk Selection for POSETTE: An Event for Postgres 2024

Claire Giordano, the Head of open source community efforts for Postgres at Microsoft, provides an inside look at the talk selection process for the upcoming POSETTE: An Event for Postgres 2024 conference.

Unlock the Power of Bitbucket Cloud: Cloud Migration Trials Now Available

Bitbucket, the renowned software development platform, has recently announced the availability of cloud migration trials for its Bitbucket Cloud service, empowering enterprises to seamlessly transition from Bitbucket Data Center.

Unleash the Power of the Microsoft Build of OpenJDK: April 2024 Patch and Security Update Release

The Microsoft Java team has announced the latest April 2024 patch and security update release for the Microsoft Build of OpenJDK, delivering key performance improvements and security enhancements to Java developers.

Unleash the Power of Inferred Spans: Revealing Latency Mysteries in Your Distributed Systems

Dive into the cutting-edge Inferred Spans feature from Elastic, which seamlessly integrates with OpenTelemetry to shed light on the hidden performance bottlenecks in your distributed applications.

Unveiling the Dark Side: Server-Side Reconnaissance Exposed

In this exciting article, learn how CodePen's resident security expert Chris Coyier uncovers the hidden world of server-side reconnaissance, providing developers with crucial insights to fortify their applications.

Exploring the Mind of a Postgres Pioneer: An Interview with David Wheeler

Dive into the world of Postgres as we sit down with David Wheeler, the Principal Architect at Tembo and the creator of PGXN. Learn about his influential role in the Postgres community and his insights on the future of this powerful database technology.

Unlocking Performance by Listening to the Hardware

A technical journalist writes about how a software developer at KDE used a donated CD-ROM drive to unlock a massive performance boost in the Solid device integration framework.

Unraveling 11 of the Most Popular Machine Learning Algorithms

Explore the key capabilities, strengths, and limitations of 11 essential machine learning algorithms that are transforming industries, from supervised learning to reinforcement models.

Unlock Seamless API Integration with FlowTestAI

Discover how FlowTestAI, the world's first GenAI powered OpenSource IDE, is revolutionizing the way developers manage and test API workflows, boosting development velocity.

Connect Azure SQL to External Services with Ease: External REST Endpoint Invocation Preview

Microsoft is offering a private preview of External REST Endpoint Invocation with Azure SQL Managed Instance, allowing developers to easily call REST and GraphQL endpoints from their Azure SQL databases.

Malware Disguised as Legitimate GitHub Projects

Cybercriminals are exploiting a flaw in GitHub to distribute malware by attaching it to the comments of legitimate software repositories, making the malicious files appear trustworthy.

Innovating for a sustainable future: Open source solutions to combat climate change

This Earth Day, we explore how tech and open source are empowering organizations to protect our planet through cutting-edge research and community-driven initiatives.

Transitioning from Chef Cookbooks to Ansible Playbooks: A seamless journey

The shift from Chef to Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform has become a strategic choice for many organizations seeking simplicity, scalability and ease of use for configuration management and automation tools. This article explores the process of converting Chef cookbooks into Ansible Playbooks, providing insights and guidance for a smooth and efficient transition.

Unlocking the Power of PL/Java: Clarifying the Essentials

Dive into the nuances of using PL/Java, as a technical journalist explores the insights shared by the project's lead developer to address misconceptions and provide a comprehensive guide for software developers.

5 reasons to adopt AI platforms in 2024

Change is not just a constant—it's a driving force behind growth and innovation. Digital transformation has spurred a digital-first economy over the past two years. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are at the forefront, helping organizations prepare for the future, digitalize and permanently reduce business costs.

Harness the Power of Arduino: Transforming Energy Efficiency

Discover ingenious DIY energy-saving projects from the Arduino community that are revolutionizing the way we use and conserve power. Get inspired to take control of your energy footprint!

Symfony's Container Features Help Manage Complexity

Viktor Pikaev, a speaker at SymfonyLive Berlin 2024, will present how he used Symfony's container features to reduce and control the complexity of an AI assistant system used in a large fashion marketplace.

Unlock Developer Potential and Control Cloud Costs with The Infrastructure Cloud

HashiCorp introduces The Infrastructure Cloud, a new way to deliver infrastructure and security lifecycle management via the HashiCorp Cloud Platform, helping organizations ship code quickly while minimizing cloud costs and security risks.

Gear Up for PGDay UK 2024: Call for Papers and Sponsors Now Open

PGDay UK 2024, a premier event for the PostgreSQL community, is set to return to London on September 11th. The organizers are now accepting proposals for talks and seeking sponsors to make this year's conference a resounding success.

Apply Dynamic Filters to Eloquent Models with the Filterable Package

Filterable is a Laravel package that enhances your queries with adaptable, customizable filters and intelligent caching to improve both performance and functionality.

Exciting New Features in QSoas 3.3 Released

QSoas, a powerful open-source data analysis program, has released version 3.3 with a host of new features including reverse Laplace transforms, pH fits, and improved commands for data analysis.

Read floppy disks and CD-ROMs with Raspberry Pi 5 | #MagPiMonday

Raspberry Pi 5 can power USB disc drives, making it easy to read old floppies and CDs. Learn how to set up virtual mount points for disc swapping in emulators.

Discover the Latest PEAR Releases: A Must-Read for PHP Developers

Stay up-to-date with the PHP community's essential libraries, as our technical journalist covers the latest PEAR releases that every software developer should know about.

Anthias | Open Source Digital Sign Solution

CubicleNate explores the open-source digital signage solution Anthias, previously known as Screenly OSE, and provides a step-by-step guide to set it up on a Raspberry Pi.

Explore the Galactic Empire: A Journey Through Asimov's Classic Sci-Fi

Dive into the lesser-known Galactic Empire series by the legendary Isaac Asimov, as our technical journalist uncovers the intriguing plot twists and quirky technological details that make this early sci-fi work both compelling and hilariously outdated.

Recursive CTEs: Transforming and Analyzing Data in PostgreSQL, Part 3

Ryan Booz, a PostgreSQL advocate at Redgate, demonstrates how to use recursive Common Table Expressions (CTEs) in PostgreSQL to process and analyze complex hierarchical data.

Welcome New Contributor to GNU Chinese Translators Team

The GNU Chinese Translators Team has a new member, integral, joining their open-source translation efforts. This article provides a quick overview of the team's work and the new contributor's role.

C APIs Are Here to Stay: Powering Cross-Language Interoperability

In this insightful article, Jussi explores how despite the declining popularity of C as a programming language, the demand for robust C APIs remains strong across the software development landscape.

Gear Up for KDE 24.05 Releases: Branches Created

The KDE community has kicked off the development process for the upcoming KDE Gear 24.05 releases. Get ready to see the latest updates and improvements from the talented KDE developers.

Accelerating gnulib with a new Python-based gnulib-tool

The GNU portability library, gnulib, has announced a major performance boost with a rewritten gnulib-tool in Python, delivering up to 100x speed improvements for developers.

Symfony Developers Rejoice: A Sneak Peek into the Latest Updates

Symfony, the popular PHP framework, continues to impress developers with its ongoing advancements. In this article, we'll explore the highlights of the latest Symfony updates, including compatibility with PHP 8.4 and exciting new features in Symfony 7.1.

Unleash Your Pet's Whereabouts with This AI-Powered Pet Door

Discover how an Arduino-powered, AI-driven pet door can automatically track your furry friend's movements, keeping you in the loop even when you're away from home.

Navigating the Complexities of WSDL: A Developer's Journey with debbugs

In this article, software developer Bernhard Wiedemann shares his quest to create a WSDL file for interacting with debbugs, the software powering Debian's Bug Tracking System. As the maintainer of python-debianbts, a crucial library for the popular reportbug tool, he faces challenges in keeping up with changing SOAP dependencies.

Michael Meeks Shares His Latest Activities and Accomplishments

Michael Meeks, a software developer and contributor to the LibreOffice project, has shared an update on his recent activities and projects in his blog. The article provides a glimpse into Meeks' work and personal life, highlighting his ongoing contributions to the open-source community.

Unlock New PostgreSQL Superpowers with pg_tle

Did you know there's a way to add custom functionality to your PostgreSQL database, even on managed services like Amazon RDS? Discover the power of pg_tle, a must-know tool for any PostgreSQL developer.

KDE's sprints, enhancements, and kebabs

Nate, a KDE e.V. Board member, provides an overview of the latest developments in the KDE community, including new features, UI improvements, bug fixes, and technical updates across various KDE software.

Unravel the Mysteries of PostgreSQL's Visibility Check

Discover the intricate workings of PostgreSQL's visibility check mechanism, a crucial component that ensures data integrity and consistency across concurrent transactions.

Unlocking the Secrets of PostgreSQL's TLS Regression Tests

Explore the step-by-step process to run SSL/TLS regression tests in PostgreSQL, ensuring your security features remain rock-solid even as the codebase evolves.

Montreal's Debian Community Gathers in March 2024

Louis-Philippe Véronneau, a technical journalist, reports on the latest Debian user group meeting in Montreal, where developers collaborated on various Debian-related tasks and projects.

Squid Trackers: A New Era of Ocean Surveillance

A new bioadhesive technology is revolutionizing the way researchers track and study squid, raising important questions about the ethics of animal monitoring and the privacy rights of marine life.

Sovereign Tech Fund and GNOME Core Apps Get Major Updates

The GNOME project has been busy this week, with updates to the Sovereign Tech Fund, key GNOME apps and libraries, and third-party projects. Check out the highlights in this concise technical overview.

Unlock the Power of Meta's Llama 3 on AMD Ryzen AI and Radeon 7000 Series

AMD customers with Ryzen AI or Radeon 7000 series graphics can now easily experience the latest Llama 3 AI model from Meta, with no coding required.

Clever DIY Pet Door Keeps Pug Out of Cat Litter Box

The Arduino team at Science Buddies have engineered a clever solution to keep their pug Riley out of the cat's litter box - a servo-actuated cardboard pet door triggered by a magnetic collar.

Harness AI to Streamline Software Development with AWS CodeCatalyst and Amazon Q

Discover how Amazon Q feature development in AWS CodeCatalyst enables developers to quickly go from idea to production-ready pull requests, boosting productivity and efficiency.

Discover Apple's Exciting New Developer Events

Apple is offering a range of new activities for developers, including expanding app reach, streamlining App Review, and optimizing apps for the Apple Vision Pro.

Firefox Nightly Expands to ARM64 Linux

Mozilla launches Firefox Nightly builds for Linux on ARM64 architecture, empowering developers to test and contribute to the browser's development on this emerging platform.

Unlock the power of GitHub: Mastering keyboard shortcuts for seamless navigation

Discover how keyboard shortcuts can revolutionize your GitHub workflow. This guide will show you how to navigate, search, and execute commands on GitHub with lightning speed, leaving your mouse behind.

Automate Your Data Retention with PostgreSQL Partitioning

Explore how to use pg_partman to automatically archive and manage data retention in your PostgreSQL databases, saving money and boosting performance.

LangChain and LangSmith Release Notes: Evaluations, Tool Calling, and More

Get a quick overview of the latest updates from the LangChain and LangSmith teams, including new features, security certifications, and community resources.

Modernize an Existing Windows Service to a .NET 6 gRPC Service with Amazon ECS

In this blog post, the author demonstrates how a legacy Windows service running on the .NET Framework can be upgraded to an ASP.NET Core gRPC service and deployed on Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) with an Application Load Balancer (ALB).

Diving Into the Unseen World of Internet Infrastructure

Explore the fascinating world of undersea cables, brute-force SSH attacks, and the tools that power modern software development in this captivating web review.

Uncovering AI's Role in Cybersecurity: Boosting Protection and Preventing Vulnerabilities

Discover how AI is transforming the cybersecurity landscape, from detecting attacks to stopping vulnerabilities, as Red Hat experts explore the latest use cases.

Tumbleweed Snapshots Bring Kernel Updates and More

This week's openSUSE Tumbleweed review covers 7 snapshots, including updates to the Linux kernel, Apache, and KDE software. The author highlights the key changes and ongoing projects in the distribution.

Property Hooks Get Closer to Becoming a Reality in PHP 8.4

The Property Hooks RFC has passed a significant milestone, getting an overwhelmingly positive vote. Laravel News journalist Paul Redmond provides a quick overview of this upcoming PHP feature.

Btop | Terminal Based Resource Monitor

CubicleNate provides a comprehensive overview of Btop, the latest terminal-based system monitoring tool that offers an impressive array of features and customization options.

Insights from financial operations for platform as product at OpenShift Commons Gathering co-located with Red Hat Summit

Continuing the countdown to Community Day at Red Hat Summit and OpenShift Commons in Denver, Colorado on May 6th!

Stress-Free API Testing: Exploring How to Verify External APIs Without Mocks

Discover an efficient approach to testing external APIs that avoids the need for mocks, ensuring your tests stay closely aligned with the API's contract.

Mastering Modern C++: Uncovering the Power of Container Adapters

Explore the world of C++ container adapters and discover how they can elevate your programming experience. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the essential container types in modern C++, with a focus on the versatile container adapters.

Diffoscope 265: Unlocking In-Depth File Comparisons for Developers

Discover the latest upgrades to the popular diffoscope tool, empowering software developers to dive deep into file, archive, and directory comparisons with precision and ease.

Unlock the Power of Elasticsearch 8.13: A Comprehensive Overview

Discover the game-changing features and enhancements packed into the latest release of Elasticsearch and the Elastic Stack, including improved query parallelization, simplified kNN vector search, and more.

Putting Practice Powered by Raspberry Pi

Discover the story behind Puttr, an innovative indoor putting green that leverages the power of the Raspberry Pi to enhance golfers' skills and experience.

One-click Cypress.IO E2E testing in 45 seconds

Automated testing can be a challenge for many developer teams, but Roland Golla, a Cypress.IO ambassador, shows how to set up a complete test setup with just one line of code.

Unraveling the Complexities of Configuration: A Deep Dive

Why is configuration so complicated? Explore the challenges developers face when managing complex configurations, and discover insights from industry experts on streamlining the process.

Transforming Your Backyard: A Builder's Journey

In this inspiring article, the author shares his experience of creating a stunning deck and pergola in his backyard, drawing inspiration from a recent trip to Thailand. Follow along as he tackles the project, from leveling the ground to building the intricate structure.

The Friday Five — April 19, 2024

Red Hat Corporate Communications provides a quick overview of the top stories in the tech industry, including cloud, AI and automation for telcos, Red Hat security impact scale, new Red Hat TV episodes, Intel's enterprise AI innovations, and AnsibleFest 2024.

Caching to the Rescue: Data API Builder's Powerful New Feature

Data API builder, Microsoft's open-source API management solution, has just released version 0.11 with a game-changing new feature - in-memory caching. This can significantly boost your application's performance and reduce the load on your database.

Cloudflare Brings Meta's Powerful Llama 3 Model to Developers

Cloudflare is thrilled to announce the availability of Meta's cutting-edge Llama 3 language model on its Workers AI platform, enabling developers to build advanced AI applications with ease.

VS Code C++ Extension Supercharges Performance: 3.6x Faster Symbol Search, 1.5x Faster Colorization

Microsoft's C++ team has released a major update to the Visual Studio Code C++ extension, focused on dramatically improving performance for developers. Key improvements include a 3.6x speedup for symbol search and a 1.5x boost for code colorization.

Elastic community ambassadors: Amplifying voices and inspiring the next generation

Developers can leverage ambassador programs like Elastic's to amplify their expertise, build valuable communities, and mentor aspiring technologists. Discover three compelling reasons to join as a community ambassador.

Elastic's Sylvie Lohier shares her secrets to 4 promotions in 4 years

Sylvie Lohier, a Consulting Practice Director at Elastic, has achieved remarkable growth, earning 4 promotions in just 4 years. Her story is defined by a mindset and attitude that have guided her career journey.

Sylvie's Secrets: 4 Promotions in 4 Years at Elastic

Sylvie Lohier shares the inspiring story of her rapid career growth at Elastic, the leading platform for search-powered solutions, where she achieved 4 promotions in just 4 years.

Unleash the Power of Prompt Templates: Integrate AI Across Salesforce

Discover how to invoke powerful AI-powered prompt templates from Flow, Apex, or the REST API, and seamlessly integrate them into your Salesforce workflows and external applications.

Azure Developers – .NET Day 2024 Announced

Microsoft is excited to announce the upcoming Azure Developers – .NET Day on April 30th, 2024. This online event will feature expert-led sessions on the latest Azure features and development techniques for .NET developers.

Backup Internet with 5G: A Promising Yet Disappointing Solution

A technical journalist explores the author's experience in setting up a 5G backup internet connection, highlighting the challenges and performance limitations faced.

Backup Your Internet with 5G: A Technical Journalist's Perspective

A technical journalist provides an insightful overview of a software developer's experience in setting up a reliable 5G backup internet connection, highlighting the challenges and considerations involved.

Join the .NET Community at Azure Developers – .NET Day 2024

Elevate your cloud development skills at the upcoming Azure Developers – .NET Day 2024, an essential online event packed with expert-led sessions on the latest Azure features for .NET applications.

GitHub Unveils Policy Proposal to Responsibly Address Deepfake Concerns

GitHub is seeking community feedback on a proposed update to their Acceptable Use Policy to address the misuse of synthetic and manipulated media tools for non-consensual intimate imagery and disinformation, while protecting valuable research.

Discover and Secure Sensitive Secrets with HCP Vault Radar

HCP Vault Radar, a new secret scanning solution from HashiCorp, proactively identifies and remediates exposed credentials, API keys, and other sensitive information to prevent data breaches.

