SQL Insights

Stay up-to-date with the latest news, trends, and best practices in the world of SQL programming.

Uncovering the Differences: Implicit Conversion in Oracle vs. PostgreSQL Migrations

Explore the challenges of implicit conversion when migrating from Oracle to PostgreSQL, and discover solutions to ensure seamless data handling.

Boost Database Security: Restrict Users to Read Replicas

When you're working with large databases in production, it is incredibly common to use read-replicas to improve performance. This guide shows how to configure a database user to only login successfully on a read-replica.

Supporting the world's most used database engine through 2050

SQLite is the most used database engine in the world, and developers have pledged to support it through the year 2050. This article explores the story behind this remarkable open-source project.

Installing pg_tle on Ubuntu: A Quick Guide

PostgreSQL is a powerful database, but sometimes you want to extend its functionality with custom features, and that's where extensions like pg_tle come into play.

Unlock New PostgreSQL Superpowers with pg_tle

Did you know there's a way to add custom functionality to your PostgreSQL database, even on managed services like Amazon RDS? Discover the power of pg_tle, a must-know tool for any PostgreSQL developer.

Unlocking the Power of Graph Databases: The Release of GQL:2024

The software development community is abuzz with the news of the release of GQL:2024, the first version of the GQL standard, published by the ISO. This groundbreaking development promises to revolutionize how developers work with graph databases.

PostgreSQL 17: Merge and Split Partitions

Discover the new partition management capabilities in PostgreSQL 17, including the ability to merge and split partitions. Learn how these features can help optimize your database structure.

PostgreSQL's Steady Progress on SQL/JSON Features

PostgreSQL's Steady Progress on SQL/JSON Features

Discover the exciting developments in PostgreSQL's SQL/JSON support, as the database management system steadily adds new functionality and capabilities to this powerful feature.

PostgreSQL's Steady Progress on SQL/JSON Features

PL/pgSQL Conversion Gotchas: How to Handle Conflicting Variables

PL/pgSQL Conversion Gotchas: How to Handle Conflicting Variables

Deepak Mahto, a database expert, shares insights on handling conflicting variables during the conversion of PL/SQL to PL/pgSQL code in this concise and informative article.

PL/pgSQL Conversion Gotchas: How to Handle Conflicting Variables

Navigating the Pitfalls of SELECT *: A Developer's Guide

Navigating the Pitfalls of SELECT *: A Developer's Guide

Discover the surprising drawbacks of using the seemingly innocent SELECT * in your SQL queries and learn how to optimize your database performance.

Navigating the Pitfalls of SELECT *: A Developer's Guide