Go News

Stay up-to-date with the latest developments and trends in the Go programming language.

Secure Randomness in Go 1.22

Russ Cox and Filippo Valsorda introduce the new ChaCha8Rand generator in Go 1.22, which brings better randomness and less damage when developers accidentally use math/rand instead of crypto/rand.

Evolving the Go Standard Library with math/rand/v2

This article discusses the rationale behind the new math/rand/v2 package in Go 1.22, which brings important improvements to the existing math/rand API while setting an example for how the Go team plans to revise other standard library packages in the future.

Migrating from Elastic's Go APM agent to OpenTelemetry Go SDK

Elastic is committed to helping OpenTelemetry succeed, which means building distributions of language SDKs. This article covers two ways developers can migrate from Elastic's Go APM agent to the OpenTelemetry Go SDK.

Go Developers Embrace AI, But Python Still Dominates the Generative AI Landscape

Go Developers Embrace AI, But Python Still Dominates the Generative AI Landscape

In this technical article, we dive into the results of the latest Go Developer Survey, uncovering insights on developer sentiment, the rise of AI-powered services, and the challenges faced by Go developers looking to expand their skills.

Go Developers Embrace AI, But Python Still Dominates the Generative AI Landscape

Exploring Go's Role in the Generative AI Revolution

Exploring Go's Role in the Generative AI Revolution

Go developer survey uncovers growing adoption of Go for AI/ML applications, but challenges remain with the Python-centric ecosystem.

Exploring Go's Role in the Generative AI Revolution

Unlock Your Coding Potential: JetBrains IDEs Now Feature Full Line Code Completion

Unlock Your Coding Potential: JetBrains IDEs Now Feature Full Line Code Completion

JetBrains has unveiled a groundbreaking AI-powered feature in their IDEs: full line code completion. Discover how this local, privacy-focused solution can boost your productivity and coding speed.

Unlock Your Coding Potential: JetBrains IDEs Now Feature Full Line Code Completion