Unleash the Power of Vectors: Optimizing Search with KMeans, Voronoi Cells, and Inverted Index

Discover how Davide Mauri, a Principal Product Manager at Azure SQL, leverages KMeans clustering, Voronoi cells, and an inverted file index to supercharge vector search performance in Azure SQL Database.

Decentralizing Search: A Path to Regain Trust in Online Information

In a world where Google's search dominance is faltering, a software developer explores the potential of decentralized search engines to provide users with trustworthy, personalized results.

Minimal Overhead VMs with Nix and MicroVM

Joachim Breitner's blog post on a convenient sandboxed development environment inspired this author to explore MicroVM, a Nix-based project for configuring and running minimal virtual machines.

Mastering Debian with Nix: A Powerful Package Management Solution

Discover how the Nix package manager can revolutionize your Debian experience, from installing custom software to seamlessly managing your development environment.

The Unsung Hero of the XDG Basedir Spec: The State Folder

In this article, the author discusses the long-awaited addition of the 'state' folder to the XDG Basedir Specification, a crucial development for software developers and Linux enthusiasts alike.

Chromium's GTK File Chooser Preview Size: A Configurable Plea

A software developer advocates for making the file chooser preview size in Chromium's GTK interface configurable, as the current hard-coded size is too small on high-DPI screens.

The Intl.Segmenter object is now part of Baseline

Web.dev journalist Rachel Andrew explores the Intl.Segmenter API, a new feature that enables locale-sensitive text segmentation for splitting text into words, sentences, or graphemes.

Cybersecurity experts gather at Red Hat and NIST's Open Forum

Red Hat and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) are hosting their third annual Cybersecurity Open Forum to share best practices and strategies for navigating the evolving cybersecurity landscape.

Audit Your Apps Like a Pro: Marie Minasyan Shares Her Secrets at SymfonyOnline June 2024

Dive into Marie Minasyan's SymfonyOnline June 2024 talk on effectively auditing applications. Learn the essential tools and techniques to uncover hidden issues and optimize your clients' software.

Automate Policy with Ansible: Unlock Efficiency, Compliance, and Scalability

As the sophistication and volume of attacks continue to increase, it's crucial for organizations to automate policy management across their complex hybrid environments. Discover how Ansible can help you streamline compliance and accelerate innovation.

Plants vs Thieves: Web Security and Tests!?

Ramona Schwering, a Developer Advocate at Auth0 by Okta, will talk about how to ensure web security through automated tests at SymfonyLive Berlin 2024.

Connecting Hybrid Cloud Kubernetes with Optimized Security

Red Hat and F5 collaborate to deliver enhanced networking and security services using Red Hat OpenShift and F5 Distributed Cloud, helping organizations simplify operational complexity and modernize applications.

Powerful Filtering for SCM Workflow Runs

The Open Build Service team has introduced a new feature that allows software developers to easily filter and search through their SCM workflow runs, making it easier to troubleshoot and monitor their continuous integration processes.

Introducing Snowflake Sequences in a Postgres Extension

Discover how pgEdge's Snowflake sequences eliminate conflicts and enhance scalability in a multi-master distributed PostgreSQL application.

Simplifying Exception Assertions in Laravel Tests with the New Exceptions Facade

Discover how the new Exceptions facade in Laravel 11.4 streamlines exception handling in your unit tests, making it easier to assert exceptions and ensure your application's robustness.

openSUSE Factory Achieves Bit-by-Bit Reproducible Builds

The openSUSE community has made an important breakthrough in software security and quality, enabling bit-by-bit reproducible builds for the openSUSE Factory distribution.

Unlock Your Maker Potential: Discover the Best Software for Every Experience Level

Explore the essential software tools that empower makers of all skill levels to bring their creative visions to life, from beginner-friendly platforms to advanced coding environments.

Dice Master 2000: Empowering Visually Impaired Gamers

The Raspberry Pi Foundation has unveiled Dice Master 2000, a groundbreaking device that enables visually impaired individuals to continue enjoying the thrill of tabletop games.

Vigilance Against Open-Source Takeover Attempts

Software developers must remain vigilant against suspicious attempts to infiltrate and take over open-source projects, as revealed in the latest incident involving the XZ Utils project.

Streamline Embedded Development with CLion's Serial Port Monitor

Discover how the new Serial Port Monitor plugin in CLion helps embedded developers seamlessly connect and monitor multiple serial devices, enhancing your workflow.

Dive into PostgreSQL Processes: Unlocking the Mysteries

Explore the intricate world of PostgreSQL processes, unraveling their architecture, responsibilities, and how they work together to power this robust database system.

Completing the Missing Word: A Perl & Raku Solution

Explore a concise and efficient way to find the shortest word that completes a given string, using Perl and Raku programming languages.

Fixing your HID devices with eBPF: A quickstart tool

Peter Hutterer and Benjamin Tissoires have developed a new tool called udev-hid-bpf that makes it easier than ever to write, test, and fix your HID input devices using eBPF programs.

Fault-Tolerant Deployments of OpenShift on Nutanix

Red Hat and Nutanix have partnered to deliver fault-tolerant deployments of Red Hat OpenShift on the Nutanix platform, helping organizations ensure continuous operation of their applications.

A Delightful New Cast of Characters Shines in Discworld's Latest

Veteran Discworld author Terry Pratchett delivers a fresh take on the beloved fantasy series, shifting the spotlight to a new ensemble of characters who bring their own charms and concerns to the iconic Ankh-Morpork setting.

The KDE Breeze Icon Team Delivers Exciting April 2024 Updates

The KDE Breeze icon team has released their latest updates for April 2024, including enhancements to Labplot, maps, and media icons. This article provides a quick overview of the changes as an enthusiastic technical journalist.

Fabric Buttons Come Alive with Machine Learning

Researchers at North Carolina State University have developed a innovative solution to the challenges of wearable interfaces - fabric buttons powered by machine learning.

Delphi App for Go-Kart Racing Tops Both App Stores!

A Delphi app created by Embarcadero MVP and Pre-Sales Director Stephen Ball reached the top spot on both the Apple App Store and Google Play charts over a single weekend.

Unlock Linux with Windows Hello on openSUSE Tumbleweed

Discover how to authenticate to Azure AD/Entra ID with a Windows Hello PIN on openSUSE Tumbleweed, enabling secure and seamless access to your Linux system.

HashiCorp Expands to Spain with New Madrid Tech Hub

HashiCorp has launched a new tech hub in Madrid, Spain, tapping three of its employees to lead the effort. Get the inside scoop on this exciting new chapter for the infrastructure software company.

OpenCV 5 Unlocked: Powering the Next Generation of Computer Vision

The OpenCV team has been hard at work, delivering remarkable advancements in the latest version of this renowned open-source computer vision library. Discover the cutting-edge features that are shaping the future of visual AI.

Measuring the Success of Your Security Program

The Adobe Security Program Management Office (PMO) shares how they measure the effectiveness of security programs throughout the program lifecycle, from initiation to closure.

CapyPDF 0.10.0 Brings Reduced Dependencies and New Features

The latest version of the CapyPDF library, a popular PDF manipulation tool, introduces several exciting updates, including reduced external dependencies and new capabilities such as L*a*b* color support and kerned text.

MariaDB's Surprising Performance Edge Over MySQL

A renowned database expert puts MariaDB and MySQL to the test, revealing unexpected performance gains for MariaDB across multiple versions.

Back from PGConf.DE 2024

Last Friday (April 12, 2024) happened, with a record of 270 registrations, the 8th annual PGConf.DE in Munich, Germany.

Building a scalable gateway for Microsoft AI

Microsoft's AI team builds experiences like Bing and Copilot used by over 1 billion monthly active users. They needed a high-performance and reliable gateway to unify their services, and chose to build it with .NET 8 and YARP, Microsoft's reverse proxy project.

Graphics offload gets a boost in GTK 4.16

The GTK toolkit continues to improve video playback with graphics offload, bringing better compositor integration and more efficient rendering.

SAS Viya on Red Hat OpenShift Service for AWS (ROSA)

In this article, the authors provide essential technical information for deploying the SAS Viya platform on Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) and a reference architecture.

Upgrading to a Healthier jQuery: A Developer's Guide

The jQuery team and OpenJS Foundation are working to help developers keep their web apps secure and up-to-date by providing tools and guidance for upgrading to the latest version of jQuery.

Red Hat's Community Day and OpenShift Commons Gathering May 6 offers a way to maximize your 2024 Summit experience

Make each moment count - with an assembled panel of industry experts and a community of your peers

Optimizing cloud resource costs with Elastic Observability and Tines

Rob Kernutt and Dan Le, Elastic cloud engineers, explore how the integration of Elastic Observability and Tines can empower cloud teams to maximize resource utilization and minimize expenses.

Unlocking the Power of Graph Databases: The Release of GQL:2024

The software development community is abuzz with the news of the release of GQL:2024, the first version of the GQL standard, published by the ISO. This groundbreaking development promises to revolutionize how developers work with graph databases.

From PostgreSQL to Graph: Exploring Apache AGE's Innovative Database Integration

Discover how Apache AGE is revolutionizing the way developers work with complex, interconnected data by seamlessly integrating powerful graph database functionality into the trusted PostgreSQL relational database.

Reliable Java Apps on Azure: Secure, Scalable, and Resilient

The latest update to the Reliable Web App Pattern for Java on Azure introduces enhanced security, scalability, and resilience features that make it a must-have resource for Java developers looking to build state-of-the-art cloud applications.

Deploying SAS Viya on HPE GreenLake and Red Hat OpenShift

SAS Viya is a high-performance AI and analytics platform based on a modern, containerized microservices-based architecture that enables data-driven decisions with high speed and agility.

Unlocking the Power of Approximate Nearest Neighbor (ANN) Search

Explore the world of ANN algorithms and discover how they can revolutionize your vector search needs, delivering lightning-fast results with high accuracy.

GNOME OS tests and Linux QA meetup

A technical journalist provides a quick overview of the author's recent work on GNOME OS tests and a new monthly Linux QA testing call, as well as a brief mention of cross-country travel.

Easily Monitor RAID Status on Debian with LSI Megaraid Controllers

Petter Reinholdtsen, a Debian developer, has announced the availability of the megactl package in Debian, which allows users to easily monitor the RAID status of LSI Megaraid controllers.

WebStorm 2024.1.1: Fixing Major Issues

The WebStorm team has released WebStorm 2024.1.1 to address two major issues that were introduced in the latest version. The update is now available for developers to download.

Unlock JavaScript Project Quality with Qodana

Discover how JetBrains Qodana enables teams to analyze code quality and find issues before runtime in their JavaScript projects, using a Keystone project as an example.

The Ultimate AI Subfields Showdown: Deep Learning vs. Machine Learning

In this engaging article, technical journalist Bharat delves into the world of Artificial Intelligence, exploring the key differences between Deep Learning and Machine Learning - two subfields that are often used interchangeably.

Align content in block layouts with the new align-content property

The once impossible task of centering an item vertically is now easier with the new align-content property for block layouts. No need for a flex or grid container anymore!

Reversible Form Prompts and a New Exceptions Facade in Laravel 11.4

This week, the Laravel team released v11.4, with reversible form Prompts, a new Exceptions facade, Enum support in the Collection::mapInto() method, and more.

Practical Insight into Modulithic Architecture

Maximilian Beckers, a Solutions Architect from PAYONE GmbH, will share practical insights into the modulithic architecture approach, which aims to combine the advantages of both monolithic and microservices architectures.

Recap of PGconf.de 2024 in Munich

Christoph Berg, a Senior PostgreSQL Engineer at CYBERTEC, provides an engaging overview of his experience at the 2024 PGconf.de conference in Munich, highlighting key sessions and the vibrant PostgreSQL community.

Easy Hacks: How to Handle Exceptions in Java

Maarten Balliauw, an expert at JetBrains, shares practical techniques for effectively handling exceptions in Java to build robust and reliable applications.

The Surprising Use of AI-Generated Amendments to Delay Legislation

Canadian legislators have found a novel use for AI-generated content - using thousands of amendments to delay the passage of a bill. This creative approach to legislative delay tactics is explored in this article.

Crafting a Captivating Software Journey: Samuel Henrique's Debut

Samuel Henrique, a passionate software enthusiast, has just published his inaugural blog post, offering developers a glimpse into his technical explorations.

Raspberry Pi Etch A Sketch: A Robotic Art Masterpiece

Discover the ingenious Raspberry Pi-powered Etch A Sketch robot that brings the classic drawing toy to life in a captivating digital twist. This innovative project showcases the versatility of the Raspberry Pi platform.

Beware of Phishing Attempts Targeting PAUSE Users

Mark Lawrence, a Perl programming blogger, warns the community about a phishing attempt targeting PAUSE users, urging them to be vigilant and only log in through official channels.

Operationalizing Generative AI in the Enterprise

Discover the challenges and opportunities of scaling generative AI models in enterprise organizations, from data quality to cloud deployment.

Micro Fix for RcppArmadillo

Dirk Eddelbuettel, a prominent figure in the R community, has released a minor update to the RcppArmadillo package, which integrates the powerful Armadillo C++ library with the R environment.

Eager for PostgreSQL 17: Top Features Developers Can't Wait to Use

A passionate PostgreSQL enthusiast shares the top new features in PostgreSQL 17 that she's most excited about, from event triggers to temporal primary keys.

Unlocking the Power of 3D Cameras: A Quick Comparison of Orbbec and RealSense

In this article, technical journalist Phil Nelson provides a concise overview of the capabilities and features of the Orbbec and Intel RealSense 3D cameras, helping software developers determine which solution best fits their needs.

Migrating from Elastic's Go APM agent to OpenTelemetry Go SDK

Elastic is committed to helping OpenTelemetry succeed, which means building distributions of language SDKs. This article covers two ways developers can migrate from Elastic's Go APM agent to the OpenTelemetry Go SDK.

PostgreSQL 17: Merge and Split Partitions

Discover the new partition management capabilities in PostgreSQL 17, including the ability to merge and split partitions. Learn how these features can help optimize your database structure.

Boost your app's resilience with .NET Dev Proxy

Discover how Dev Proxy helps you test and improve the resilience of your .NET apps by simulating API behaviors like errors, delays, and throttling - without changing a line of code.

Apple Brings Web Distribution to EU, Empowering Developers

In a game-changing move, Apple has announced the availability of Web Distribution for iOS apps in the European Union, giving developers new ways to reach their audience.

Call Protected API from a Blazor Web App

Blazor web applications built with .NET 8 need extra work to use authentication and authorization correctly. This article shows you how to call protected APIs from a Blazor application using the Interactive Auto render mode.

Build a gRPC API in Node.js with Ease

Discover how to create a powerful gRPC API in Node.js, leveraging Postman's gRPC client to streamline your development process.

Catch the AI Wave and Showcase What You've #BuiltWithEinstein

Salesforce announces Einstein 1 Studio, a set of low-code tools like Prompt Builder and Copilot Builder, enabling developers to customize Einstein Copilot and embed AI across any app.

Secure Your GraphQL API with AWS Amplify and AWS AppSync

Learn how to build a secure GraphQL API using AWS Amplify and AWS AppSync, leveraging CloudFront to enforce domain-specific access and simplify CORS configuration.

Facebook Introduces Version Auto-Upgrade for Marketing API

Facebook is rolling out a new feature to make it easier for developers to keep their apps up-to-date with the latest Marketing API versions.

The world's fair of software: Join us at GitHub Universe 2024

Celebrate the 10th anniversary of GitHub's global developer event by picking up in-person tickets today. It's bound to be their best one yet.

Automate Your Image Lifecycle with Packer Webhooks

HashiCorp's Packer now offers webhooks, allowing developers to streamline image management workflows and enhance security across multi-cloud environments.

Perl Weekly Challenge: Finding the 33% Appearance

A technical journalist explores a Perl Weekly Challenge solution that finds an integer appearing 33% or more in a given array, written in Raku and Perl by developer Laurent R.

Unlock the Power of the New Clang Toolchain in RAD Studio 12.1

Discover how to leverage the enhanced Clang toolchain in RAD Studio 12.1 and tackle common development tasks with ease.

AnsibleFest 2024: Schedule Ansible into your Red Hat Summit and AnsibleFest agenda

AnsibleFest 2024 is coming up in Denver, Colorado, from May 6 - 9, 2024. As we did last year, AnsibleFest is co-located with Red Hat Summit – giving attendees a chance to explore the broader Red Hat portfolio all in a single city and event!

Developer Day Takes the Show on the Road: Forge Training Comes to Top Tech Hubs

Atlassian's Developer Day is back and this time it's hitting the road! Get ready for an immersive, hands-on experience with Atlassian's Forge platform at Developer Day on Tour events across the globe.

Unlocking the Power of Custom Templates in create-block

Discover how to create external project templates for the create-block tool, enabling you to generate WordPress blocks with advanced configurations and customizations.

Clang: A Solid Foundation for C++ in C++Builder 12.1

RAD Studio 12.1 has released a new Clang-based toolchain, providing a modern and high-quality foundation for C++ development. This technical journalist explores the key benefits and future plans for this foundational release.

KDE Plasma 6.0.4: A Polished Update for Developers

The KDE team has released a bugfix update to their Plasma 6 desktop environment, version 6.0.4. This release focuses on improving stability and addressing key issues, making it a must-have for developers.

Retro Clock Widget v2 Brings Enhanced Features and Efficiency

Sonny, the developer behind the popular Retro clock widget, has released version 2 with a host of improvements, including better energy usage, support for round clocks, and a floating header bar for better customization.

Developers Rejoice: Microsoft Graph API for SharePoint Pages is Now Generally Available

Microsoft has announced the general availability of the Microsoft Graph API for SharePoint Pages, providing developers with powerful tools to programmatically interact with SharePoint Pages and News posts.

Sudo's New Compact JSON Logging Option Simplifies Log Monitoring

Peter Czanik, a technical writer and open-source enthusiast, shares insights on the latest update to the popular sudo command-line tool, which introduces a new compact JSON logging option for improved log readability.

Unlock the Power of SharePoint Pages with the Microsoft Graph API

The Microsoft Graph API for SharePoint Pages is now generally available, empowering developers to programmatically interact with SharePoint pages and news posts with ease.

Apache's New Top-Level Project Paimon Enables Real-Time Data Processing

The Apache Software Foundation announced that Apache Paimon, a data lake format for batch and stream processing, has graduated from the Apache Incubator and is now a Top-Level Project.

Quickly Integrate Laravel and Stripe Connect Using This Package

Learn how the Laravel Stripe Connect package can help you quickly set up your own marketplace platform and start making payments to your recipients with Stripe Connect.

Streamlining Logs: syslog-ng and sudo's New JSON Compact Format

Discover how the upcoming sudo 1.9.16 release and syslog-ng can work together to provide efficient, machine-readable JSON logs for software developers.

Unlock the Power of AI-Driven Podcast Promotion with the Podcast Copilot Workshop

Discover how to leverage the power of Azure OpenAI Service, .NET, and the Power Platform to create a dynamic application that generates social media posts for your podcast episodes.

X.com's Clumsy Pivot from Twitter Exposes Phishing Risks

Security expert Bruce Schneier discusses how X.com's (formerly Twitter) automatic link rewriting feature opened the door for phishing attacks, and how the issue has since been resolved.

Uncover the Power of PeerTube: A Transformative Video-Sharing Platform

Discover the innovative features and seamless user experience of PeerTube, the open-source video-sharing platform that's revolutionizing the way developers and enthusiasts engage with video content.

Unleash the Power of PeerTube: A Decentralized Video Platform

Discover PeerTube, a revolutionary decentralized video platform that empowers creators and users alike. Dive into the innovative features and community-driven approach behind this exciting open-source project.

Unleash the Power of PeerTube: An Open-Source Video Sharing Platform

Discover PeerTube, the innovative open-source video sharing platform that's revolutionizing the way developers and users experience video content online.

Unleashing the Power of PeerTube: A Decentralized Video Sharing Platform

Discover PeerTube, an innovative open-source video hosting platform that empowers users to take control of their online content. This article delves into the project's mission, key features, and the visionary team behind it.

Unlocking the Power of PeerTube: A Beginner's Guide

Discover PeerTube, an open-source video platform that's revolutionizing the way developers and users interact with online content. This article offers a comprehensive overview of the platform, its features, and its potential impact on the software development community.

Dive into PeerTube: An Open-Source Video Platform for the Decentralized Web

PeerTube, an open-source video platform, is revolutionizing the way we consume and share content online. This article explores the project's mission, features, and the team behind it.

Discover PeerTube: The Open-Source Alternative to YouTube

Explore PeerTube, an exciting open-source platform that offers an alternative to the video-sharing giant YouTube, as our technical journalist dives into its features and the team behind its development.

Unlock MIDI Capabilities with User Consent

Discover how the new MIDI permission prompt in Chrome ensures a secure and seamless web MIDI experience for your users.

Dive Into PeerTube: The Open-Source Video Hosting Platform

Discover PeerTube, an exciting open-source video hosting platform that empowers developers and users alike. This overview explores the platform's features and capabilities, highlighting its potential impact on the digital content landscape.

Explore the Power of PeerTube: A Decentralized Video Platform

Discover PeerTube, a revolutionary open-source video platform that challenges the status quo of centralized platforms and empowers users with a decentralized approach to video sharing.

Exploring PeerTube: A Social Video Platform for the Decentralized Web

PeerTube is an open-source, decentralized video platform that aims to provide an alternative to centralized video hosting services. This article takes a closer look at the project and its innovative approach to online video.

Unlocking the Power of PeerTube: A Developer's Guide

Discover the open-source video platform PeerTube and how it empowers developers to build innovative video-centric applications.

Exploring PeerTube: An Open-Source Video Streaming Platform

PeerTube is an open-source video streaming platform that offers a decentralized and privacy-focused alternative to popular video-sharing platforms. Discover the key features and benefits of this innovative project.

Dive into PeerTube: A Decentralized Video Platform for Developers

Discover PeerTube, an open-source, decentralized video platform that empowers developers to create and share content without the restrictions of mainstream platforms.

Unlocking the Power of PeerTube: A Technical Dive

Discover the innovative open-source video platform, PeerTube, and learn how it's revolutionizing the way developers approach decentralized media sharing.

Explore PeerTube: A Revolutionary Open-Source Video Platform

Discover PeerTube, an innovative open-source video platform that is changing the game for software developers and video enthusiasts alike.

Explore the Open-Source Video Platform PeerTube

Discover the power of PeerTube, an open-source video platform that's disrupting the traditional video-sharing landscape. This summary provides a quick overview of the innovative project and its key features.

Uncover the Open-Source Revolution with PeerTube

Dive into the world of PeerTube, an open-source video platform revolutionizing the way we consume and share content online.

Unlock the Power of Decentralized Video Streaming with PeerTube

Discover how PeerTube, an open-source video platform, is revolutionizing the way we consume and share content online, empowering users and challenging the status quo.

Discover PeerTube: The Open-Source YouTube Alternative

PeerTube is an open-source video hosting platform that aims to provide an alternative to the centralized power of YouTube. Developed by a dedicated community, this decentralized solution is gaining attention among tech-savvy users and creators.

Discover PeerTube: The Open-Source Video Platform Shaking Up the Industry

Dive into the world of PeerTube, the innovative open-source video platform that's challenging the status quo in the digital media landscape.

MariaDB Contribution Statistics for Q1 2024

The MariaDB Foundation has released its contribution statistics for the first quarter of 2024, revealing a busy and productive period for the open-source database project.

Raspberry Pi Microcontroller Powers Wristwatch with 60 LEDs

Raspberry Pi's RP2040 microcontroller is the driving force behind a unique wristwatch that displays the time using an array of 60 individual LEDs, showcasing the versatility of this powerful chip.

Spark Stripe Expands Payment Options with SEPA and Link Support

The Laravel team has announced an exciting update to Spark Stripe, their popular payment platform, which now includes support for SEPA Direct Debit and Stripe's Link fast-checkout solution.

Unlock the Power of PeerTube: A Technical Journalist's Perspective

Discover the open-source video platform that's revolutionizing the way developers approach video hosting and streaming. Our technical journalist takes a deep dive into the innovative features of PeerTube.

Exciting PECL Updates for PHP Developers

Discover the latest PECL releases that are shaking up the PHP development world, from gRPC 1.63.0RC1 to Xdebug 3.3.2 and more. Get the inside scoop on these crucial updates!

Unlock the Power of PeerTube: A Comprehensive Overview

Discover the innovative open-source video platform, PeerTube, that is revolutionizing the way developers and users experience video sharing.

Unlock the Power of PeerTube: A Comprehensive Guide

Discover the innovative world of PeerTube, an open-source video platform revolutionizing the way we share and consume content online.

Unleash Your Content with PeerTube: A Decentralized Video Platform for Developers

Discover PeerTube, a revolutionary open-source video platform that empowers developers to take control of their content and create thriving communities.

PeerTube: The Open-Source Alternative to YouTube

PeerTube is an open-source video hosting platform that aims to provide a decentralized and privacy-focused alternative to YouTube. Developed by a team of passionate programmers, PeerTube offers a unique approach to video sharing.

PeerTube: A Decentralized Video Hosting Platform for Developers

Discover PeerTube, a cutting-edge open-source video hosting platform that empowers developers with a decentralized approach to content distribution and community engagement.

Exploring PeerTube: An Open-Source, Decentralized Video Platform

Discover PeerTube, an innovative open-source video platform that empowers users with a decentralized, community-driven approach to online video sharing.

PeerTube: A Decentralized Video Hosting Solution

PeerTube is an open-source, decentralized video hosting platform that aims to provide an alternative to centralized services like YouTube. This article explores the key features and benefits of this innovative platform.

Dive into PeerTube: A Decentralized Video Platform

Explore the ins and outs of PeerTube, a decentralized video platform that empowers creators and challenges the status quo of online video sharing.

Explore PeerTube: The Open-Source Decentralized Video Platform

Discover PeerTube, an innovative open-source video platform that empowers users and challenges the status quo of online video sharing.

Revolutionizing Video Hosting with PeerTube

Discover how the open-source platform PeerTube is transforming the video hosting landscape, empowering creators and users alike.

Scaling Postgres with Partitioning and Tablespaces in Kubernetes

Explore how horizontal table partitioning and tablespaces can help scale your PostgreSQL databases in cloud-native environments like Kubernetes.

Dive into PeerTube: The Decentralized Video Platform

Discover PeerTube, the open-source video platform that challenges the status quo of centralized video hosting. Learn how this innovative project is empowering communities and redefining the digital media landscape.

Unlocking Faster Builds and Larger Sizes with Bitbucket Pipelines' New Container Runtime

Bitbucket Pipelines is undergoing a major infrastructure upgrade, introducing a new container runtime that promises faster build speeds and support for larger step sizes up to 8x. Here's what developers need to know.

Unleash Your Content: PeerTube Empowers Creators

PeerTube, an open-source video hosting platform, is revolutionizing the way creators share and consume content. Discover how this innovative solution is reshaping the digital landscape.

Dive Into the World of PeerTube: An Open-Source Video Hosting Platform

Discover the captivating features and community behind PeerTube, an innovative open-source video hosting platform that's shaking up the industry.

How do you evaluate an LLM? Try an LLM

The authors discuss how to evaluate large language models (LLMs) using the model itself to provide insights and perform analysis on other LLMs. They showcase an example using the Anthropic model to analyze the GPT-3 model.

Unlocking the Power of PeerTube: An Open-Source Video Hosting Alternative

PeerTube, an open-source video hosting platform, is shaking up the industry with its innovative approach to decentralized content distribution. This article explores the key features and benefits of this cutting-edge technology.

Discover PeerTube: The Open-Source Video Streaming Platform

Explore PeerTube, an open-source video streaming platform that aims to provide an alternative to centralized video hosting services, empowering users with privacy and decentralization.

Unlock the Power of PeerTube: A Journalist's Dive into the Open-Source Video Platform

Discover the innovative features and community-driven development of PeerTube, an open-source alternative to centralized video platforms, as our technical journalist explores its potential for software developers.

PeerTube: A Decentralized Video Sharing Platform

Discover PeerTube, a unique open-source video sharing platform that empowers users with decentralized control and privacy-focused features.

Unleashing the Power of Decentralized Video Hosting with PeerTube

Discover the innovative open-source platform PeerTube, revolutionizing the way we share and consume video content in a decentralized, community-driven manner.

Exploring Enhancements to the Firefox Sidebar

Mozilla is working on improving the Firefox sidebar to boost productivity and streamline workflows. Learn about their latest plans to enhance this key browser feature.

The Beast: A Beefy DIY Bench Power Supply for Any Project

The Arduino team introduces Doug Domke's powerful and versatile DIY bench power supply, capable of handling even the most demanding electronics projects with its multiple outputs and high current capabilities.

Discover the Red Hat OpenShift Commons Gathering at Red Hat Summit 2024

The next OpenShift Commons Gathering is Monday, May 6 at Red Hat Summit 2024 Community Day in Denver Colorado. Don't miss this opportunity to connect with the OpenShift community.

Operationalizing Vector Databases on Postgres

Discover how the pg_vectorize extension enables consistent and efficient storage, indexing, and search of embeddings in your Postgres database.

Elastic Universal Profiling agent, a continuous profiling solution, is now open source

Elastic has open-sourced its industry-leading Universal Profiling agent, an eBPF-based continuous profiling solution, under the Apache 2 license. The move aims to democratize hyper-scaler efficiency and enable the OpenTelemetry community to adopt continuous profiling as a key observability signal.

Unlock the Power of P2P Video with PeerTube

Discover how PeerTube, an open-source project, is revolutionizing the video streaming landscape by harnessing the power of peer-to-peer technology.

Expand your app's reach and capabilities on Microsoft Teams with API-based message extensions

Microsoft has announced the general availability of API-based message extensions, making it easier than ever for developers to integrate their apps into Microsoft Teams and extend their app's functionality to over 320 million users.

Customizing Reader Mode - A Nightly News Update

Discover how the Firefox team is enhancing the Reader Mode experience with custom color themes and other improvements in the latest issue of These Weeks in Firefox.

Unlock Unified Data for Zero Trust Success

Elastic provides the unified data layer that powers effective Zero Trust operations, enabling speed, accuracy, and future-proofing for organizations.

Build disaster-ready .NET Web APIs on AWS

Achieve active-active multi-region deployments for your .NET Web APIs on AWS, ensuring high availability and resilience against disasters.

Exploring Chris's Corner: Uncovering the Delights of a Developer's Passions

Join us as we dive into the captivating world of Chris's Corner, where a seasoned software developer shares their latest insights and personal favorites in the world of technology.

Hacking Postgres Podcast: Exploring PostgreSQL with Andrew Atkinson

Discover the latest episode of the Hacking Postgres podcast, where software engineer Andrew Atkinson shares his insights on PostgreSQL, Ruby on Rails, and the growing Postgres ecosystem.

Streamlining Container Builds with .NET 8

Learn how .NET 8 has revolutionized container build and publish workflows, with improvements to performance, security, and usability.

Allegro Packaging in Debian: A Developer's Perspective

In this article, a software developer shares an update on the packaging of the Allegro game development library in the Debian Linux distribution, highlighting the challenges and the need for community involvement.

Unlocking the Power of Build Insights: Mastering Template Instantiation Optimization

Discover how the new Templates View feature in Build Insights can help you identify and optimize the impact of template instantiations on your C++ project's build time.

Kdenlive 24.02.2: Smooth Sailing with Performance Optimizations

Kdenlive, the open-source video editing software, has released version 24.02.2 with a focus on improving performance and fixing various issues. The update includes optimizations for clip movement, enhanced macOS and Windows support, and bug fixes for copy/paste of effects, rotoscoping, and Nvidia encoding.

openSUSE Leap Micro 6 Enters Alpha Stage

The openSUSE project is excited to announce that Leap Micro 6 is in its alpha development stage, continuing to provide a stable, secure and scalable platform for modern lightweight host operating systems.

Postman Interceptor now works with the Postman web app

Postman Interceptor is a browser extension that helps developers intercept any browser HTTP/S traffic and cookies and bring them into Postman. The company has announced that Postman Interceptor now works with the Postman web app, allowing users to capture requests and sync their browser cookies without leaving their browser.

Collabocats: Postman's Slack Integration Brings Powerful Teamwork to Your API Workflows

Postman's new Slack integration is a game-changer for API collaboration, enabling developers to work together on collections and workspaces directly within their favorite messaging platform.

Communicate API changes via the Workspace Updates folder in Postman

Postman's new Workspace Updates folder enables producers to seamlessly communicate API changes to their consumers, facilitating faster collaboration and alignment.

Explore the Postgres Extension Ecosystem at the Mini-Summit

Join us for a virtual gathering to explore the current state and future of Postgres extension registration, packaging, and distribution.

Sovereign solutions for sensitive workloads: Elastic on Google Distributed Cloud Hosted

Elastic and Google Cloud have partnered to offer a comprehensive solutions portfolio for sovereign cloud use cases, with Google Distributed Cloud Hosted (GDCH) providing an air-gapped private cloud environment for the most critical workloads.

NLP vs. LLMs: Bridging the Language Gap Between Machines and Humans

Explore the fascinating world of natural language processing (NLP) and large language models (LLMs) - two distinct AI technologies that enable seamless communication between humans and machines.

Boost Productivity with This Raspberry Pi Python To-Do List

Learn how to create an interactive to-do list app using Python and the Raspberry Pi platform, perfect for software developers who want to streamline their workflow.

Succeed as a data engineer without the burnout

Embrace DataOps principles to build efficient, resilient data platforms that deliver consistent business value with minimal maintenance effort.

Tame network complexity and manage risk with a 'Start small, think big' approach to network automation

Modern life is leading to a permanent state of online connectivity. Network automation is a disruptor that can reduce unplanned downtime and help maintain compliance faster.

Cryptographically Secure Random Values with the Laravel Random Package

The Random package by Stephen Rees-Carter generates cryptographically secure random values in a range of different formats through a simple helper package for PHP.

Unleash the Power of pgenv: Automating One-Time Scripts

Discover how the latest release of pgenv, a popular PostgreSQL environment management tool, empowers developers to run custom scripts during the first startup of a database cluster.

A Quantum Leap in Lattice Cryptanalysis

A new paper presents a groundbreaking polynomial-time quantum algorithm for solving certain lattice-based cryptographic problems, potentially posing a serious threat to post-quantum cryptography.

KDE Neon Hosts Open Door Chats to Resolve Post-Launch Issues

The KDE Neon team is hosting two open door chats on KDE Meet to address user problems following the recent KDE 6 Megarelease.

Improved query cancellation in PostgreSQL 17 and Psycopg 3.2

The upcoming PostgreSQL 17 will ship with improved query cancellation capabilities, which will also be integrated into the upcoming release of Psycopg version 3.2.

Discover the Latest PEAR Releases: A PHP Developer's Roundup

Dive into the latest updates from the PEAR community, as our technical journalist explores the newest releases that are sure to excite PHP developers.

Node.js Collaboration Summit Recap: Driving Innovation in the Node.js Ecosystem

The Node.js collaboration summit brings together contributors and community members to share knowledge, brainstorm solutions, and push forward new initiatives in the Node.js project. This report covers the key discussions and outcomes from the 2024 London summit.

Arch Linux Elects Longtime Leader for Another Term

Arch Linux has announced the results of its 2024 leader election, with current Project Leader Levente 'anthraxx' Polyák being re-elected for another term.

Accelerate Java 22 Adoption with IntelliJ IDEA

Join Mala Gupta, a Java Champion and JUG leader, for a live coding demo on how IntelliJ IDEA helps developers leverage the latest Java 22 features.

Upcoming on the 6-Month Roadmap for Java on Azure Tools

Jialuo Gan, a Program Manager at Microsoft, shares an exciting update on the roadmap for Java on Azure Developer Tools, including enhancements for keeping up with the latest Azure services, building cloud-native apps, and improving the intelligent app experience.

Modernizing QTextDocument: Enhancing Tables and Responsive Images

Carl Schwan, a software developer, has been working on improving the QTextDocument library in Qt. In this article, he shares the enhancements he has implemented, including better default table styles and support for responsive images.

Kate Editor Expands Reach Across Platforms

The Kate text editor, a beloved KDE application, continues to make strides in supporting a wide range of operating systems, from Linux and BSD to Windows and macOS.

Mastering Graphics Offloading: A Guide for Developers

Discover the latest advancements in GTK graphics offloading and learn how to ensure seamless video playback performance on your software applications.

Renowned Security Expert Bruce Schneier Announces Upcoming Speaking Engagements

Renowned security expert and public-interest technologist Bruce Schneier has revealed his upcoming speaking engagements, including two high-profile events at the upcoming RSA Conference 2024 in San Francisco.

Exciting New PostgreSQL 16 Coin Revealed

Luca Ferrari, a prominent member of the PostgreSQL community, has just received the highly anticipated PostgreSQL 16 Coin, featuring stunning artwork.

Monitor and Log Nearby Noise with this Arduino-Based Device

Arduino developer Christopher Cooper created a connected audio-classifying device to track disruptive sounds near his home, using an Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense and Edge Impulse for sound classification.

Debian Developers Migrate Orphaned Packages to Git

Petter Reinholdtsen, a Debian developer, has been working to migrate orphaned Debian packages to Git repositories to improve their maintenance and collaboration.

Explicit Sync Lands in Plasma 6.1

KDE developer Xaver Hugl merged support for Explicit Sync in Plasma 6.1, a technical change that reduces latency and graphical glitches, especially on NVIDIA GPUs.

Embedding Godot, the Open-Source Game Engine, into Your Apps

Miguel de Icaza, the co-founder of Xamarin, shares his journey of incorporating the powerful Godot game engine into his software projects over the past decade, culminating in the creation of SwiftGodotKit for embedding Godot content into iOS apps.

Unlocking the Power of KDE: Cantor and KDE Connect Get Hindi Translation

Asish Kumar, a dedicated software developer, has translated the popular KDE applications Cantor and KDE Connect into Hindi, making them more accessible to a wider audience during the Season of KDE 2024 program.

Domo Arigato, Mr. Debugfs: How One Developer Implemented a 9P Filesystem for Debian Debugging

Discover how one software developer built a 9P filesystem to access debug symbols in Debian packages, leveraging Rust and the Tokio runtime to create a unique debugging tool.

Reproducible and minimal source-only tarballs

The author describes his practical experiments with reproducible release artifacts, following up on his earlier thoughts that led to discussion and a patch to make Guix tarballs reproducible.

Overcoming the Software Overload in the Workplace

Overcoming the Software Overload in the Workplace

In this article, the author examines the growing complexity of software tools required for modern work, discussing the challenges it poses for both corporations and free software developers.

Overcoming the Software Overload in the Workplace

What's New in LLVM 18?

Arm's Kyrylo Tkachov, Pavel Iliin, Alexandros Lamprineas, John Brawn, Momchil Velikov, and Ties Stuij share the latest improvements to LLVM 18, including SME and SME2 support, Function Multi Versioning, Guarded Control Stack (GCS) support, and more.

Postgres Roles Democratize Database Access

Postgres Roles Democratize Database Access

Discover how Postgres 14's new roles like pg_monitor, pg_read_all_data, and pg_signal_backend can help you avoid the hassle of SECURITY DEFINER functions and give trusted users more database access without compromising security.

Postgres Roles Democratize Database Access

Unleash Your Java Prowess: Must-Know Frameworks for 2024

Unleash Your Java Prowess: Must-Know Frameworks for 2024

Discover the powerful Java frameworks that will take your development to new heights in 2024, from Spring and Micronaut to Hibernate and Kafka. Our technical journalist provides an insightful overview to help you decide which tools to explore further.

Unleash Your Java Prowess: Must-Know Frameworks for 2024

Smugglers Caught Disguising Gold as Machine Parts

Smugglers Caught Disguising Gold as Machine Parts

A recent incident in Hong Kong highlights the creative methods criminals use to smuggle valuable goods across borders, including disguising gold as ordinary machine parts.

Smugglers Caught Disguising Gold as Machine Parts

Rust's Types Team Welcomes New Co-Lead lcnr

Rust's Types Team Welcomes New Co-Lead lcnr

The Rust programming language's Types Team has announced lcnr as its new co-lead, joining senior lead Jack Huey. This move follows the team's adoption of a 'rolling leadership' model.

Rust's Types Team Welcomes New Co-Lead lcnr

PostgreSQL's Steady Progress on SQL/JSON Features

PostgreSQL's Steady Progress on SQL/JSON Features

Discover the exciting developments in PostgreSQL's SQL/JSON support, as the database management system steadily adds new functionality and capabilities to this powerful feature.

PostgreSQL's Steady Progress on SQL/JSON Features

Unlocking Hindi Translation for Tellico: A Season of KDE 2024 Journey

Unlocking Hindi Translation for Tellico: A Season of KDE 2024 Journey

Akash Kumar, a software developer, shares his experience of translating the Tellico application to Hindi during his participation in the Season of KDE 2024 program.

Unlocking Hindi Translation for Tellico: A Season of KDE 2024 Journey

PL/pgSQL Conversion Gotchas: Cursors and Last Fetch

PL/pgSQL Conversion Gotchas: Cursors and Last Fetch

Deepak Mahto, a database expert, explores the nuances of cursor handling and the differences between Oracle's PLSQL and PostgreSQL's PL/pgSQL when converting code.

PL/pgSQL Conversion Gotchas: Cursors and Last Fetch

MSVC Address Sanitizer Adoption Boosts Security and Reliability of .NET's CoreCLR

MSVC Address Sanitizer Adoption Boosts Security and Reliability of .NET's CoreCLR

The MSVC Address Sanitizer team collaborated with the CoreCLR team to integrate this powerful memory error detection tool, improving the security and reliability of the .NET runtime platform.

MSVC Address Sanitizer Adoption Boosts Security and Reliability of .NET's CoreCLR

Kubuntu: Noble Numbat Beta Available, Qt6 Snaps Coming Soon

Kubuntu: Noble Numbat Beta Available, Qt6 Snaps Coming Soon

Scarlett Gately Moore, a Kubuntu developer, shares the exciting news of the Kubuntu 24.04 beta release and upcoming Qt6 snaps, as she nears the end of her contract with the project.

Kubuntu: Noble Numbat Beta Available, Qt6 Snaps Coming Soon

Kubuntu 24.04 Beta Brings Exciting New Features and Enhancements

Kubuntu 24.04 Beta Brings Exciting New Features and Enhancements

Kubuntu, the popular KDE-based Linux distribution, has just released its 24.04 beta, packed with fresh branding, artwork, and a new testing tool called KubuQA. Developers and enthusiasts are invited to try it out and provide valuable feedback.

Kubuntu 24.04 Beta Brings Exciting New Features and Enhancements

KDE Frameworks 6.1.0 Brings Improvements Across the Board

KDE Frameworks 6.1.0 Brings Improvements Across the Board

The KDE team has just announced the release of KDE Frameworks 6.1.0, a major update that introduces a wide range of improvements and bug fixes across the 83 addon libraries that make up the popular Qt-based framework.

KDE Frameworks 6.1.0 Brings Improvements Across the Board

Improving the event queue in Elastic Agent and Beats

Improving the event queue in Elastic Agent and Beats

Fae Charlton and Alexandros Sapranidis from Elastic share how internal improvements reduced memory use in Elastic 8.13.

Improving the event queue in Elastic Agent and Beats

ICPC World Finals: Kotlin Heroes Blind Coding Challenge

ICPC World Finals: Kotlin Heroes Blind Coding Challenge

Join the livestream event of the ICPC World Finals: Kotlin Heroes Blind Coding Challenge, featuring world-class competitive programmers showcasing their skills in Kotlin.

ICPC World Finals: Kotlin Heroes Blind Coding Challenge

GNOME's Twig Transforms Torrents and Tunes

GNOME's Twig Transforms Torrents and Tunes

Discover the latest updates from the GNOME project, including major improvements to the Fragments BitTorrent client and the Blanket audio app, as well as new releases of Pika Backup and Cambalache.

GNOME's Twig Transforms Torrents and Tunes

Fixing the Mailman3-Web Error When Upgrading to Bookworm

Fixing the Mailman3-Web Error When Upgrading to Bookworm

A software developer from the Daionet blog has discovered a solution to the Mailman3-Web error that occurs when upgrading from Bullseye to Bookworm. Their article provides a step-by-step guide to resolving the issue.

Fixing the Mailman3-Web Error When Upgrading to Bookworm

Ensuring KEcoLab Stability: Introducing Dedicated CI-Test

Ensuring KEcoLab Stability: Introducing Dedicated CI-Test

Discover how Sarthak Negi, a contributor to the KDE project, implemented dedicated test builds using Kate test scripts to enhance the reliability and accuracy of the KEcoLab software energy consumption measurement tool.

Ensuring KEcoLab Stability: Introducing Dedicated CI-Test

Effortless Blade Formatting in PhpStorm

Effortless Blade Formatting in PhpStorm

Discover how to automatically format Blade files in PhpStorm using the Prettier code formatter and the `prettier-plugin-blade` plugin, making your Laravel development workflow even smoother.

Effortless Blade Formatting in PhpStorm

Dive into Squid Fishing Horrors: A Journalist's Expose

Dive into Squid Fishing Horrors: A Journalist's Expose

Veteran technology journalist Bruce Schneier uncovers the grim realities of the squid fishing industry, shedding light on the appalling conditions faced by deckhands on these vessels. This eye-opening report is a must-read for anyone concerned about worker exploitation and the dark side of our global food supply.

Dive into Squid Fishing Horrors: A Journalist's Expose

Discovering the Depths of Tech: A Weekly Dive into the Latest Innovations

Discovering the Depths of Tech: A Weekly Dive into the Latest Innovations

Dive into the latest tech news and insights, from the rise and fall of Silicon Graphics to the environmental impact of software design. Explore the world of AI, cloud computing, and more with this engaging overview.

Discovering the Depths of Tech: A Weekly Dive into the Latest Innovations

Diffoscope 264 Brings Improved Handling of Corrupted Zipfiles

Diffoscope 264 Brings Improved Handling of Corrupted Zipfiles

The latest release of the popular diffoscope tool, version 264, introduces several key improvements to enhance its performance and capabilities for software developers.

Diffoscope 264 Brings Improved Handling of Corrupted Zipfiles

Debian Contributions: From SSO Authentication to /usr-Move and More

Debian Contributions: From SSO Authentication to /usr-Move and More

Freexian, a leading software contributor, has been actively contributing to Debian, tackling a range of technical challenges. This article provides a concise overview of their latest achievements, from implementing SSO authentication for jitsi.debian.social to updates on the /usr-move initiative.

Debian Contributions: From SSO Authentication to /usr-Move and More

Blast off with the LanderShot Lunar Espresso Machine

Blast off with the LanderShot Lunar Espresso Machine

The LanderShot Lunar Espresso Module is a high-tech espresso machine that merges designer aesthetics with cutting-edge electronics, including an Arduino Nano Every board to control the temperature and pressure.

Blast off with the LanderShot Lunar Espresso Machine

Arm Contributes Major Updates to LLVM 18

Arm Contributes Major Updates to LLVM 18

LLVM 18.1.0 was recently released, with Arm contributing support for the latest Armv9.5-A architecture, numerous performance and security enhancements, and key improvements to the Flang Fortran compiler.

Arm Contributes Major Updates to LLVM 18

Unraveling the Belgian eID: OpenSC's Challenges and the Official BeID Solution

Unraveling the Belgian eID: OpenSC's Challenges and the Official BeID Solution

Discover the intricacies of using the Belgian eID on Linux systems, as a technical journalist explores the differences between the open-source OpenSC library and the official BeID solution, shedding light on the challenges and updates in this space.

Unraveling the Belgian eID: OpenSC's Challenges and the Official BeID Solution

Unlocking Opportunity: Empowering the Next Generation of Open Source Leaders Through All In Africa

Unlocking Opportunity: Empowering the Next Generation of Open Source Leaders Through All In Africa

GitHub's All In program is advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion in open source through community-driven initiatives like All In Africa, which is now accepting applications for a new cohort.

Unlocking Opportunity: Empowering the Next Generation of Open Source Leaders Through All In Africa

Unlock Your Django Potential: Discover PyCharm's Comprehensive Learning Resources

Unlock Your Django Potential: Discover PyCharm's Comprehensive Learning Resources

Are you a Python developer looking to dive into the world of Django? PyCharm has got you covered with a wealth of tutorials, videos, and blog posts to help you master this powerful web framework.

Unlock Your Django Potential: Discover PyCharm's Comprehensive Learning Resources

Unlock the Power of AI-Assisted Pull Request Descriptions in Bitbucket Cloud

Unlock the Power of AI-Assisted Pull Request Descriptions in Bitbucket Cloud

Bitbucket, the popular code hosting platform, has introduced a groundbreaking feature that aims to revolutionize the way developers write pull request descriptions. With the power of Atlassian Intelligence, Bitbucket now offers AI-assisted pull request descriptions, empowering developers to save time and craft more effective summaries of their code changes.

Unlock the Power of AI-Assisted Pull Request Descriptions in Bitbucket Cloud

Unleash the Power of SQL: Mastering PostgreSQL's New EXPLAIN SERIALIZE Feature

Unleash the Power of SQL: Mastering PostgreSQL's New EXPLAIN SERIALIZE Feature

Discover how the latest SERIALIZE option in PostgreSQL's EXPLAIN command can revolutionize your query optimization process, enabling you to dive deep into data serialization performance.

Unleash the Power of SQL: Mastering PostgreSQL's New EXPLAIN SERIALIZE Feature

Unleash the Power of OpenCV on Android with ARM Performance Gains

Unleash the Power of OpenCV on Android with ARM Performance Gains

Discover how OpenCV's enhanced Android support and ARM optimizations are revolutionizing computer vision on mobile devices.

Unleash the Power of OpenCV on Android with ARM Performance Gains

Trio: Airbnb's Compose-based Android Architecture, Part III

Trio: Airbnb's Compose-based Android Architecture, Part III

Airbnb engineers Eli Hart, Ben Schwab, and Yvonne Wong explain how Trio's Props allow for simplified, type-safe communication between ViewModels.

Trio: Airbnb's Compose-based Android Architecture, Part III

Standardized Tool Calling with LangChain

Standardized Tool Calling with LangChain

LangChain introduces a new standardized interface for tool calling, allowing developers to easily switch between different LLM providers and build sophisticated applications that leverage external data sources.

Standardized Tool Calling with LangChain

Russell Coker Outlines His Approach to Licensing Content for AI Training

Russell Coker Outlines His Approach to Licensing Content for AI Training

Russell Coker, a prominent Debian developer, has shared his perspective on how he plans to handle the licensing of his blog content for use in AI training datasets. His approach aims to balance legal rights with practical realities.

Russell Coker Outlines His Approach to Licensing Content for AI Training

Powering Meta's AI Workloads with Custom Silicon

Powering Meta's AI Workloads with Custom Silicon

Engineers at Meta are building new custom silicon to handle the company's growing artificial intelligence workloads. Learn about the challenges and innovations behind this next-generation hardware.

Powering Meta's AI Workloads with Custom Silicon

Postman Strengthens Community Focus with Orbit Acquisition

Postman Strengthens Community Focus with Orbit Acquisition

Postman, the leading API platform, announced that it has acquired Orbit, the leading community management tool, to enhance collaboration and engagement on its public API network.

Postman Strengthens Community Focus with Orbit Acquisition

Postman Acquires Orbit to Supercharge Community Growth on the Public API Network

Postman Acquires Orbit to Supercharge Community Growth on the Public API Network

Postman, the leading API platform, has acquired Orbit, the leading community growth management tool. This strategic move aims to empower API providers to foster thriving communities around their APIs on the Postman Public API Network.

Postman Acquires Orbit to Supercharge Community Growth on the Public API Network

Postman Acquires Orbit to Boost Public API Network Community

Postman Acquires Orbit to Boost Public API Network Community

Postman, the leading API platform, has acquired Orbit, the leading community management tool, to enable API publishers and consumers to collaborate more effectively on the Postman Public API Network.

Postman Acquires Orbit to Boost Public API Network Community

Postman Acquires Orbit to Boost API Community Engagement

Postman Acquires Orbit to Boost API Community Engagement

Postman, the leading API platform, has announced the acquisition of Orbit, the premier tool for building and growing online communities. This strategic move aims to enhance collaboration and engagement within the expansive Postman Public API Network.

Postman Acquires Orbit to Boost API Community Engagement

Postman Acquires Orbit: Supercharging API Communities on the Postman Public API Network

Postman Acquires Orbit: Supercharging API Communities on the Postman Public API Network

Postman, the leading API platform, has acquired Orbit, a tool that helps developer companies manage and grow their communities. This move aims to enhance collaboration and engagement within the Postman Public API Network.

Postman Acquires Orbit: Supercharging API Communities on the Postman Public API Network

PostgreSQL's Latest MERGE Enhancements: Deleting Unmatched Rows

PostgreSQL's Latest MERGE Enhancements: Deleting Unmatched Rows

PostgreSQL developer Dean Rasheed has recently committed a patch that adds powerful new capabilities to the MERGE command, allowing for the deletion of rows that don't exist in the data source.

PostgreSQL's Latest MERGE Enhancements: Deleting Unmatched Rows

PostgreSQL 17 Commitfest Breaks Patch Submission Records

PostgreSQL 17 Commitfest Breaks Patch Submission Records

Discover the latest statistics on the number of patches committed in the PostgreSQL 17 development cycle, which has reached all-time highs for certain commitfest periods.

PostgreSQL 17 Commitfest Breaks Patch Submission Records

PostgreSQL 17 Adds New COPY Option: LOG_VERBOSITY

PostgreSQL 17 Adds New COPY Option: LOG_VERBOSITY

Masahiko Sawada recently committed a patch to PostgreSQL 17 that introduces a new COPY option called LOG_VERBOSITY. This feature provides more detailed information about discarded rows during COPY operations, helping developers identify and address problematic data.

PostgreSQL 17 Adds New COPY Option: LOG_VERBOSITY

Pioneering the Future of AI Infrastructure: Behind Meta's Visionary Approach

Pioneering the Future of AI Infrastructure: Behind Meta's Visionary Approach

Meet Kevin L., a technical program manager at Meta, who has been instrumental in building the cutting-edge infrastructure that powers the company's groundbreaking AI research and innovations, including the Llama language model.

Pioneering the Future of AI Infrastructure: Behind Meta's Visionary Approach

Perl Steering Council Tackles Deëxperiment PR and Potential Release Blockers

Perl Steering Council Tackles Deëxperiment PR and Potential Release Blockers

The Perl Steering Council has been busy this week, merging a key PR, discussing the inclusion of new features, and triaging reported bugs as they work towards a stable release.

Perl Steering Council Tackles Deëxperiment PR and Potential Release Blockers

PeerDB raises $3.6 million seed funding to revolutionize data movement for PostgreSQL

PeerDB raises $3.6 million seed funding to revolutionize data movement for PostgreSQL

PeerDB, the leading data movement platform for PostgreSQL, has raised $3.6 million in seed funding to accelerate its mission of becoming the de facto standard for Postgres data movement and ETL.

PeerDB raises $3.6 million seed funding to revolutionize data movement for PostgreSQL

Narrowly Averted Cyber Catastrophe: The XZ Utils Backdoor That Almost Infected the World

Narrowly Averted Cyber Catastrophe: The XZ Utils Backdoor That Almost Infected the World

A nation-state attack targeting a critical open-source library was thwarted at the last minute, but it highlights the vulnerability of the global software supply chain and the need for better security measures.

Narrowly Averted Cyber Catastrophe: The XZ Utils Backdoor That Almost Infected the World

Mastering the Interactivity API: A Powerful Tool for Building Dynamic WordPress Blocks

Mastering the Interactivity API: A Powerful Tool for Building Dynamic WordPress Blocks

The Interactivity API in WordPress 6.5 empowers developers to create interactive blocks with advanced features, including responsive animations, seamless navigation, and instant search - all without relying on jQuery.

Mastering the Interactivity API: A Powerful Tool for Building Dynamic WordPress Blocks

Lighting Experience Performance: One Year Later, Results and the Road Ahead

Lighting Experience Performance: One Year Later, Results and the Road Ahead

Salesforce celebrates one year of dedicated focus on improving the user experience for Lightning, sharing key improvements and an ambitious outlook for the year ahead.

Lighting Experience Performance: One Year Later, Results and the Road Ahead

Introducing the MSTest SDK - Simplified Testing with Sensible Defaults

Introducing the MSTest SDK - Simplified Testing with Sensible Defaults

Discover how the new MSTest SDK streamlines your testing experience by providing better defaults, simplified usage, and enhanced extensibility - all while seamlessly supporting Native AOT testing.

Introducing the MSTest SDK - Simplified Testing with Sensible Defaults

Empower Your Database with Postgres Roles and Privileges

Empower Your Database with Postgres Roles and Privileges

Discover how to effectively manage data access and security in your Postgres database with a deep dive into the powerful permissions model.

Empower Your Database with Postgres Roles and Privileges

Deadline Extended for 2024 TPRC Submissions

Deadline Extended for 2024 TPRC Submissions

The submission deadline for the 2024 TPRC (Technical Perl/Raku Conference) has been extended through April 20th, providing more time for developers to submit talks and papers.

Deadline Extended for 2024 TPRC Submissions

Centralize Secrets Management with HashiCorp Vault's Secrets Sync

Centralize Secrets Management with HashiCorp Vault's Secrets Sync

HashiCorp's new Secrets Sync feature in Vault Enterprise helps organizations manage secrets sprawl by centralizing the governance and control of secrets across multiple external secret managers.

Centralize Secrets Management with HashiCorp Vault's Secrets Sync

Bruce Schneier Recounts the Early Days of the RSA Conference

Bruce Schneier Recounts the Early Days of the RSA Conference

Cryptography expert Bruce Schneier shares fascinating insights into the history of the RSA Conference, including his role as the first 'exhibitor' at the event in 1994.

Bruce Schneier Recounts the Early Days of the RSA Conference

Backup Your Internet Connection with Recursive DNS

Backup Your Internet Connection with Recursive DNS

Discover how one developer implemented a reliable local recursive DNS server to ensure internet connectivity, even in the event of a primary network outage.

Backup Your Internet Connection with Recursive DNS

Arch Linux Reaches 100% Reproducibility and More Reproducibility News

Arch Linux Reaches 100% Reproducibility and More Reproducibility News

Discover the latest developments in the world of reproducible builds, from Arch Linux achieving 100% reproducibility to new research on improving software supply chain security.

Arch Linux Reaches 100% Reproducibility and More Reproducibility News

Accelerating Prototyping with Gradio UI for Figma

Accelerating Prototyping with Gradio UI for Figma

Mozilla's innovation team introduces a new Figma component library that integrates Gradio, a low-code prototyping toolkit, to help designers and developers rapidly create and test machine learning and generative AI experiments.

Accelerating Prototyping with Gradio UI for Figma

A Blueprint for Cloud Success with HashiCorp at Google Cloud Next

A Blueprint for Cloud Success with HashiCorp at Google Cloud Next

HashiCorp's infrastructure and security news and developments from Google Cloud Next, including scaling infrastructure as code, fighting secrets sprawl, and more.

A Blueprint for Cloud Success with HashiCorp at Google Cloud Next

Unlocking Developer Empowerment: Exploring Facebook's Latest Platform Advancements

Unlocking Developer Empowerment: Exploring Facebook's Latest Platform Advancements

Facebook's developer platform has undergone a significant transformation, introducing a suite of new resources to empower software developers worldwide. In this in-depth article, we delve into the key highlights of these platform enhancements.

Unlocking Developer Empowerment: Exploring Facebook's Latest Platform Advancements

Terraform 1.8 Extends Capabilities with Provider-Defined Functions

Terraform 1.8 Extends Capabilities with Provider-Defined Functions

HashiCorp Terraform 1.8 introduces two major features: provider-defined functions for extending the language, and refactoring across resource types for better flexibility.

Terraform 1.8 Extends Capabilities with Provider-Defined Functions

Terraform 1.8 Adds Provider Functions for AWS, Google Cloud, and Kubernetes

Terraform 1.8 Adds Provider Functions for AWS, Google Cloud, and Kubernetes

HashiCorp has announced the general availability of provider-defined functions in the AWS, Google Cloud, and Kubernetes providers, enabling the Terraform community to build custom functions and extend the capabilities of Terraform.

Terraform 1.8 Adds Provider Functions for AWS, Google Cloud, and Kubernetes

Solve Programming Challenges with Perl and Raku

Solve Programming Challenges with Perl and Raku

Explore how to create target arrays by inserting values at specific indices, as demonstrated in the Perl Weekly Challenge 264.

Solve Programming Challenges with Perl and Raku

Remembering a Cybersecurity Pioneer: In Memoriam of Ross Anderson

Remembering a Cybersecurity Pioneer: In Memoriam of Ross Anderson

Renowned cybersecurity expert and professor Ross Anderson passed away in 2024, leaving behind a legacy of groundbreaking research and influential contributions to the field.

Remembering a Cybersecurity Pioneer: In Memoriam of Ross Anderson

PL/pgSQL Conversion Gotchas: How to Handle Conflicting Variables

PL/pgSQL Conversion Gotchas: How to Handle Conflicting Variables

Deepak Mahto, a database expert, shares insights on handling conflicting variables during the conversion of PL/SQL to PL/pgSQL code in this concise and informative article.

PL/pgSQL Conversion Gotchas: How to Handle Conflicting Variables

Node v21.7.3 (Current), @RafaelGSS

Node v21.7.3 (Current), @RafaelGSS

This is a security release for Node.js, with a notable change to address a command injection vulnerability in the child_process.spawn method on Windows.

Node v21.7.3 (Current), @RafaelGSS

Node v20.12.2 (LTS) - Security Release

Node v20.12.2 (LTS) - Security Release

Node.js version 20.12.2, a security release, is now available. This article provides a quick overview of the key changes.

Node v20.12.2 (LTS) - Security Release

Node v18.20.2 - Critical Security Update

Node v18.20.2 - Critical Security Update

The Node.js team has released version 18.20.2, a critical security update that addresses a vulnerability in the child_process.spawn function on Windows.

Node v18.20.2 - Critical Security Update

Meta's Next-Generation AI Training and Inference Accelerator

Meta's Next-Generation AI Training and Inference Accelerator

Meta is sharing details about the next generation of its custom-built Meta Training and Inference Accelerator (MTIA), a family of chips designed to power the company's AI workloads with significant improvements over the previous version.

Meta's Next-Generation AI Training and Inference Accelerator

Mastering Privacy Compliance with CI/CD: A Guide for Compliance Teams

Mastering Privacy Compliance with CI/CD: A Guide for Compliance Teams

Google's new Checks CI/CD tooling enables compliance teams to seamlessly integrate app privacy and compliance scanning into their software development pipelines, reducing manual effort and boosting confidence in public releases.

Mastering Privacy Compliance with CI/CD: A Guide for Compliance Teams

Maintaining the Postgres Extension Ecosystem: A Deep Dive

Maintaining the Postgres Extension Ecosystem: A Deep Dive

Devrim Gündüz, a Postgres expert and maintainer of the Postgres Yum and Zypp repositories, presents a comprehensive overview of the challenges and best practices involved in packaging Postgres extensions for enterprise Linux distributions.

Maintaining the Postgres Extension Ecosystem: A Deep Dive

How Time Travel Debugging team uses Copilot Chat for C++

How Time Travel Debugging team uses Copilot Chat for C++

Ken Sykes and Juan Carlos Arevalo Baeza, Principal Software Engineers on the Time Travel Debugging team at Microsoft, have been integrating GitHub Copilot and Copilot Chat into their C++ development workflows in Visual Studio Code.

How Time Travel Debugging team uses Copilot Chat for C++

GitHub Availability Report: March 2024

GitHub Availability Report: March 2024

In March, GitHub experienced two incidents that resulted in degraded performance across its services.

GitHub Availability Report: March 2024

Facial Biometrics: The Key to Digital Transformation and Enhanced Security

Facial Biometrics: The Key to Digital Transformation and Enhanced Security

Facial biometrics is revolutionizing digital processes, enabling faster onboarding, secure authentication, and bot prevention. Discover how this technology can give your business a competitive edge.

Facial Biometrics: The Key to Digital Transformation and Enhanced Security

Exciting Developments for WordPress Developers in April 2024

Exciting Developments for WordPress Developers in April 2024

The WordPress developer community has been buzzing with new features and enhancements to the platform. From interactive grid layouts to global style presets, discover what's in store for the next major release.

Exciting Developments for WordPress Developers in April 2024

Crafting Open Source AI: Guiding Policymakers on Responsible Innovation

Crafting Open Source AI: Guiding Policymakers on Responsible Innovation

GitHub enables developer collaboration on innovative software projects, and is committed to ensuring policymakers understand developer needs when crafting AI regulation. The company submitted a filing on the benefits of open source AI and how policies should focus on AI systems, not just models.

Crafting Open Source AI: Guiding Policymakers on Responsible Innovation

Conquer the Computer Vision Interview: 9 Top Questions & Answers Unveiled

Conquer the Computer Vision Interview: 9 Top Questions & Answers Unveiled

Aspiring computer vision engineers can conquer their next interview by mastering the top 9 questions and answers covered in this insightful article.

Conquer the Computer Vision Interview: 9 Top Questions & Answers Unveiled

Cleaning Up After Dropping PostgreSQL Extensions

Cleaning Up After Dropping PostgreSQL Extensions

A technical journalist explores how to properly clean up after dropping a PostgreSQL extension, ensuring no leftover artifacts remain.

Cleaning Up After Dropping PostgreSQL Extensions

A day in the life of a Postgres engineer at Fujitsu - Hayato Kuroda

A day in the life of a Postgres engineer at Fujitsu - Hayato Kuroda

Hayato Kuroda, a software engineer at Fujitsu, shares his experience working on the open source PostgreSQL project and developing Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres.

A day in the life of a Postgres engineer at Fujitsu - Hayato Kuroda

US Cyber Safety Review Board Slams Microsoft for 2023 Exchange Hack

US Cyber Safety Review Board Slams Microsoft for 2023 Exchange Hack

The US Cyber Safety Review Board has released a scathing report on the 2023 Microsoft Exchange hack by China, finding the attack was preventable and highlighting Microsoft's security failures.

US Cyber Safety Review Board Slams Microsoft for 2023 Exchange Hack

Unlock the Power of WebGPU: Chrome 124's Latest Enhancements

Unlock the Power of WebGPU: Chrome 124's Latest Enhancements

Dive into the exciting new features in Chrome 124's WebGPU, including read-write storage textures, service worker support, and more. Discover how these advancements can elevate your web development journey.

Unlock the Power of WebGPU: Chrome 124's Latest Enhancements

Unlock the Power of Prompt Templates with CRM Data

Unlock the Power of Prompt Templates with CRM Data

Discover how to ground your Salesforce-powered prompt templates with data from Flow or Apex, expanding the possibilities for your generative AI applications.

Unlock the Power of Prompt Templates with CRM Data

Unlock the Power of Dockerfiles: v1.7.0 Adds New Capabilities for Developers

Unlock the Power of Dockerfiles: v1.7.0 Adds New Capabilities for Developers

Docker experts at Docker unveil the latest updates to the Dockerfile syntax, offering developers powerful new features to streamline their workflows.

Unlock the Power of Dockerfiles: v1.7.0 Adds New Capabilities for Developers

Unlock New Possibilities with Gemini 1.5 Pro: Audio, JSON, and More

Unlock New Possibilities with Gemini 1.5 Pro: Audio, JSON, and More

Google has just made its next-generation Gemini 1.5 Pro model available in 180+ countries, introducing exciting new features like native audio understanding, system instructions, and JSON mode.

Unlock New Possibilities with Gemini 1.5 Pro: Audio, JSON, and More

Securing Sensitive Data: Laravel's Seamless Transition

Securing Sensitive Data: Laravel's Seamless Transition

Discover how Laravel's custom casts feature helped a software vendor seamlessly encrypt sensitive data while maintaining a smooth user experience.

Securing Sensitive Data: Laravel's Seamless Transition

Secure Office Add-ins with Nested App Authentication

Secure Office Add-ins with Nested App Authentication

Microsoft announces the public preview of Nested App Authentication (NAA) and the deprecation of legacy Exchange tokens for Office add-ins, providing simpler and safer authentication options.

Secure Office Add-ins with Nested App Authentication

Rust Unveils New WASI Targets and Target Renaming

Rust Unveils New WASI Targets and Target Renaming

Rust is making significant changes to its WASI targets, introducing new targets for WASI 0.2 and renaming the existing WASI 0.1 target.

Rust Unveils New WASI Targets and Target Renaming

Rust 1.77.2 Fixes Critical Windows Security Vulnerability

Rust 1.77.2 Fixes Critical Windows Security Vulnerability

The Rust team has released version 1.77.2, addressing a critical security vulnerability in the standard library's handling of batch file execution on Windows.

Rust 1.77.2 Fixes Critical Windows Security Vulnerability

Python 3.12.3 and 3.13.0a6 released

Python 3.12.3 and 3.13.0a6 released

The Python core development team has just released two exciting updates - Python 3.12.3 and the latest alpha of Python 3.13. This article covers the key highlights of these new versions.

Python 3.12.3 and 3.13.0a6 released

Protect Your PostgreSQL Database with pg_tde: Safe and Secure

Protect Your PostgreSQL Database with pg_tde: Safe and Secure

Percona has released the tech preview of pg_tde, a new open source extension that provides transparent data encryption for PostgreSQL databases.

Protect Your PostgreSQL Database with pg_tde: Safe and Secure

Powerful CMake Writing Assistance and Debugger Enhancements Arrive in CLion 2024.1

Powerful CMake Writing Assistance and Debugger Enhancements Arrive in CLion 2024.1

JetBrains has released CLion 2024.1, bringing improvements to CMake, Meson, and Bazel support, as well as new debugging capabilities and UI enhancements.

Powerful CMake Writing Assistance and Debugger Enhancements Arrive in CLion 2024.1

Power Up Your Coding with GitHub Copilot: 4 Ways Engineers Thrive

Power Up Your Coding with GitHub Copilot: 4 Ways Engineers Thrive

GitHub Copilot is a game-changer for developers, boosting efficiency and productivity. Discover how GitHub engineers leverage this AI assistant to automate repetitive tasks, stay focused, and more.

Power Up Your Coding with GitHub Copilot: 4 Ways Engineers Thrive

Optimize Vector Search and Storage with Scalar and Binary Quantization in PostgreSQL

Optimize Vector Search and Storage with Scalar and Binary Quantization in PostgreSQL

Discover how to leverage scalar and binary quantization techniques to reduce the storage and memory footprint of vector workloads in PostgreSQL with the pgvector extension, without sacrificing too much in performance or recall.

Optimize Vector Search and Storage with Scalar and Binary Quantization in PostgreSQL

.NET April 2024 Updates - New Versions Released

.NET April 2024 Updates - New Versions Released

Microsoft has just released the .NET April 2024 Updates, which include security and non-security improvements across .NET 8.0, 7.0, and 6.0. Developers should update their apps to address potential vulnerabilities.

.NET April 2024 Updates - New Versions Released

Kubernetes Secrets Management with HCP Vault Secrets

Kubernetes Secrets Management with HCP Vault Secrets

Learn how to sync secrets from HCP Vault Secrets to Kubernetes with Vault Secrets Operator.

Kubernetes Secrets Management with HCP Vault Secrets

How a Chance Discovery Exposed a Widespread Vulnerability in Debian's OpenSSL

How a Chance Discovery Exposed a Widespread Vulnerability in Debian's OpenSSL

Technical journalist Matt Palmer shares his firsthand account of how his work with GitHub uncovered the infamous Debian weak keys vulnerability, a security flaw that shook the software industry.

How a Chance Discovery Exposed a Widespread Vulnerability in Debian's OpenSSL

Go Developers Embrace AI, But Python Still Dominates the Generative AI Landscape

Go Developers Embrace AI, But Python Still Dominates the Generative AI Landscape

In this technical article, we dive into the results of the latest Go Developer Survey, uncovering insights on developer sentiment, the rise of AI-powered services, and the challenges faced by Go developers looking to expand their skills.

Go Developers Embrace AI, But Python Still Dominates the Generative AI Landscape

Gemma Family Expands with Models Tailored for Developers and Researchers

Gemma Family Expands with Models Tailored for Developers and Researchers

Google has announced new additions to the Gemma family of open models, including CodeGemma for code completion and generation, and RecurrentGemma, an efficiency-optimized model for research experimentation.

Gemma Family Expands with Models Tailored for Developers and Researchers

Exploring Go's Role in the Generative AI Revolution

Exploring Go's Role in the Generative AI Revolution

Go developer survey uncovers growing adoption of Go for AI/ML applications, but challenges remain with the Python-centric ecosystem.

Exploring Go's Role in the Generative AI Revolution

Explore the Seasons of Software Development with Four Full Years of Data

Explore the Seasons of Software Development with Four Full Years of Data

Discover the latest trends and insights on public software development activity on GitHub with the release of Q4 2023 data for the Innovation Graph.

Explore the Seasons of Software Development with Four Full Years of Data

Critical Security Flaw Patched in Rust Standard Library

Critical Security Flaw Patched in Rust Standard Library

The Rust Security Response WG has disclosed a critical vulnerability (CVE-2024-24576) in the Rust standard library's handling of untrusted arguments when invoking batch files on Windows.

Critical Security Flaw Patched in Rust Standard Library

Critical Security Flaw in Rust Standard Library Uncovered

Critical Security Flaw in Rust Standard Library Uncovered

The Rust Security Response WG has disclosed a critical vulnerability in the Rust standard library's handling of untrusted arguments on Windows, allowing for potential arbitrary code execution.

Critical Security Flaw in Rust Standard Library Uncovered

Cracking the Greatest English Letter Code in Perl and Raku

Cracking the Greatest English Letter Code in Perl and Raku

Join a technical journalist as they explore the clever solutions to the Perl Weekly Challenge 264 - a puzzle to find the greatest English letter in a given string.

Cracking the Greatest English Letter Code in Perl and Raku

Compiling and Testing PostgreSQL on macOS

Compiling and Testing PostgreSQL on macOS

Dive into the process of compiling and installing PostgreSQL from source code on a macOS machine. Learn how to set up your development environment, test documentation changes, and apply patches.

Compiling and Testing PostgreSQL on macOS

Captcha Check: Securing User Interactions on Dreamwidth

Captcha Check: Securing User Interactions on Dreamwidth

Dreamwidth, a popular blogging platform, has implemented a CAPTCHA system to validate user requests and ensure the integrity of their platform. This article provides a quick overview of how Dreamwidth is using CAPTCHA to protect its users and maintain a secure environment.

Captcha Check: Securing User Interactions on Dreamwidth

Calling Protected APIs from iOS Swift

Calling Protected APIs from iOS Swift

Learn how to securely call a protected API from an iOS Swift app using Auth0 to generate an OAuth 2.0 Access Token.

Calling Protected APIs from iOS Swift

Building the Video Encoding Service (VES): The Cosmos Microservice for Netflix Video Encoding

Building the Video Encoding Service (VES): The Cosmos Microservice for Netflix Video Encoding

Netflix's Cosmos platform powers the Netflix video processing pipeline using microservices. This article dives into the details of building the Video Encoding Service (VES), a key component of the video processing pipeline.

Building the Video Encoding Service (VES): The Cosmos Microservice for Netflix Video Encoding

AI-Powered Startups Shine: Meet the Inaugural Google for Startups Accelerator Cohort

AI-Powered Startups Shine: Meet the Inaugural Google for Startups Accelerator Cohort

Google has selected 15 innovative AI-focused startups for its new Google for Startups Accelerator: AI-First program in North America, providing hands-on mentorship and technical support to help them scale their solutions.

AI-Powered Startups Shine: Meet the Inaugural Google for Startups Accelerator Cohort

Build custom copilots in Microsoft Teams with low-code tools

Build custom copilots in Microsoft Teams with low-code tools

Microsoft Teams is where employees communicate and collaborate daily. Discover how you can build and test custom copilots for Teams more efficiently using low-code tools like Teams App Test Tool and Dev Proxy.

Build custom copilots in Microsoft Teams with low-code tools

Unlock PostgreSQL's Vertical Scaling Power with CloudNativePG

Unlock PostgreSQL's Vertical Scaling Power with CloudNativePG

Discover the surprising potential of PostgreSQL's vertical scalability through optimized CPU, RAM, and storage resources. Explore the strategies within the CloudNativePG stack, including separate volumes for data and transaction logs, temporary tablespaces, and I/O segregation for tables and indexes.

Unlock PostgreSQL's Vertical Scaling Power with CloudNativePG

Unleash the Power of Python Dataclasses for Debian Packaging

Unleash the Power of Python Dataclasses for Debian Packaging

Discover how Bastian Blank, a Debian developer, has leveraged Python dataclasses to streamline the handling of the Debian's unique Deb822 format, making it more accessible for software developers.

Unleash the Power of Python Dataclasses for Debian Packaging

Tricks with CSS: Making Scrolling Elements Stay Pinned to the Bottom

Tricks with CSS: Making Scrolling Elements Stay Pinned to the Bottom

Discover innovative CSS techniques for making scrolling elements stay pinned to the bottom, including a solution that aligns the visual and DOM order for accessibility.

Tricks with CSS: Making Scrolling Elements Stay Pinned to the Bottom

Streamline your Java development with Visual Studio Code's latest features

Streamline your Java development with Visual Studio Code's latest features

Discover the latest updates to Visual Studio Code's Java toolset, including enhanced Spring Boot support and improved testing coverage, all designed to boost your productivity.

Streamline your Java development with Visual Studio Code's latest features

Secure your .NET API with Amazon Cognito Custom Scopes

Secure your .NET API with Amazon Cognito Custom Scopes

Implement fine-grained authorization in your .NET API using Amazon Cognito's custom scopes to ensure only authorized users can access specific resources.

Secure your .NET API with Amazon Cognito Custom Scopes

Secure your Docker containers from exposed secrets

Secure your Docker containers from exposed secrets

Learn how to detect vulnerable container images and follow secure best practices to protect your enterprise assets from secrets exposure.

Secure your Docker containers from exposed secrets

Python 3.11.9 - The Last Bug Fix Release is Here!

Python 3.11.9 - The Last Bug Fix Release is Here!

Python 3.11.9 is the newest major release of the Python programming language, packed with exciting new features and optimizations. Get ready for a faster and more powerful Python experience!

Python 3.11.9 - The Last Bug Fix Release is Here!

PostgreSQL Roles and Privileges Simplified

PostgreSQL Roles and Privileges Simplified

A concise overview of how to manage user roles and permissions in PostgreSQL, covering databases, schemas, and other objects level privileges.

PostgreSQL Roles and Privileges Simplified

Mastering Data Transformation and Analysis in PostgreSQL with CTEs

Mastering Data Transformation and Analysis in PostgreSQL with CTEs

Learn how to utilize Common Table Expressions (CTEs) to simplify complex data transformations and analyses in PostgreSQL, making your code more readable and maintainable.

Mastering Data Transformation and Analysis in PostgreSQL with CTEs

Jonah H. Harris: The Pragmatic PostgreSQL Pioneer

Jonah H. Harris: The Pragmatic PostgreSQL Pioneer

Jonah H. Harris, the Founder of NEXTGRES, is a seasoned database enthusiast, user, administrator, and developer. With a passion for learning and a deep architectural understanding of databases, software, and systems, he shares his insights on PostgreSQL and his journey in the tech industry.

Jonah H. Harris: The Pragmatic PostgreSQL Pioneer

Get Ready for the Threads API: A Technical Journalist's Guide

Get Ready for the Threads API: A Technical Journalist's Guide

Facebook's Developer team is gearing up to launch the highly anticipated Threads API, enabling creators, developers, and brands to build unique integrations, manage their Threads presence at scale, and share fresh content with their communities.

Get Ready for the Threads API: A Technical Journalist's Guide

Developer Week 2024: Unleashing Cloudflare's Full-Stack Powerhouse

Developer Week 2024: Unleashing Cloudflare's Full-Stack Powerhouse

Cloudflare's Developer Week 2024 was a whirlwind of innovative announcements, empowering developers to build next-gen applications on a global, scalable platform.

Developer Week 2024: Unleashing Cloudflare's Full-Stack Powerhouse

Chronon, Airbnb's ML Feature Platform, Is Now Open Source

Chronon, Airbnb's ML Feature Platform, Is Now Open Source

Airbnb is making its ML feature platform, Chronon, open source along with partners at Stripe. Chronon offers observability and management tools, allows ML practitioners to use a variety of data sources, and handles the complexity of data engineering.

Chronon, Airbnb's ML Feature Platform, Is Now Open Source

Unlock the Power of APIs and AI at POST/CON 24: A Global Tech Leaders Event

Unlock the Power of APIs and AI at POST/CON 24: A Global Tech Leaders Event

Discover the latest innovations in APIs and AI at Postman's biggest user conference ever, POST/CON 24. Join global tech leaders for revealing panels, workshops, and more in San Francisco this April.

Unlock the Power of APIs and AI at POST/CON 24: A Global Tech Leaders Event

Beware the Invisible Phishing Emails of HTML

Beware the Invisible Phishing Emails of HTML

Researchers have discovered a new email vulnerability that allows attackers to hide malicious content inside forwarded emails, tricking even savvy recipients.

Beware the Invisible Phishing Emails of HTML

My Debian Activities in March 2024

My Debian Activities in March 2024

In this article, the author provides an overview of their various Debian activities in March 2024, including work as a Debian FTP master, Debian LTS and ELTS contributor, and package maintainer for Debian Printing, Astro, IoT, and Mobcom.

My Debian Activities in March 2024

Arch Linux Increases Default Memory Allocation for Smooth Gaming

Arch Linux Increases Default Memory Allocation for Smooth Gaming

Arch Linux introduces an important change to its default system settings, aiming to enhance the user experience for memory-intensive applications, particularly Windows games running on Wine or Steam Proton.

Arch Linux Increases Default Memory Allocation for Smooth Gaming

Unraveling the Mysteries of Analog Clocks: A Developer's Perspective

Unraveling the Mysteries of Analog Clocks: A Developer's Perspective

In this insightful article, software developer Junichi Uekawa shares his journey of trying to make analog clocks more intuitive for users, highlighting the challenges of designing user-friendly interfaces.

Unraveling the Mysteries of Analog Clocks: A Developer's Perspective

Unmasking Facebook's Censorship: A Journalist's Investigation

Unmasking Facebook's Censorship: A Journalist's Investigation

Technical journalist John Goerzen exposes Facebook's pattern of censorship, highlighting how the platform selectively removes content that challenges its interests, even long after it's posted.

Unmasking Facebook's Censorship: A Journalist's Investigation

Shopper Approved's Customer Identity Migration Journey

Shopper Approved's Customer Identity Migration Journey

Auth0's self-service pricing and seamless integration with Shopper Approved's existing Laravel app helped the eCommerce tech company smoothly transition from a home-grown authentication system to a modern identity solution.

Shopper Approved's Customer Identity Migration Journey

Serverless RPC: Cloudflare Workers Adds JavaScript-Native Remote Procedure Calls

Serverless RPC: Cloudflare Workers Adds JavaScript-Native Remote Procedure Calls

Cloudflare Workers now features a built-in RPC (Remote Procedure Call) system enabling seamless Worker-to-Worker and Worker-to-Durable Object communication, with almost no boilerplate.

Serverless RPC: Cloudflare Workers Adds JavaScript-Native Remote Procedure Calls

Secure Your PGP Keys with a Yubikey

Secure Your PGP Keys with a Yubikey

Discover how to safely back up and manage your PGP keys using a Yubikey, a hardware security device that adds an extra layer of protection to your digital identity.

Secure Your PGP Keys with a Yubikey

Schneier Sounds Alarm on Phone System Vulnerabilities

Schneier Sounds Alarm on Phone System Vulnerabilities

Renowned security expert Bruce Schneier has been warning about security vulnerabilities in the phone system for over a decade. Now, it seems the FCC is finally taking action to address these issues.

Schneier Sounds Alarm on Phone System Vulnerabilities

RcppArmadillo Upgrade Brings Bugfixes and Improvements

RcppArmadillo Upgrade Brings Bugfixes and Improvements

Dirk Eddelbuettel, a prominent R and C++ developer, has announced the release of RcppArmadillo, an updated version of the popular C++ library integration for R.

RcppArmadillo Upgrade Brings Bugfixes and Improvements

Playground: WordPress in the Browser

Playground: WordPress in the Browser

Developed by Adam Zieliński in 2022, WordPress Playground is a groundbreaking project that allows developers to run WordPress directly in the browser, revolutionizing the way we build and test WordPress projects.

Playground: WordPress in the Browser

OneNote get-pages?search API deprecation

OneNote get-pages?search API deprecation

Microsoft is deprecating the OneNote get-pages?search API endpoint supporting consumer Notebooks, which will be decommissioned on May 5, 2024. Developers should remove calls to this service from their apps.

OneNote get-pages?search API deprecation

New App Review Guidelines from Apple Offer Clarity and Updates

New App Review Guidelines from Apple Offer Clarity and Updates

The latest revisions to Apple's App Review Guidelines focus on supporting new policies, upcoming features, and providing clarification for developers.

New App Review Guidelines from Apple Offer Clarity and Updates

LangChain Docs Refresh: A Developer's Paradise

LangChain Docs Refresh: A Developer's Paradise

Discover the exciting updates to the LangChain documentation, designed to streamline your journey into the world of open-source AI development.

LangChain Docs Refresh: A Developer's Paradise

Ktor's Plugin Registry Unlocks Community Contributions

Ktor's Plugin Registry Unlocks Community Contributions

The Ktor team has launched a new plugin registry, enabling developers to easily discover and integrate community-built plugins into their Ktor projects.

Ktor's Plugin Registry Unlocks Community Contributions

Gear up for the latest beta releases from Apple

Gear up for the latest beta releases from Apple

Apple has just released the beta versions of its latest operating systems, including iOS 17.5, iPadOS 17.5, macOS 14.5, and more. Developers should get ready to test their apps on these updates and take advantage of the new SDK features in Xcode 15.3.

Gear up for the latest beta releases from Apple

Empowering startups building on Cloudflare and creating an inclusive community

Empowering startups building on Cloudflare and creating an inclusive community

Cloudflare is excited to share updates on their Workers Launchpad program, the latest Developer Challenge, and their efforts to ensure their community spaces are safe and inclusive for all developers.

Empowering startups building on Cloudflare and creating an inclusive community

Diffoscope 263: A Tool for In-Depth Comparisons

Diffoscope 263: A Tool for In-Depth Comparisons

Diffoscope, the powerful file comparison tool, has just released version 263, bringing new features and improvements to help software developers analyze and compare files, archives, and directories with ease.

Diffoscope 263: A Tool for In-Depth Comparisons

Cloudflare Supercharges Browser Rendering, Rolls Out Snippets, and Brings Workers for Platforms to All

Cloudflare Supercharges Browser Rendering, Rolls Out Snippets, and Brings Workers for Platforms to All

Cloudflare announces the general availability of the Browser Rendering API, the rollout of Cloudflare Snippets, and the introduction of Workers for Platforms for all users, empowering developers to build powerful and scalable web applications.

Cloudflare Supercharges Browser Rendering, Rolls Out Snippets, and Brings Workers for Platforms to All

Cloudflare acquires Baselime to expand serverless application observability capabilities

Cloudflare acquires Baselime to expand serverless application observability capabilities

Today, we're thrilled to announce that Cloudflare has acquired Baselime, a serverless observability company

Cloudflare acquires Baselime to expand serverless application observability capabilities

Blazing Fast Development with Full-Stack Frameworks and Cloudflare

Blazing Fast Development with Full-Stack Frameworks and Cloudflare

You can now use your framework's development server while accessing D1 databases, R2 object stores, AI models, and more. Iterate locally in milliseconds to build sophisticated web apps that run on Cloudflare.

Blazing Fast Development with Full-Stack Frameworks and Cloudflare

Behind the Scenes: Debian Developer Tackles Software Freedom

Behind the Scenes: Debian Developer Tackles Software Freedom

In this month's update, a Debian developer shares their journey working on various open-source projects and advocating for software freedom.

Behind the Scenes: Debian Developer Tackles Software Freedom

AI Warehouse Robots: The Rise of SqUID Bots

AI Warehouse Robots: The Rise of SqUID Bots

Discover the latest advancements in AI-powered warehouse robots, known as SqUID Bots, that are revolutionizing the logistics industry.

AI Warehouse Robots: The Rise of SqUID Bots

A Built-in API Mocking Tool in IntelliJ IDEA: The WireMock Plugin Is Here

A Built-in API Mocking Tool in IntelliJ IDEA: The WireMock Plugin Is Here

JetBrains has introduced a new WireMock plugin for IntelliJ IDEA, providing developers with a built-in mock server to help write more tests and ship better software.

A Built-in API Mocking Tool in IntelliJ IDEA: The WireMock Plugin Is Here

What's New with Cloudflare Media: Updates for Calls, Stream, and Images

What's New with Cloudflare Media: Updates for Calls, Stream, and Images

Cloudflare announces new features for its Calls, Stream, and Images products, making it easier for developers to build real-time, interactive applications.

What's New with Cloudflare Media: Updates for Calls, Stream, and Images

Vulnerability Alert: Node.js Security Releases Coming Soon

Vulnerability Alert: Node.js Security Releases Coming Soon

The Node.js project will release critical security updates to address high and medium severity issues across multiple release lines on April 9, 2024.

Vulnerability Alert: Node.js Security Releases Coming Soon

Unlocking the Power of Retrieval-Augmented Generation: How AI Models Stay Relevant and Informed

Unlocking the Power of Retrieval-Augmented Generation: How AI Models Stay Relevant and Informed

Discover how retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) empowers AI tools to leverage a variety of data sources, keeping models fresh with up-to-date information and organizational knowledge.

Unlocking the Power of Retrieval-Augmented Generation: How AI Models Stay Relevant and Informed

Unlock Your Coding Potential: JetBrains IDEs Now Feature Full Line Code Completion

Unlock Your Coding Potential: JetBrains IDEs Now Feature Full Line Code Completion

JetBrains has unveiled a groundbreaking AI-powered feature in their IDEs: full line code completion. Discover how this local, privacy-focused solution can boost your productivity and coding speed.

Unlock Your Coding Potential: JetBrains IDEs Now Feature Full Line Code Completion

Unlock Seamless Data Sharing: Salesforce Data Cloud Connects to Snowflake

Unlock Seamless Data Sharing: Salesforce Data Cloud Connects to Snowflake

Discover how to effortlessly share your Salesforce Data Cloud data with Snowflake using a zero-ETL approach, enabling faster integrations and powerful insights.

Unlock Seamless Data Sharing: Salesforce Data Cloud Connects to Snowflake

Unlock Coding Efficiency: IntelliJ IDEA 2024.1 Unveiled

Unlock Coding Efficiency: IntelliJ IDEA 2024.1 Unveiled

Discover the latest upgrades in IntelliJ IDEA 2024.1, including full line code completion, Java 22 support, an enhanced terminal, and more. This release from JetBrains promises to streamline your development workflows.

Unlock Coding Efficiency: IntelliJ IDEA 2024.1 Unveiled

Unleash Enterprise .NET Modernization with AWS Toolkit for .NET Refactoring

Unleash Enterprise .NET Modernization with AWS Toolkit for .NET Refactoring

Discover how AWS Toolkit for .NET Refactoring helps developers seamlessly upgrade large-scale legacy .NET applications to modern .NET versions, with improved performance and visual dependency mapping.

Unleash Enterprise .NET Modernization with AWS Toolkit for .NET Refactoring

Uncovering the Crossword Puzzle Revolution: Gage and Schlesinger's 'Knotwords' Journey

Uncovering the Crossword Puzzle Revolution: Gage and Schlesinger's 'Knotwords' Journey

Zach Gage and Jack Schlesinger, the creators behind the acclaimed Apple Design Award finalist 'Knotwords,' share their unexpected path to reinventing the classic crossword puzzle.

Uncovering the Crossword Puzzle Revolution: Gage and Schlesinger's 'Knotwords' Journey

The Latest PhpStorm 2024.1 Update Delivers AI-Powered Full Line Code Completion

The Latest PhpStorm 2024.1 Update Delivers AI-Powered Full Line Code Completion

Discover the exciting new features in PhpStorm 2024.1, including AI-powered full line code completion, Symfony's AssetMapper support, a new terminal, and more improvements for PHP developers.

The Latest PhpStorm 2024.1 Update Delivers AI-Powered Full Line Code Completion

Terraform Cloud Enhances Visibility and Control for Projects

Terraform Cloud Enhances Visibility and Control for Projects

HashiCorp has introduced new features in Terraform Cloud to help software developers better manage and control their infrastructure projects, including a dedicated project overview page and the ability to scope version control system connections to specific projects.

Terraform Cloud Enhances Visibility and Control for Projects

Sticky Lines, Quick Documentation Improvements, Full Line Completion, and More in WebStorm 2024.1

Sticky Lines, Quick Documentation Improvements, Full Line Completion, and More in WebStorm 2024.1

The first major release of 2024 for the JavaScript and TypeScript IDE WebStorm brings a host of new features, including sticky lines, quick documentation improvements, full line code completion, and more.

Sticky Lines, Quick Documentation Improvements, Full Line Completion, and More in WebStorm 2024.1

Securing the Guardian's Workflow with Qubes OS

Securing the Guardian's Workflow with Qubes OS

The Guardian's engineering team shares their experience setting up SecureDrop Workstation, a secure document processing system built on Qubes OS.

Securing the Guardian's Workflow with Qubes OS

Reverse Searching Netflix's Federated Graph

Reverse Searching Netflix's Federated Graph

The Netflix Technology Blog shares how they implemented reverse search functionality to power search subscriptions and a movie matching service, built on top of Elasticsearch's percolator capabilities.

Reverse Searching Netflix's Federated Graph

Python in Visual Studio Code - April 2024 Release

Python in Visual Studio Code - April 2024 Release

The April 2024 release of the Python and Jupyter extensions for Visual Studio Code brings improved debug configurations for Flask and Django, module and import analysis for Jupyter's Run Dependent Cells, and more.

Python in Visual Studio Code - April 2024 Release

PyCharm 2024.1 Is Here! Hugging Face Model Card Previews, Local Full Line Code Completion Updates, and more!

PyCharm 2024.1 Is Here! Hugging Face Model Card Previews, Local Full Line Code Completion Updates, and more!

PyCharm 2024.1 is out with many key updates, including full line code completion for frontend frameworks, documentation preview for Hugging Face models and datasets, and multiple improvements to the user experience.

PyCharm 2024.1 Is Here! Hugging Face Model Card Previews, Local Full Line Code Completion Updates, and more!

Outlook's Surveillance: Microsoft's New Data Collection Service

Outlook's Surveillance: Microsoft's New Data Collection Service

The new Microsoft Outlook app for Windows is being criticized for conducting extensive surveillance on its users, sharing personal data with advertisers and third parties for a variety of intrusive purposes.

Outlook's Surveillance: Microsoft's New Data Collection Service

Open Source: A Bulwark Against Software Vulnerabilities

Open Source: A Bulwark Against Software Vulnerabilities

In the wake of the recent xz backdoor controversy, a technical journalist examines the broader implications of software security issues - and why open-source solutions may be the best defense against such threats.

Open Source: A Bulwark Against Software Vulnerabilities

Netplan v1.0 Brings Stability and New Features to Linux Networking

Netplan v1.0 Brings Stability and New Features to Linux Networking

As the maintainer and lead developer for Netplan, Lukas Märdian announces the general availability of Netplan v1.0, a major release that focuses on stability and introduces exciting new networking capabilities.

Netplan v1.0 Brings Stability and New Features to Linux Networking

Introducing Trio | Part II

Introducing Trio | Part II

Part two on how we built a Compose based architecture with Mavericks in the Airbnb Android app.

Introducing Trio | Part II

GitHub links take center stage: Enhancing Azure Boards' integration

GitHub links take center stage: Enhancing Azure Boards' integration

The Azure Boards team has been busy improving the GitHub integration experience, with new features like direct links to pull requests and better support for large organizations.

GitHub links take center stage: Enhancing Azure Boards' integration

Discover What's Ahead at WWDC24 and More in the New Apple Developer YouTube Channel

Discover What's Ahead at WWDC24 and More in the New Apple Developer YouTube Channel

Apple's Hello Developer newsletter offers a sneak peek at WWDC24, highlights the new Develop in Swift Tutorials, and explores how game designers Zach Gage and Jack Schlesinger rebooted the crossword puzzle.

Discover What's Ahead at WWDC24 and More in the New Apple Developer YouTube Channel

Debian's Dedication to Security: The Secure Foundation for Docker Developers

Debian's Dedication to Security: The Secure Foundation for Docker Developers

Discover how Debian's focus on security and engineering excellence makes it a robust foundation for Docker developers, and learn why open source is a security solution, not a problem.

Debian's Dedication to Security: The Secure Foundation for Docker Developers

Cloudflare Calls: millions of cascading trees all the way down

Cloudflare Calls: millions of cascading trees all the way down

Cloudflare Calls is a serverless SFU and TURN service running at Cloudflare's edge. It's now in open beta and costs $0.05/ real-time GB. It's 100% anycast WebRTC

Cloudflare Calls: millions of cascading trees all the way down

Boost Your PHP Productivity: PhpStorm 2024.1 Is Here!

Boost Your PHP Productivity: PhpStorm 2024.1 Is Here!

Discover the latest enhancements in PhpStorm 2024.1, including AI-powered full line code completion, support for Symfony's AssetMapper, a new terminal, and more.

Boost Your PHP Productivity: PhpStorm 2024.1 Is Here!

Balancing Productivity and Risk with AI Developer Tools

Balancing Productivity and Risk with AI Developer Tools

As AI-powered developer tools become more prevalent, it's crucial to weigh the benefits of increased productivity against the potential security risks. This article explores the trade-offs and strategies for mitigating risks when using generative AI in software development.

Balancing Productivity and Risk with AI Developer Tools

Unlock CodeWhisperer's Potential with Customized User Analytics

Unlock CodeWhisperer's Potential with Customized User Analytics

Discover how to create a comprehensive user activity dashboard for Amazon CodeWhisperer, empowering developers and driving adoption through data-driven insights.

Unlock CodeWhisperer's Potential with Customized User Analytics

Unlocking Developer Productivity with Prisma ORM and Cloudflare Workers

Unlocking Developer Productivity with Prisma ORM and Cloudflare Workers

Together, Cloudflare and Prisma make it easier than ever for developers to deploy globally available apps with a focus on developer experience.

Unlocking Developer Productivity with Prisma ORM and Cloudflare Workers

Unlock the Power of Auth0 Actions: Your Guide to Customizing Authentication

Unlock the Power of Auth0 Actions: Your Guide to Customizing Authentication

Discover how Auth0 Actions can help you streamline authentication, boost security, and improve customer experience with customizable workflows.

Unlock the Power of Auth0 Actions: Your Guide to Customizing Authentication

Vanna.ai and Azure SQL Database

Vanna.ai and Azure SQL Database

Vanna.ai, in partnership with Azure SQL Database Product Management, brings you a collaboration for using Vanna's natural language to SQL (NL2SQL) agent with the Azure SQL Database.

Vanna.ai and Azure SQL Database

Uncovering the Depths of the XZ Vulnerability: A Journalist's Investigation

Uncovering the Depths of the XZ Vulnerability: A Journalist's Investigation

In a shocking discovery, software developer Joey Hess uncovers the potential for a far-reaching attack involving the XZ compression library, beyond the initial SSH backdoor incident. Read on for an in-depth analysis of the looming threat and the steps being taken to address it.

Uncovering the Depths of the XZ Vulnerability: A Journalist's Investigation

The Rise of Google Vlogger: Revolutionizing Human Video Synthesis

The Rise of Google Vlogger: Revolutionizing Human Video Synthesis

Google AI has unveiled Vlogger, their latest generative AI tool that can create photorealistic animated avatars from images, transforming the world of content creation.

The Rise of Google Vlogger: Revolutionizing Human Video Synthesis

Security research without ever leaving GitHub: From code scanning to CVE via Codespaces and private vulnerability reporting

Security research without ever leaving GitHub: From code scanning to CVE via Codespaces and private vulnerability reporting

This blog post is an in-depth walkthrough on how the GitHub Security Lab performs security research leveraging GitHub features, including code scanning, CodeQL, and Codespaces.

Security research without ever leaving GitHub: From code scanning to CVE via Codespaces and private vulnerability reporting

Securing Data Access for Multi-tenant Applications with Postgres Row-Level Security

Securing Data Access for Multi-tenant Applications with Postgres Row-Level Security

Discover how Postgres Row-Level Security can help you enforce data isolation and privacy in your multi-tenant applications.

Securing Data Access for Multi-tenant Applications with Postgres Row-Level Security

Secure your Node.js apps with critical updates

Secure your Node.js apps with critical updates

Node.js releases crucial security patches to address high and medium severity vulnerabilities. Developers should update their apps immediately to protect against potential attacks.

Secure your Node.js apps with critical updates

Script Lab goes official with Microsoft

Script Lab goes official with Microsoft

The popular Office add-in Script Lab is now officially owned and maintained by Microsoft, bringing improved security and reliability for developers.

Script Lab goes official with Microsoft

R2 adds event notifications, support for migrations from Google Cloud Storage, and an infrequent access storage tier

R2 adds event notifications, support for migrations from Google Cloud Storage, and an infrequent access storage tier

We're excited to announce three new features for Cloudflare R2, our zero egress fee object storage platform.

R2 adds event notifications, support for migrations from Google Cloud Storage, and an infrequent access storage tier

Pure Virtual C++ 2024: Free Virtual Conference Announced

Pure Virtual C++ 2024: Free Virtual Conference Announced

Microsoft is hosting a free one-day virtual conference for the C++ community on April 30th, 2024. The event will feature five sessions covering a range of topics, from testing shader code to using Copilot for C++ development.

Pure Virtual C++ 2024: Free Virtual Conference Announced

Pitfalls of using SELECT *

Pitfalls of using SELECT *

Understand how SELECT * can be bad for database performance and learn how to optimize your queries.

Pitfalls of using SELECT *

Picsart Leverages Cloudflare's Developer Platform for Huge Performance Gains

Picsart Leverages Cloudflare's Developer Platform for Huge Performance Gains

Picsart, one of the world's largest digital creation platforms, leveraged Cloudflare's global-by-default Developer Platform to enhance the performance and scalability of its mission-critical services.

Picsart Leverages Cloudflare's Developer Platform for Huge Performance Gains

Phosh and GNOME Updates: A Dive into the Latest Free Software Activities

Phosh and GNOME Updates: A Dive into the Latest Free Software Activities

Guido Günther, a prominent figure in the free software community, shares a comprehensive update on the developments happening across various projects, including Phosh, Phoc, GNOME Calls, and more. Discover the exciting new features and improvements that are shaping the future of open-source software.

Phosh and GNOME Updates: A Dive into the Latest Free Software Activities

Node v21.7.2 - A Secure Update for Node.js Developers

Node v21.7.2 - A Secure Update for Node.js Developers

The Node.js project has released version 21.7.2, a security update that addresses two critical vulnerabilities and includes several other notable changes.

Node v21.7.2 - A Secure Update for Node.js Developers

Node v20.12.1 (LTS) - A Secure Update Focused on Stability

Node v20.12.1 (LTS) - A Secure Update Focused on Stability

The Node.js team has released version 20.12.1, an important security update for the popular JavaScript runtime. This release addresses vulnerabilities and includes updates to key dependencies.

Node v20.12.1 (LTS) - A Secure Update Focused on Stability

Node v18.20.1 'Hydrogen' (LTS) Security Release

Node v18.20.1 'Hydrogen' (LTS) Security Release

Node.js has released a security update for version 18.20.1, addressing two critical vulnerabilities. Rafael Gonzaga, a Node.js core contributor, provides the details.

Node v18.20.1 'Hydrogen' (LTS) Security Release

Navigating the Pitfalls of SELECT *: A Developer's Guide

Navigating the Pitfalls of SELECT *: A Developer's Guide

Discover the surprising drawbacks of using the seemingly innocent SELECT * in your SQL queries and learn how to optimize your database performance.

Navigating the Pitfalls of SELECT *: A Developer's Guide

Mastering Algorithmic Problem Solving: Insights From Kotlin Heroes

Mastering Algorithmic Problem Solving: Insights From Kotlin Heroes

Prepare for technical interviews and hone your algorithm skills during a special event hosted by ICPC World Champions from JetBrains.

Mastering Algorithmic Problem Solving: Insights From Kotlin Heroes

JetBrains Supports Open-Source Ecosystem by Funding Volar

JetBrains Supports Open-Source Ecosystem by Funding Volar

JetBrains, the creator of the popular WebStorm IDE, has announced a $10,000 donation to the Volar project, a crucial component for Vue.js development. This move highlights their commitment to fostering a healthy open-source community.

JetBrains Supports Open-Source Ecosystem by Funding Volar

Java 22 and Its Exciting New Features

Java 22 and Its Exciting New Features

The latest Java 22 release introduces a wealth of enhancements in language, tooling, performance, and libraries. Explore the key updates that will boost developer productivity and application performance.

Java 22 and Its Exciting New Features

Google Settles Incognito Mode Privacy Lawsuit

Google Settles Incognito Mode Privacy Lawsuit

Google has agreed to delete billions of data records collected from users browsing in Incognito mode and update the privacy disclosures for the feature as part of a class-action lawsuit settlement.

Google Settles Incognito Mode Privacy Lawsuit

Firefox Takes Flight: Switching from Debian to Flatpak

Firefox Takes Flight: Switching from Debian to Flatpak

Arnaud Rebillout, a Linux/FOSS software engineer, details his journey of moving from the Debian package of Firefox to the Flatpak app, exploring the benefits and challenges along the way.

Firefox Takes Flight: Switching from Debian to Flatpak

Exploring Native AOT Testing: Unlocking Performance and Portability

Exploring Native AOT Testing: Unlocking Performance and Portability

Discover how the .NET team is enabling developers to test their Native AOT applications, ensuring optimized performance and seamless experiences across diverse platforms.

Exploring Native AOT Testing: Unlocking Performance and Portability

End of Support for Microsoft Products Reliant on Older Azure DevOps Authentication

End of Support for Microsoft Products Reliant on Older Azure DevOps Authentication

Microsoft is ending support for older authentication methods used by out-of-support Visual Studio and other Microsoft products that integrate with Azure DevOps. Developers should migrate to newer versions before March 2025.

End of Support for Microsoft Products Reliant on Older Azure DevOps Authentication

Embedded Swift Takes Developers into the Microcontroller Realm

Embedded Swift Takes Developers into the Microcontroller Realm

Discover how Swift, the popular programming language, can now be used to develop software for a range of microcontrollers, thanks to a new experimental compilation mode.

Embedded Swift Takes Developers into the Microcontroller Realm

Elevate Your DevOps Automation with Bitbucket Cloud's New Extensibility

Elevate Your DevOps Automation with Bitbucket Cloud's New Extensibility

Bitbucket Cloud is revolutionizing DevOps tooling by empowering software teams to customize and extend their workflows with powerful new features like custom merge checks and dynamic pipelines.

Elevate Your DevOps Automation with Bitbucket Cloud's New Extensibility

Discover the Latest Microsoft 365 Developer Innovations at the Community Conference

Discover the Latest Microsoft 365 Developer Innovations at the Community Conference

Join the exciting Microsoft 365 Community Conference and dive into the cutting-edge developer sessions covering Copilot, SharePoint, Teams, Viva, and more. Hear insights directly from Microsoft's product leaders.

Discover the Latest Microsoft 365 Developer Innovations at the Community Conference

Data Anywhere with Pipelines, Event Notifications, and Workflows

Data Anywhere with Pipelines, Event Notifications, and Workflows

Cloudflare is launching new tools to make it easier for developers to ingest, store, and query data needed to build scalable, full-stack applications, including Event Notifications, Pipelines, and Workflows.

Data Anywhere with Pipelines, Event Notifications, and Workflows

Copilot Enhancing Productivity for Time Travel Debugging

Copilot Enhancing Productivity for Time Travel Debugging

Principal Software Engineers Ken Sykes and Juan Carlos Arevalo Baeza share how they are using GitHub Copilot and Copilot Chat to boost their C++ development efficiency for the Windows Debugger team.

Copilot Enhancing Productivity for Time Travel Debugging

Breakouts Day 2024: The Future of Web Collaboration

Breakouts Day 2024: The Future of Web Collaboration

The W3C's Breakouts Day 2024 was a successful experiment in remote community-driven discussions, covering a wide range of technical and strategic topics that will shape the future of the web.

Breakouts Day 2024: The Future of Web Collaboration

Bitbucket Cloud Prepares for Custom Merge Check Enhancements

Bitbucket Cloud Prepares for Custom Merge Check Enhancements

Bitbucket Cloud is introducing a range of changes to its core pull request workflow and merge check configuration, including the introduction of 'on-merge' checks and the ability to mark custom checks as 'recommended' or 'required'.

Bitbucket Cloud Prepares for Custom Merge Check Enhancements

Unlock the Power of Salesforce Platform APIs: A Comprehensive Guide

Unlock the Power of Salesforce Platform APIs: A Comprehensive Guide

Unlock the full potential of Salesforce with a deep dive into the platform's comprehensive set of APIs. Discover how to access and integrate data seamlessly across your applications.

Unlock the Power of Salesforce Platform APIs: A Comprehensive Guide

GitHub-hosted runners get enterprise-ready with private networking and more power

GitHub-hosted runners get enterprise-ready with private networking and more power

GitHub is enhancing its GitHub-hosted runners with Azure private networking, smaller and larger machine options, and new GPU-powered runners to meet the needs of enterprise customers.

GitHub-hosted runners get enterprise-ready with private networking and more power

Unlocking Sustainable Open Source: A Checklist for Maintaining Maintainer Wellbeing

Unlocking Sustainable Open Source: A Checklist for Maintaining Maintainer Wellbeing

Salve J. Nilsen, a Perl blogger, offers a thought-provoking checklist for fostering a healthy FOSS ecosystem that prioritizes the sustainability and well-being of project maintainers.

Unlocking Sustainable Open Source: A Checklist for Maintaining Maintainer Wellbeing

Unlock API Discoverability: Postman Workspaces Streamline Collaboration and Boost Visibility

Unlock API Discoverability: Postman Workspaces Streamline Collaboration and Boost Visibility

Discover how Postman Workspaces empower API producers to improve discoverability, reduce time to first call, and enhance visibility for internal and external developers.

Unlock API Discoverability: Postman Workspaces Streamline Collaboration and Boost Visibility

The Evolving World of C++: What's New in C++17

The Evolving World of C++: What's New in C++17

Dive into the latest updates and changes in the C++17 standard, from new container features to deprecated functionality. Explore how these advancements can enhance your modern C++ development.

The Evolving World of C++: What's New in C++17

Terraform CI/CD and Testing on AWS with the New Terraform Test Framework

Terraform CI/CD and Testing on AWS with the New Terraform Test Framework

Learn how to validate Terraform modules and automate the process using a Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipeline on AWS.

Terraform CI/CD and Testing on AWS with the New Terraform Test Framework

Switch to Container Tabs - These Weeks in Firefox: Issue 157

Switch to Container Tabs - These Weeks in Firefox: Issue 157

The Firefox team has enabled cross-container tab search, fixed a 22-year-old password bug, and made DevTools faster. Read on for more updates from the Firefox Nightly blog.

Switch to Container Tabs - These Weeks in Firefox: Issue 157

Streamlining Production: LangSmith's New Logging and Automation Features

Streamlining Production: LangSmith's New Logging and Automation Features

LangChain Dev announces exciting new features in LangSmith to help AI engineers optimize their LLM-powered applications in production.

Streamlining Production: LangSmith's New Logging and Automation Features

Streamlining PostgreSQL Logging with journald: A Technical Guide

Streamlining PostgreSQL Logging with journald: A Technical Guide

Discover how to effortlessly manage your PostgreSQL logs using the powerful journald logging system, allowing you to gain better visibility and control over your database's operations.

Streamlining PostgreSQL Logging with journald: A Technical Guide

Secure Terraform Cloud API tokens with HashiCorp Vault

Secure Terraform Cloud API tokens with HashiCorp Vault

Learn how to use Vault Secrets Operator to retrieve API tokens, synchronize them to Kubernetes secrets, and reference them in the Terraform Cloud Operator.

Secure Terraform Cloud API tokens with HashiCorp Vault

Secrets from the NSA's Newsletter: A Cryptography Insider's View

Secrets from the NSA's Newsletter: A Cryptography Insider's View

Newly declassified NSA newsletters from the 1990s and early 2000s provide a rare glimpse into the world of government cryptography, including a scathing review of Bruce Schneier's classic book 'Applied Cryptography'.

Secrets from the NSA's Newsletter: A Cryptography Insider's View

Running fine-tuned models on Workers AI with LoRAs

Running fine-tuned models on Workers AI with LoRAs

Workers AI now supports fine-tuned models using LoRAs. But what is a LoRA and how does it work? In this post, we dive into fine-tuning, LoRAs and even some math to share the details of how it all works under the hood

Running fine-tuned models on Workers AI with LoRAs

Redis Empowers Consistent and Intelligent .NET Apps

Redis Empowers Consistent and Intelligent .NET Apps

Discover how Redis can enhance the performance, consistency, and intelligence of your .NET applications, from powering semantic memories to enabling output caching.

Redis Empowers Consistent and Intelligent .NET Apps

Postgres Extensions: Packaging and Distribution as OCI Images

Postgres Extensions: Packaging and Distribution as OCI Images

Technical journalist Álvaro Hernández explores why Postgres extensions should be packaged and distributed as OCI images, leveraging the benefits of the OCI ecosystem.

Postgres Extensions: Packaging and Distribution as OCI Images

Postgres Extensions Packaged as OCI Images: The Future of Extensibility

Postgres Extensions Packaged as OCI Images: The Future of Extensibility

At OnGres, the team behind StackGres, a Kubernetes platform for Postgres, has been operating a Postgres extension repository for years. They now share their insights on why Postgres extensions should be packaged and distributed as OCI images.

Postgres Extensions Packaged as OCI Images: The Future of Extensibility

Merge Items: A Perl and Raku Solution to a Weekly Challenge

Merge Items: A Perl and Raku Solution to a Weekly Challenge

Discover how a technical journalist summarizes the key points of a Perl Weekly Challenge article, providing developers with a quick overview to decide if they want to read the full publication.

Merge Items: A Perl and Raku Solution to a Weekly Challenge

MariaDB 11.4 LTS: A Long-Term Support Release to Boost Adoption

MariaDB 11.4 LTS: A Long-Term Support Release to Boost Adoption

MariaDB has announced that its upcoming 11.4 release will be a long-term support (LTS) version, providing developers with a stable and feature-rich database solution for the next five years.

MariaDB 11.4 LTS: A Long-Term Support Release to Boost Adoption

Leveling up Workers AI: General Availability and more new capabilities

Leveling up Workers AI: General Availability and more new capabilities

Today, we're excited to make a series of announcements, including Workers AI, Cloudflare's inference platform becoming GA and support for fine-tuned models with LoRAs and one-click deploys from HuggingFace. Cloudflare Workers now supports the Python programming language, and more

Leveling up Workers AI: General Availability and more new capabilities

How a Sophisticated Backdoor Almost Infected the World

How a Sophisticated Backdoor Almost Infected the World

A complex backdoor in the open-source xz Utils compression utility was accidentally discovered just before it could have been widely distributed, highlighting the need for better security practices in critical software projects.

How a Sophisticated Backdoor Almost Infected the World

Unlocking Insights: Spotify's Robust Data Platform Explained

Unlocking Insights: Spotify's Robust Data Platform Explained

Spotify's engineering team shares an inside look at the company's data platform, its evolution, and the key factors driving organizations to invest in building a robust data infrastructure.

Unlocking Insights: Spotify's Robust Data Platform Explained

Demystifying the Pathlen Constraint on Root Certificates

Demystifying the Pathlen Constraint on Root Certificates

Explore the purpose and proper usage of the pathLen constraint in X.509 root certificates, as explained by a technical expert.

Demystifying the Pathlen Constraint on Root Certificates

Bringing Python to Workers using Pyodide and WebAssembly

Bringing Python to Workers using Pyodide and WebAssembly

Introducing Cloudflare Workers in Python, now in open beta! We've revamped our systems to support Python, from the runtime to deployment. Learn about Python Worker's lifecycle, dynamic linking, and memory snapshots in this post

Bringing Python to Workers using Pyodide and WebAssembly

Open Source Veteran Contributes to Kernel Security and klibc Updates

Open Source Veteran Contributes to Kernel Security and klibc Updates

Ben Hutchings, a seasoned open-source developer, has been actively involved in maintaining critical Linux kernel and klibc packages, ensuring the security and stability of these essential components.

Open Source Veteran Contributes to Kernel Security and klibc Updates

Exploring Versions of the Postgres Logical Replication Protocol

Exploring Versions of the Postgres Logical Replication Protocol

Postgres logical replication has evolved over the years, with newer protocol versions introducing features like streaming of in-progress transactions and parallel apply. This article dives into these protocol versions and their impact on performance and reliability.

Exploring Versions of the Postgres Logical Replication Protocol

Uncovering a Nation-State Attack: Lessons from the OpenSSH and XZ/liblzma Saga

Uncovering a Nation-State Attack: Lessons from the OpenSSH and XZ/liblzma Saga

A technical journalist examines a recent nation-state attack on open-source software maintainers, revealing the importance of awareness, resilience, and recoverability in securing the software supply chain.

Uncovering a Nation-State Attack: Lessons from the OpenSSH and XZ/liblzma Saga

Ryzen AI: Powering AI Performance for Everyday Consumers

Ryzen AI: Powering AI Performance for Everyday Consumers

AMD's Ryzen AI processors offer impressive performance and efficiency for running large language models like LLM Studio, outpacing competing x86 solutions.

Ryzen AI: Powering AI Performance for Everyday Consumers

Recapping the Hits and Misses at KubeCon EU 2024 in Paris

Recapping the Hits and Misses at KubeCon EU 2024 in Paris

A technical journalist's take on the key highlights and takeaways from the recent KubeCon and CloudNativeCon Europe 2024 conference in Paris, covering topics like AI, security, and networking.

Recapping the Hits and Misses at KubeCon EU 2024 in Paris

Perl Weekly Challenge: Targeting the Index

Perl Weekly Challenge: Targeting the Index

In this article, the technical journalist Laurent R. provides solutions in Raku and Perl for the Perl Weekly Challenge 263, Task 1, which involves finding the indices of a target element in a sorted array.

Perl Weekly Challenge: Targeting the Index

Unlocking the Font Library: How to Register Custom Collections

Unlocking the Font Library: How to Register Custom Collections

Learn how to register custom font collections for the WordPress Font Library, offering users a curated typography experience.

Unlocking the Font Library: How to Register Custom Collections

Microsoft Graph Webinars: Mapping Meeting Registration to Webinar APIs

Microsoft Graph Webinars: Mapping Meeting Registration to Webinar APIs

Microsoft is deprecating the Microsoft Graph meeting registration beta APIs and introducing new webinar APIs. This article provides a quick overview of the deprecated APIs and the new webinar APIs that developers should use to update their solutions.

Microsoft Graph Webinars: Mapping Meeting Registration to Webinar APIs

Why Workers Environment Variables Contain Live Objects

Why Workers Environment Variables Contain Live Objects

Bindings don't just reduce boilerplate. They are a core design feature of the Workers platform which simultaneously improve developer experience and application security in several ways.

Why Workers Environment Variables Contain Live Objects

Explore the Postgres Extension Ecosystem at the Mini-Summit

Explore the Postgres Extension Ecosystem at the Mini-Summit

Join the virtual Postgres Extension Ecosystem Mini-Summit to learn about the current state and future of extension registration, packaging, and distribution from leading community contributors.

Explore the Postgres Extension Ecosystem at the Mini-Summit

Embracing the Challenges: CodePen's Chris Coyier Shares Insights on Hard Things in Programming

Embracing the Challenges: CodePen's Chris Coyier Shares Insights on Hard Things in Programming

In a candid and insightful article, CodePen co-founder Chris Coyier delves into the often-overlooked challenges that software developers face, offering a refreshingly honest perspective on the realities of the profession.

Embracing the Challenges: CodePen's Chris Coyier Shares Insights on Hard Things in Programming

Distributed PostgreSQL Clustering Solutions

Distributed PostgreSQL Clustering Solutions

Explore the capabilities of pgEdge, a fully distributed PostgreSQL database optimized for the network edge, providing reduced data latency, ultra high availability, and targeted data residency.

Distributed PostgreSQL Clustering Solutions

Cloudflare Simplifies Development with D1, Hyperdrive, Queues and Analytics Engine GA

Cloudflare Simplifies Development with D1, Hyperdrive, Queues and Analytics Engine GA

Cloudflare announces the general availability of D1, Hyperdrive, Queues, and Workers Analytics Engine, providing developers with a powerful and integrated set of tools to build modern, full-stack applications.

Cloudflare Simplifies Development with D1, Hyperdrive, Queues and Analytics Engine GA

Building a Global Database with D1

Building a Global Database with D1

Cloudflare's built-in, serverless relational database D1 is now generally available, empowering developers to build production-ready applications with the familiarity of SQL.

Building a Global Database with D1

Accelerating Drug R&D with Intel® oneAPI Tools

Accelerating Drug R&D with Intel® oneAPI Tools

Discover how XtalPi, an AI and robotics powered company, achieved a 2.32x performance boost in its drug R&D application by leveraging Intel® oneAPI tools.

Accelerating Drug R&D with Intel® oneAPI Tools